Amazon Tiny Homes sells $ 26,000 - are they worth it?

Affordable houses have become a trend on social networks lately.

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Most buyers know that they can go to a large retailer whenever they need it Buy an item at home or a piece of decoration, but if they want a real House? The social media was frightening with accounts of eager customers who bought smaller units online at a fraction of the cost of a typical real estate purchase. The list of online companies that offer these options includes Amazon, which now sells tiny houses for $ 26,000 with only a few taps on the retailer's application or website. Read the rest to see what these units look like for people who buy them - and if they are even worth it at the end.

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A Tiktok user recently shared that he had bought a small house on Amazon.

A screenshot of a person over an Amazon purchase receipt for a $26,000 tiny home
© Jeff Bryant / Tiktok

Even if it might seem more difficult than ever become home owner Lately, some non -traditional options make it possible. The user of Tiktok @hittaa_jeff recently shared a series of messages chronizing his decision to have a home shipped to its current door .

"I am 23 years old; I just bought a house on Amazon," said the user, who lists his name of Jeff Bryant on his profile, in the first video. "Take the card. Take the [Expletive] card: I bought a [Expletive] house off Amazon!"

The unit that Bryant has bought is listed as a Chery Industrial Extensible Prefab House On Amazon and is available in four different sizes ranging from $ 24,000 to $ 39,999. But while the unit includes a shower, toilets and a kitchenette, the creator of Tiktok admits that he did not consider at least another necessity before checking.

"The house was at the origin of $ 24,000; after tax and everything, it came to $ 26 [000]," he added. "Amazon is really a dangerous place. I don't even know where I'm going to put the house!"

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The house has been delivered on time but still requires additional work.

The interior of a tiny home purchased off of Amazon with a couch and kitchenette
© Jeff Bryant / Tiktok

In a follow -up video, Bryant says that he spoke with an Amazon specialist who convinced him to upgrade the house to one of the versions with More square feet . He explains that the house arrived on time and "unfolded", with the legend noting: "5 guys and 27 minutes later".

He then made a quick visit to the small house, noting how much he appreciates the entrance doors and the bathroom. But there are a few things that are distinguished as potential problems.

"The false plastic marble, I don't know ...", he says. "The ceilings are very weak. I have 5'8 ", so they are really not so high", while touching them and touching them easily with his hand to demonstrate.

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Bryant says that he does not intend to move in the unit itself.

A screenshot of TikTok influencer Jeff Bryant in his tiny home
© Jeff Bryant / Tiktok

But despite the quick configuration, Bryant admits that the small house is not exactly ready. He says he wanted to wait to see the whole unit unfold before choosing a permanent plot of land for this, explaining that the delivery team can help him move once he has purchased . In the meantime, he had the house installed somewhere and paid $ 150 per week to store it. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In the Next update , Bryant continues by answering certain questions he received from his supporters. He says he does not intend to move to the house itself, explaining that he intends to ventilate the property instead.

He then said that he thinks he found a property where he can place the unit and plans to add dry partitions to make the space more habitable. He then believes that he should take two to three weeks - depending on the "permit" for electrical and plumbing connections - before finalizing the process.

Bryant also hopes that his videos will help others think about how they invest their available money.

TikTok user Jeff Bryant standing outside his tiny home
© Jeff Bryant / Tiktok

Although the recovery process of an online house may seem relatively simple, the process can sometimes be delicate . Local and state laws can dictate which types of houses can be built in certain regions, including in Los Angeles, where Bryant is based. In this case, he will need inspections and complete approval of California Department of Housing and Community Development, Business initiate reports.

But ultimately, Bryant says that the exercise was not so much a compulsive purchase that it was a inspiration .

"As a person of color and a generation Z, I want to inspire others to make wise decisions with their money," said Bryant New York Post , adding that he obtained the money to buy the house from an inheritance he received from his late grandfather. "People my age are informed that we cannot afford to buy houses, but I am proof that it is possible."

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