Jon Cryer shares new details on the quarrel with the co-star of "Pretty in Pink" Andrew McCarthy
He opens why they didn't get along on the film set for adolescents.

The 1986 teenage drama Pretty in pink is about a Lycée love triangle , and it seems that the tension between the rivals for the affection of Molly Ringwald Andie also extended to real life. In the film, Andie begins to go out with the poprade of popular (and rich) classy class ( Andrew McCarthy ), while his best friend Duckie ( Juman ) Fucks for her and despises her new boyfriend. The two actors of Brat Pack were obviously not friends either, although the bad blood between them is not due to a conflict on Ringwald.
Casting Pretty in pink spoke of the friction on the set over the years, in particular Cryer explaining that he thought that Ringwald and McCarthy did not love him, and McCarthy saying that he found Cryer "in need" and too much as his character. Now, however, the past is in the past, as Cryer has explained in a recent episode of View .
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"He and I did not hear ourselves when we pull Pretty in pink , "Cryer said about McCarthy on Friday, February 9, the talk show show." It was because there were tensions. Interesting, I saw it behind the scenes and we had a good time, we had an excellent conversation. THANKS!"
As indicated by Weekly entertainment ,, Cryer was referring to an era In 2012, when he and McCarthy appeared on the same episode of View Furthermore, because they each promoted their own projects.
Cryer continued: "In any case, what I realize now, he wrote a great memory called Kid , he already had trouble with alcoholism when we turned this film. I had projected all this on him at the time, I thought it was this gloomy guy who does not want to talk to me. We are enemies [as characters] on the film, but that does not mean that we cannot be friends. But we simply had no relation to the time. I later discovered that he was going through difficult things. It was such a lesson for me, it is a question of projection. We never know."
In response to Cryer's words, McCarthy said Weekly entertainment through a representative, "" Jon Cryer became the most charming and most graceful man. "He also joked by saying that he wanted Cryer" did not adorn me behind the scenes View . ""
The two actors previously talked about their quarrel, which coincided with the reign of young Hollywood stars known as The frog pack . As indicated by E! News, in the 2010 book on Pretty in pink writer John Hughes ,, You couldn't ignore me if you were trying by Susannah Gora ,, McCarthy said , "Jon was very duck -shaped when we made this film. He was very soft and very needy, and I had no patience for that."
In its 2015 memories So it happened , Cryer wrote about McCarthy and Ringwald: "I think they were irritated by me from the first day. Molly and Andrew were very reserved people, and I am a very outgoing person. It could have worked well, This dynamic, but it is not 't. "
In addition to that, Pretty in pink director Howard Deutch told Den de Geek in 2020 that Ringwald had the crush for McCarthy , which led to more drama. "[Ringwald and McCarthy] hated themselves because Molly had the crush on him and he did not have a crush on her. And then he wanted her to be the foundation, then it degenerated," said Deutch. The filmmaker admitted that he had used this to his advantage, especially the lie in Ringwald that McCarthy was just afraid to show that he was interested in her.
Deutch said romantic disorders also had an effect on Cryer.
"He absorbed all of this and used it all," said Deutch. "So when he was around Andrew, he just wanted to hit him in the face. And he loved Molly. Adoration, absolute worship. So I think a lot of that really helped to feed his choices in this character . "
Ringwald looked back Dynamics on the set , Cryer writing specifically that she and McCarthy were "irritated" with him, in an interview in 2021 with Vogue .
"I always feel so bad that he felt that because I have never had any problems with Jon," she replied. "I think he could refer to a scene that we filmed where Duckie was supposed to get angry with Andie for having come to the club with Blane. Andrew and I pushed him on the other side of the camera to get a Strong reaction, and Jon ended up becoming furious. The reaction you see on the film is that he legitimately gets angry with us for having harassed him. But this is the only time I remember us. With Andrew. "

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