10 exploded nutritional myths!

"I'm going to break," said my friend Brian. "Recording on my bank account is like watching an ice cube in the Sahara."

I was sorry to hear about his dilemma. What led him to financial ruin? What kind of seasonal dependence has had my friend in his grip?

"Try to eat healthy," he explained. "For example, all Saturdays, I go to the farmer market and Illing $ 24 per book - for Kale! It costs me a fortune. But if you want to eat well, you have to go out with good things, right?"

I shake my head. To eat this, not that!, We spend a lot of time unmasking the impulators of health. And the truth is that Kale's superpowers, like the dangers of the triangle of Bermuda, have been very exaggerated. Of course, it's good for you, but Kale's ranking that our greatest green is just one of the many myths of word of mouth that lead our nutritional decision, often in the wrong direction. Much of what we believe in food is really just a folder, a nutritional phone game transmitted from scientific journals to newspapers on television at your aunt Phoebe to your mother, then to you, with marketing specialists.

Well, we had the research team atEat this, not that! Follow the truth. Learn how to separate the facts from fiction and you could finally throw the habits that silently sabotate yourweightloss efforts. But I must warn you: the truth can be hurt.


Kale is our healthier green

Kale on a plate

A 2014 study at William Paterson University ranked fruits and vegetables through their nutritional density, based on their different levels of 17 different nutrients related to cardiovascular improvement. Not surprisingly, the top 16 were all leafy greens, which pack the most nutrition by calorie. (Coming to n ° 17, it was red peppers.) But Kale did not even make the top 10. In fact, simple spinach and even Roman lettuce beat the suspected supergus, as well as the Parsley and chives. Even tips that you normally throw - the GREENS ATOP BETTERAVES-PACK PLUS NUTRITION. (Here is a list of the top ten health healthy thankale, so you can mix your salad rut.)


High fructose corn syrup is worse than table sugar


The sugar is the master of disguise. Maltodextrin, brown rice syrup, dextrose, sucrose - he has more alter ego than the Avengers. But it is the best known costume is the high corn syrup of fructose. If HFCs are worse than Oll Oll Table sugar has long been a contentious problem. Here's what you need to know: In a 2014 review of five studies comparing the effects of sugar and HFC, no differences were found in the variation of blood glucose, lipid levels or appetite between consumption Table sugar and HFCS consumption. In other words, your body can not tell each other - they are only sugar. The true sin of HFCS is that it is super cheap and, therefore, it is added to everything from cereals to Ketchup with salad vinaigrette. Is it a good idea to minimize HFCs in your diet? Absoutely. It is better to cut all unnecessary sugars. But the role of HFCS as nutritional enemy No. 1 has been exaggerated. Now that you know, find out how to avoid consuming so much sugar with these30 easy ways to stop eating so much sugar!


Sea salt is a healthier version of regular salt


The everyday table salt comes from a mine and contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium by tea spoon. The sea salt comes from evaporated seawater and also contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium. This does, well, roughly identical. Lawyers indicate that sea salt also contains other compounds such as magnesium and iron, but in truth, these minerals exist in traces. To obtain a significant dose, you must take extremely high and potentially dangerous sodium levels. In addition, the traditional table salt is regularly enriched with iodine, which plays an important role in the regulation of hormones in your body. Sea salt, on the other hand, gives you virtually zero iodine. The bottom line is: If you have sea salt salt salt, you can even consume an extra granule, you simply do not have stifled everything you hope to receive. In addition, you lost a few dollars. P.S. - The salt is a major culprit in the35 things that make you swell!


Energy drinks are less harmful than soda

energy drinks

The energizing drinks such as the red bull, the monster and the full accelerator attempt to increase your energy with a B vitamin cache, herbal extracts and amino acids. But what your body will remember most (especially around your size) is the sugar of these concoctions; A 16 ounce can offer as much as 280 pure sugar calories, which corresponds to about 80 calories more than you will find in a cup of pepsi 16 ounces. In addition, a study by a Maryland University has found an energizing drinks of 11% more corrosive to your teeth than regular soda. Here is the secret that energy drink companies do not want you to know: the only important and important energy stimulator comes from caffeine. If you want a boost of energy, save the sugar tip and drink a cup of coffee. (A cup of black joe: 5 calories. Do this swap once a day and lose nearly 29 pounds this year!


Diet Sodas helps keep you thin


The research community on obesity becomes increasingly aware that the artificial sweeteners used in the Soda-Aspartame diet and sucralose, which will result in a difficult fury to control later in the day. A Purdue study discovered that rats have taken more calories if they had been fed artificial sweeteners before the meal, and a study from the University of Texas revealed that people who consume only three dietary sodas per week were more than 40% more likely to be obese. Try to get tilted on carbonate water and flavoring with lemon, cucumber and fresh herbs.

A study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health I noticed that more obese adults drink régie soda than adults of healthy weight and that, among overweight and obese adults studied, those who drank from the diet soda more calories than those who have consumed Sweet / regular sodas. Researchers also linked regular dietary soda consumption with a decrease in response to artificial sweeteners and a reduced link between sweet tastes and energy value, which means that their bodies can develop to dissociate sweetness with signals. Satiety, which facilitates too much meal and, consequently, to swear the weight. Plus, read these essentials5 reasons to finally give up the soda.


Go paleo is better for you


Paleo is one of the most chooled regimes in recent years. Bacon and steak for weight loss? Yes please! But the paleo diet is indeed too good to be true. Although protein-rich diets help books flying initially, the consumption of a high carbohydrate diet can actually cause long-term weight gain, tell Spanish researchers. In fact, their findings of the study revealed that those following high protein diets have a 90% risk of more than 10% of their body weight over time as those that are not heavy on meat. Harvest the benefits of weight loss of thePaleo diet plan-Ailout pay for that later, junk food and treated oils as suggested by the diet, but keep the control protein. Men should not have more than 56 grams a day and women should target 46 grams. Take more than the recommended amount and the surplus will probably be stored as a health fat.


All calories are created equally


Eating 300 chicken calories is not the same as eating 300 cake calories. The body uses and stores calories differently depending on the nutrients that each food is included. The corn and beans, for example, contain something called resistant starch, a type of carbon that is really difficult to digest. In turn, the body can not absorb as many calories or as much as glucose - a nutrient that is stored as fat if it is not burned. It is a similar story with sources of lean protein such as Turkey, chicken and fish. In addition to stimulating satiety, the protein also has a high thermogenic effect compared to greases and carbohydrates. In turn, your body burns a fair percentage of meat calories during the 35% post-meal calorie digestion process and peaks! Your favorite cookies can not do the same claim. In fact, since the majority of the calories of sweet treats come from sugar, to do too much of your calories desserts can let you hungry, fat and you have it guessed-frustrated.


The labeled "natural" foods are healthier


The FDA makes no serious effort to control the use of the word "natural" on nutrition labels. Case in point: 7up boasts it's made with "100% natural flavors" when, in fact, thea sodais sweet with a resolutely non-natural dose of high fructose corn syrup. "Maize" is natural, but the "high fructose corn syrup" is produced using a centrifuge and a series of chemical reactions. Other "natural" aggressors include natural cheetos, which are made with maltodextrin and disodium phosphate and "natural advantage" post grapes Bran, which bathes its dry grapes in the syrup of sugar and corn. The worst part is, you probably probably make a premium price for joint junk food.


Yogurt is good for bacteria in your belly


Of course, some yogurts contain beneficial bacteria that can send reinforcements to your intestine when you need it. Lactobacillus acidophilus is the bacterium you want to search, with yogurts that say "live active cultures". But most yogurts are so high in sugar that they do more to promote unhealthy intestinal bacteria than anything else. (Unhealthy bacteria feeds on sugar in your belly in the same way they make around your teeth.) No need to read all labels at the store; We did homework to follow theBest branded yogurts for weight loss!


Egg yolks increase your cholesterol

egg yolks

Egg yolks contain dietary cholesterol; This is true. But the research has proven that dietary cholesterol has nothing to do with serum cholesterol, things in your blood. Researchers at the University of Wake Up Forests have examined more than 30 egg studies and have found no link between egg consumption and heart disease, and a study in Saint-Louis has found that eating eggs Breakfast could reduce your calorie consumption for the rest of the day. Bonus: eggs are one of9 foods that close hormone hunger - fast!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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