How to get rid of bedbugs as simple as possible

Antiparasitic control professionals share their best advice to help you fight against potential infestation.

Strictly minimum, sleeping tight means not to let the drawing pins to bite. But when this pest finds its way in your home, it can cause total control - leading to many white nights instead. This is why it is important to anticipate an infestation of bedbugs before it goes too far. You do not know where to start? We talked to different experts to get their advice on how to get rid of bedbugs for good. Read the rest for their advice on the easiest way to rest easily.

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What are bedbugs?

A close up of a Female Bed Bug found in Connecticut.

Scientifically known as CIMEX LECULARIUS , drawing pins are parasitic insects Who feed on blood, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They can be found around the world, but have recently been propagate In certain parts of the United States

What causes an infestation of bedbugs?

Bed Bugs Colony in Mattress

Bedbugs are quick to spread, causing infestations wherever they go. But while many people fear only to collect these pests in hotels, they can and travel many more places than that, Diana Ludwiczak , New York certified bedbug inspector And the founder of Doctor Sniffs Bed Bug Dogs, warns.

"For example, if you live in an apartment building and a neighboring unit has a bedbug problem, this can in turn make you get bedbugs," she said. "You can also collect bedbugs in all public seats or other places where people are seated."

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How to check the bedbugs?

Before you can attack an infestation, you should know if you have a bed bug problem or not. To help you check, follow these four tips to find out if your home houses bedbugs.

1. Learn what bedbugs look like.

Bedbugs are known for their reddish brown color, Jim Mchale ,, certified entomologist And CEO of JP MCHALE PEST Management, says Better life . They are also flat, without wings and vary in size from 1 millimeter to 7 millimeters, according to the CDC.

"The bedbugs are really small - just on the size of an apple seed," confirms Mchale.

2. Check your skin.

Bedbug bites are visible on the back of a woman standing in a hotel room

Since bedbugs feed on human blood, the CDC says "one of the simplest ways to identify an infestation of bedbugs is by revealing bite marks" that they leave on your skin during that you sleep. These bites can appear on the face, beck, arms, hands or any other part of the body.

"The bite marks are similar to those of a mosquito or a chip - a slightly swollen and red area that can itch and be irritating," adds the agency. "The bite brands can be random or appear in a straight line."

3. Inspect your mattress.

Bed bug on mattress

But not all people develop visible signs of bedbugs, so it is important to check other clues to determine if you are faced with an infestation. When they don't eat, bedbugs often hide around your bed.

"They can be found near the piping, seams and labels of the mattress and the spring of the box, and in cracks on the frame and the headboard," explains the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) On his website .

4. Identify the additional hiding places.

If you do not see bedbugs around your mattress, this does not necessarily mean that you have no problem.

"Bedbugs hide more than frames and bed mattresses," warns Mchale.

He also suggests checking small cracks, crevices, plinths and bedside cabinets. You must also inspect the seams, blankets and zippers of sofas and chairs, alongside the places where the furniture meets the walls and where the doors are sealed.

And don't just be looking for bugs themselves in these areas.

"Look for dark or black spots, perhaps from excrement of bedbugs, as well as fecal material in cluster, which resembles overturned pepper", advises Mchale.

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How to get rid of bedbugs quickly

Ok, you have discovered signs of infestation. What to follow? First of all, don't panic. Then read the rest for seven ways of quickly eliminating bedbugs from your home.

1. Take absolutely everything.

Mattress cleaning

The first step that Ludwiczak recommends when it comes to getting rid of bedbugs is to use your vacuum.

Once vacuuming in all areas where there could be bedbugs or eggs, don't forget to take other measures to prevent them from re -emerging and spreading again.

"You must make sure to empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner and seal it in a bag," she said. "Then, you will want to vacuum in a waterproof pressure tank. In this way, your vacuum is isolated."

2. Use bed incense for bed punished.

You can also consider using bedbug speakers to stop this insect to spread fast, according to Ludwiczak. These protective covers (which are generally in light or light white) adapt closely on your mattress or pillows in order to trap and smoother bedbugs hiding on your bedding.

3. Attack them with heat.


Bedbugs have trouble with heat, so applying a heat treatment is another way to kill them.

"They cannot survive temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit," Shawn Gleason , PHD, experienced entomologist And the founder of Bugs Encyclopedia, explains.

To attack bedbugs with heat, you can use a dryer on high heat or use black plastic bags in a hot closed car, according to EPA.

However, "D o Do not try to kill bedbugs by increasing your interior temperature with a thermostat, a propane radiator or a home - it does not work and is dangerous, "warns the agency.

4. Gélésie them.

If you find bedbugs hiding on elements sensitive to heat, Allan Bosel ,, Expert fighting against pests And owner of Michigan Bed Bune Specialists, says that you can rather consider a cold treatment.

"Opt to freeze them by placing the items in a freezer set at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for at least four days," he recommends.

5. Use a steam boat.

Iron with steam in hand. Clothes steamer and steam iron. Housework concept.

According to Bossel, wet or dry steam cleaners can be used to get rid of bedbugs in furniture, mattresses or other potential hiding places. Manual vapors are particularly useful for putting yourself in tight cracks or corners.

"But make sure that the temperature of steam reaches at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit to effectively kill bedbugs and their eggs," he said.

6. Use desiccants.

Diatomaceous earth also known as diatomite mixed in glass jar and wood spoon on gray background, studio shot.

The use of desiccants such as the earth of diatoms can also "dehydrate and kill bedbugs", notes Gleason. As Michel Johnson ,, Antiparasitic professional And the founder of, also explains, the earth diatomaceous is a natural substance which acts as a powerful weapon against bedbugs because of its abrasive quality.

"This is how it works: when the earth of diatoms comes into contact with bedbugs, this causes damage to their outer shells, called exoskeletons. Bedbugs count on these shells to protect themselves and to keep humidity ", Share Johnson. "The tiny pointed particles in diatome's soil create tiny cuts and abrasions on the exoskeletons of bedbugs. This does not only damage their protective layer, but also leads to dehydration."

7. Search for chemical insecticides.

Are you looking for something a little stronger? According to EPA, there is more than 300 chemicals Save for use against bedbugs, most of which can be used by the daily consumer. But Johnson warns against trying to rely solely on chemical insecticides for your infestations, because bedbugs are known to develop a "remarkable resistance" by many of the most commonly used chemicals.

"To make things more difficult, bedbugs have developed a behavioral adaptation known as the avoidance behavior," added the expert. "When they detect the presence of certain chemical insecticides, they will actively avoid these areas. This means that even if you apply these chemicals, you may not reach all hiding places where bedbugs are hidden." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Do I have to invest in professional treatment for bedbugs?

pest control worker lying on floor and spraying pesticides in bedroom.

Although attempts to make yourself do yourself can end up being a viable solution, they are not always effective in completely eradicating the bedbugs of your home.

"Self-treatment generally does not eliminate bugs at their source," warns Mchale. "Very often, the problem spreads to other areas, making attenuation more complex."

Regarding serious infestations, Bossel says that it is preferable to seek a professional from the antiparasitic struggle.

"Their expertise and access to specialized equipment can guarantee that all bedbug eggs and bedbugs are killed in the treated area," he explains.

But it is also important to consider the amount of money you need to spend on treatment. According to Johnson, the average price of professional treatment for bedbugs is about $ 1,500.

"The price will vary with the size of the treated house, the extent of the infestation and the state in which you live mainly," he said.

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Popular myths on bedbugs

There are many traditions on bedbugs, especially the way they spread and what it takes to get rid of them. But everything is not true. Here are five popular myths on bedbugs that must be demystified.

1. You will have to throw everything you have.

Black garbage bags on the road with green grass and plants background

Many people think that the only way to really get rid of bedbugs is to throw all their personal effects. But it is a common news idea, according to Johnson.

"This extreme measure can be emotionally and financial," he says. "The truth is that, although unblocking can help, it is rarely necessary to throw everything. Effective treatments, such as thermal treatments and targeted pesticide applications, can eliminate bedbugs from your personal effects without having to need Drastic measures - Save you unnecessary losses. "

2. Bedbugs infection only dirty houses.

If you are caught with bedbugs, some may assume that your house should be dirty. But it is another myth that "bedbugs are a sign of bad hygiene", according to Johnson.

"The reality is that bedbugs are equal opportunity pests and can infest any house, whatever their cleanliness. They are more attracted to human hosts for blood meals than for dirt", he explains. "So even if your house is impeccable, you are not immune to an infestation of bedbugs."

3. Bedbugs will not influence the foam mattresses.

Woman's hands touching different layers of new mattress. Checking hardness and softness. Choice of the best type and quality. Front view. Close up.

It is also believed that the foam mattresses are safe from bedbug infestations because of their dense structure, notes Johnson. But that's not true either.

"Bedbugs are ingenious pests and can find their way in foam mattresses as easily as other types," says Johnson. "While foam mattresses can offer fewer hiding places, they are always sensitive to infestations. This is why it is crucial to remain vigilant and take preventive measures, whatever your type of mattress."

4. Bedbugs travel only on clothes or other fabrics.

Bedbugs can certainly hike on clothes or fabrics, but it is hardly their only mode of transport.

"These parasites can crawl on various surfaces, including wood, plastic and metal. They are also able to cover important distances to find new hiding places," warns Johnson. "So it is important to inspect and treat all potential hiding places during an infestation, including furniture, luggage and electronics."

5. After treatment, they will have left for good.

person detecting pest or insect on a furniture textile. parasite control and cleaning service concept. sanitation worker. copy space.

Although optimistic, the idea that a singular treatment will mean the permanent end of bedbugs in your space is also a myth. Unfortunately, this is generally not the case.

"Bedbugs often require several applications and continuous monitoring to ensure complete eradication. These pests are resilient and can develop resistance to pesticides over time," says Johnson. "This is why professional extermination services use a combination of methods, such as thermal treatments and insecticides, to effectively eliminate bedbugs and prevent their return. It is crucial to remain vigilant and proactive to prevent future infestations Even after treatment. "

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What can I do to prevent bedbugs from coming back?

A bedbug on a bed sheet moments after biting a person lying on the bed; its body is swollen with blood.

Once you TO DO Get rid of bedbugs, this is probably not a battle that you want to fight again. But that means that you will have to make additional efforts to prevent bedbugs from coming back.

To do this, you should continue to monitor the infested area and keep your place tidy. Also seal all cracks, plinths or sockets, "as bedbugs are creatures that are fleeing that can pass the smallest openings," notes Johnson.

You should also consider investing in bedbugs as a preventive measure.

"The covers can act like a barrier, preventing bedbugs from infesting your sleeping areas," he explains. "Interceptors placed under the legs of your bed can also help trap bedbugs trying to climb, stopping them on their traces."

The last step you need to take to prevent bedbugs from coming back is to be aware of the risk of travel, which can increase your chances of meeting this embarrassing devastor.

"You should be careful when you stay in hotels or other accommodation, inspecting bedding and furniture for infestation signs," said Johnson.

Then, when you go home to travel, there are certain measures that you will also have to take, especially if you believe that you have been exposed to bedbugs.

"Unpack your luggage outside or in a separate area and wash your clothes and belongings at high temperatures to kill the hitchhike bedbugs," recommends the expert.


This is everything for our guide on how to get rid of bedbugs as simple as possible, but be sure to check soon with us for more devices.

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