The most jealous and less jealous zodiac signs, according to astrologers

Astrologers share who is green with desire and who will be tickled pink for you.

When you have good news, there are probably people you want to share it first. They go ooh and aah Your engagement ring Or bring a bottle of champagne as a gift of rack hanging. Then there are those to whom you feel the need to minimize your victories. They will tell you how beautiful your ring is considering the small diamond or by raising the mortgage rates at high height when you talk about your new house, unable to hide their desire. And not that this tolerates their behavior, but it could be their horoscope that highlights this coveted nature. Continue to read to obtain the complete classification of astrologers of the most jealous and least jealous zodiac signs, of those who have no bones of resentment in their bodies to people who have green eyes of envy.

In relation: The zodiac sign is the most stuck in their ways, according to astrologers .

Aquarius (January 20, 18-18)

man complimenting coworker
Saksit / Shutterstock

THE The greatest sign of the intellectual zodiac is anchored in fact and figures, not emotions.

"Aquarius is very live and lets live," says Author and astrologer Lisa Barretta . "They are very distant, and for them, jealousy is a waste of time."

Aquarians appreciate the community and will encourage and celebrate their people with Glee. As Charlotte Kirsten , founder of the astrology blog Generally relevant , said: "Aquarius is too busy creating his own opportunities to have enough time to worry about someone else." In fact, she notes that they are more often at the reception of jealousy.

Sagittarius (November 22, December 21)

two teenage girls listening to music together
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Instead of triggering jealousy, your success will generally inspire the motivation of a Sagittarius to achieve its own objectives.

"" Food by ambition , Sagittarians cannot help but revel in the achievements of others, "said Kirsten." While other signs roll and call it "Lucky", the Sagittarius knows exactly how much you worked and the inspiring judge. ""

Barretta stresses that this sign can sometimes be accused of jealousy when he copies someone's style or technique, "but for them, it is more a compliment to have what their friends have."

Fish (February 19-March 20)

A group of friends celebrating Thanksgiving dinner together in a home.

Empathic fish are also incredibly not jealous, but they are not as altruistic.

"The fish are too taken in their own world to even take time for jealousy," said Barretta. "The situations that even refer to jealousy or competition means that the fish are looking for an exit from an escape so that they do not have to face disturbing emotions."

These reveries Take their pink perspectives so far that they will not even become jealous in relationships. You will never catch them with a pout on their face because their partner discusses the bartender or helps an ex in need. Instead, they will join the conversation or offer a helping hand.

In relation: The most unstable zodiac sign, according to astrologers .

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

two young men shaking hands in a bar
4 p.m. Production / Shutterstock

Like fish, non -jealous nature of Gemini is more a question of their Super-social circumstances .

"Gemini does not have time to become jealous because they go from one group to another and never stay long enough to get caught by the monster with green eyes," notes Barretta.

However, if you are looking for a cheerleader in your corner, you will have to make a good case. "The most important thing is to show them the sensible side of the discussion," said Alice Alta , the resident astrologer of Futurio astrology application .

Virgin (August 23-September 22)

A young man smiling and combing his hair in front of his laptop at his desk in the office.
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

As Barretta indicates, the Virgos are "more critical than jealous".

These judgment perfectionists Does Nitpick themselves and the others, but they really believe that they are still right-so what is it jealous?

"Virgos want to order, and jealousy is a unsightly and irrational emotion that simply does not correspond to their effective world vision," added Bella Nguen , A Astrology columnist At Indiellogy magazine.

Aries (March 21, 18 April)

Woman working out with light dumbells outdoors

You may be surprised that Hot -headed are not more jealous, but, like Virgos, they think too much about them to envy others.

Nguen describes their nature as a "" me against the fearlessness of the world ".

"Their unshakable self-confidence leaves little room for jealousy to take root," she explains. "Although they can be possessive partners, they are generally too busy blocking their own trails to worry about someone else."

In relation: The 12 most toxic zodiac pairs, according to astrologers .

Balance (September 23-October 22)

Woman jealous of her partner's interactions with another woman.
Wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

The balance land in the middle of the list because their jealousy tends to make the head in romantic relationships.

"Their jealousy generally appears when they see a warmer or more" ideal "couple", says Astrologer and Tarot reader Ryan Marquardt . "Even if a balance goes to the heels in love with his partner, he could guess the whole relationship when he discovers another couple who seems to" have everything "in a way that Balance does not live."

The good news? This balanced panel Generally discover their jealous explosions fairly quickly.

Bull (April 20-May 20)

Happy woman showing her upset and jealous girlfriend her engagement ring while they sip champagne on the couch.
Prostock-Studio / Istock

The bull likes to engage in the finest parts of life: dear candles, fancy dinners, Broadway box seats. But not all bullfights cannot afford a luxury life. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"If you have more material value That a bull, they can become incredibly stubborn and pessimistic, and they could even make you feel bad to live such an extravagant lifestyle, "explains Marquardt.

And when they TO DO Acquire these things themselves, they can be quite possessive, adds Barretta. "What belongs to them is theirs and everyone would be better to go back," she said.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Female coworker rolling eyes at male
Sjale / Shutterstock

The Capricorns are governed by Saturn, the planet of jealousy, underlines Barretta. And like the bull, they will become envious on the luxury of others.

"The Capricorns become jealous of those who have more in the material world as better jobs, income and high-end goods," she said.

However, the bull really appreciates objects at hand, while Capricorn, the most worked zodiac sign , cares more about the status they represent.

In relation: The most vindictive zodiac sign, according to astrologers .

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Young couple is looking worried at laptop and talking at home.

For cancer, "emotional security is everything," says Nguen. "Cancer quickly turns a shade of green if it feels disloyalty or emotional distancing from a loved one," she explains.

An example of the way it comes into play is when they are ousted from the role of guardian. "When you choose to ask for advice or feed someone else, cancer considers it as a sign of rejection," said Marquardt.

They will use it as an opportunity to take someone to the other person in which you confide. "Just because they don't like that person, it's just that they are injured, you have found someone else to help you cure," adds Marquardt.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

woman looking forlorn and sitting alone at a table wearing a party hat and blowing a noisemaker

"The radiant lion Buy the star And endless admiration, ”says Nguen.

"Although exteriorly guaranteed, they have a desperate thirst to celebrate as the most special and the most adored," she explains. "Anything that calls into question this grandiose self -perception - whether success, beauty or talents in others - can ignite bright yellow agitation demonstrations."

In fact, their reputation as a most dramatic zodiac sign stems from jealousy. "The second someone is not impressed by what Leo has to offer, he gives himself everything to do everything until you notice his star power," explains Marquardt.

Scorpion (October 23-21)

man in bed looking at his boyfriend and explaining, using hand gesture

Like cancer, the jealousy of Scorpion has just wanted their loved ones. However, while cancers carry these emotions on their sleeves, scorpios "camouflage turbulent undercover of jealousy under their mysterious exterior , "Nguen shares.

"Scorpions form intense connections and want absolute intimacy," she adds. "Get out of their closely injured circle of confidence, and their spicy jealousy will surely strike."

According to Marquardt, this can be particularly problematic in romantic relationships, where scorpios show their jealousy by paranoia and suspicion.

Categories: Relationships
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