≡ The part of the chicken that is dangerous for the human body! There anything? 》 Her Beauty

It turns out there is a part of chicken that should not be consumed by humans you know! What do you think there are parts? Is the innards included?

Who doesn't like processed chicken food? Even even small pieces of chicken if processed properly will become a very delicious dish. But have you ever imagined if there are parts of chicken that should not be consumed by humans? Examples such as the head, neck, to the feet. Why, why isn't it good? Instead of being curious, just see the first list below.

1. The skin part

Chicken skin is famous for its chewy and crispy texture and tasty taste. You don't need to use too much seasoning, because chicken skin already contains animal oil compounds that cause salty taste after consumption. But did you know if it turns out that chicken skin is not good if consumed too often?

It turns out that chicken skin has a high fat and cholesterol content. In 100 grams of fried chicken skin, there are about 40 grams of total fat and 100 milligrams of cholesterol. So that consuming excessive chicken skin will risk increasing coronary heart disease, stroke, obesity, cancer, to high blood pressure.

2. Wing section

In the last list there is a chicken wing that is also not good if consumed excessively. Because the chicken parts contain high fat levels and sodium and preservatives that can cause various health risks such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. In addition, if you like to fry chicken wings using oil that contains trans fats, this will be able to increase cholesterol levels in your body.

3. Foot part

Leg or Chicken feet Chicken is often found as a complementary menu in chicken noodles. Not even a few restaurants that serve chicken feet as the main menu. But did you know that chicken feet can cause gout?

Yes, claws contain high purine compounds. That compound is finally processed by the body into a source of gout. In addition, chicken feet also contain high cholesterol so that excessively consuming it can also increase the risk of developing kidney stones, joint pain, and high blood pressure.

4. The neck

The next list is a chicken neck. This section is often found in several dishes such as soto, tongseng, to lodeh. But it turns out that consuming excessive chicken necks can cause a risk of disease such as autoimmune, bacterial infections, and viral infections you know! How come?

Chicken neck turns out to contain a lot of lymph nodes that function as a filter to trap bakery and viruses. So if you often consume the neck of the chicken, then it can be infected with bacteria and viruses in the neck. Especially if the processing is not right, it can even be at risk of getting autoimmune diseases.

In addition, such as the skin and legs or chicken feet, the neck of the chicken also contains saturated fat and high cholesterol. So the risks in the chicken can also occur if you consume too often the neck of the chicken. Even the neck of chicken is at risk of containing harmful substances such as antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals, and pesticides that are not good for the human body.

5. Head of the head

Who would have thought that the chicken head was also not good if consumed excessively? It turns out that chicken head contains higher mercury than other parts of the chicken. This mercury can greatly endanger the human body, especially against nerve and brain health, especially in children and pregnant women.

In addition, the chicken head is one part that often comes in contact with the soil and dirt. So that if it is not processed properly and hygienically, it can be at high risk of being contaminated with bacteria and viruses. There are even some chicken breeders who provide factory feed that is difficult to dissolve in the digestive system of chicken, so that the chemical settles in the head of the chicken, especially the brain. Wow, so scary!

6. Brutu section

The buttocks or chicken brutu do contain lots of nutrients and are rich in protein. But apparently the calcium and iron content in brutu is higher than the chicken breast. In addition, brutu also contains oil and fat -producing glands. So that brutu is the most fatty chicken part than the other parts. What is the effect?

If you consume chicken too often, then this will increase the risk of mild to dangerous disease. Examples such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. In addition, chicken brutu is also a type of red meat and includes a type of processed meat, thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. So don't let you consume chicken brutu too much!

7. The innards section

Are you a fan of Soto Ayam Lamongan? It must be familiar with the additional menu in the form of chicken innards. Especially if you subscribe to Soto Cak Har in Surabaya. But did you know that the innards or organs in the chicken such as tripe, intestine, liver, gizzard. The lungs, heart, and spleen are not good if consumed excessively?

It turns out that chicken innards, like the legs contain very high purine. Causing gout if consumed excessively. In addition, chicken innards also contain saturated fat and high cholesterol. So you surely know what the risk is right?

In closing, have you ever heard of news or gossip that is widely circulating if chicken wings are also the location of hormone or vaccine injection so that it becomes very dangerous for consumption? But after being traced, the news was apparently not true or was one of the hoaks news. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has stated that the level of vaccine in chickens will not cause any side effects to humans because it is still on the safe threshold. But we still have to take care of ourselves by not consuming the above parts too!


Hangpa likes to do? The most delicious part. 😋 #AdikToys

♬ Fried Chicken - Foar Mc Sleq

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