Cicada "Double Crow" will descend on these 16 states next month

A double emergence of this nature has not occurred since 1803.

Some will say that the bourning sound of cicadas signals the unofficial start of summer - however, this year, you would be better to invest in a pair of anti -burning headphones. For the first time in 221 years, Two different broods Periodic cicadas will be unleashed simultaneously on a third of the United States in what some call an "apocalypse of Cigada". And now experts predict that the frenzy could occur next month.

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Brood XIII and XIX brood are the species of cicadas behind the double emergence, according to ScienceATT . This year marks the first appearance of the first appearance of XIII ("Northern Illinois Brood"), while the XIX ("Great Southern Brood") brood was seen for the last time 13 years ago.

As mentioned in his name, the XIII brood, or the "Brood of the Northern Illinois", will be known mainly in the Midwest - Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, compared, compared to, compared to Cigade mania . Brood XIX, on the other hand, will cover much more terrain, emerging in 14 different states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgie, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Caroline du Nord, Oklahoma, Caroline du Sud, Tennessee and Virginie. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Residents of Illinois and Indiana are in a very special treat, because they will be invaded by the two broods.

Sciencelet previously reported that the XIII cut and the XIX brood would emerge from the ground between May and June 2024. However, biology and fauna experts now say that cicadas will start realistically at the end of April.

"We expect the periodic cicadas to begin to emerge during the last week of April at the southern end of their distribution, which is in northern Louisiana, northern Mississippi, northern 'Alabama and Georgia "," Gene Kritsky , PhD, professor emeritus of biology at Mount Saint Joseph University, said People .

As for the beginnings of Brood XIX, Kritsky said that "could occur in the last week of April in the first week of May".

The regions with the overlap of Cigada will have a little time before the XIII brood made its big entry, which should not strike before "the last week of May", noted Kritsky. But even then, this period is even earlier than when the brood emerged in June 2007.

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The reason for the difference between the emergence of the XIII brood and the XIX brood has to do with the soil temperature. According to Kritesky and Wildlife, Fahrenheit is the sweet. Steve Nicholls . Once the soil has reached this temperature, criminal baby or "nymphs" will allow their exoskeletons and emerge in adulthood, by science.

But as Kritesky noted, emergence is not a day's process. "It's not like everything or not; People .

Once above the ground, cicadas have approximately one month's shelf life. From start to finish, cicadas "will be present in their emergence areas for about six weeks," said Kritsky.

A reign of six weeks of cicadas may seem terrifying, in particular for those of the overlap area, but Kritsky said that it was more a fun fact than a warning.

"I think people expect to see double cicadas, an apocalypse of Cigada or Armageddon," he said, noting that this will not be the case. "It is a very narrow area. In addition, it is on the extreme edge of the two broods. And on the edges of the broods, this is where the figures are not as large."

Although a viral tornado of flying insects can give you the Heebie-Jeebies, it would be a unique thing to assist. Incredibly rare programming will not happen before 2445.

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