≡ Selena Gomez openly spoke about her excess weight》 Her Beauty

In the history of Instagram, the celebrity showed comparative photos of their body with a difference of several years.

Thinking about changes in appearance, Selena Gomes openly spoke about her fullness. In the history of Instagram, the celebrity showed comparative photos of their body with a difference of several years. “I will never look like that again ...” she wrote under the picture.

The former star of Disney and one of the muses of Woody Allen published two of her photos - one of 2013 and one of 2023. In the first picture, she is dressed in a bikini near Zebra, she has a fit hips and a sharply defined waist. “Today I realized that I would never look like that again ...”, the singer said rightly. Then Homez uploaded another picture in which she also poses in a swimsuit on vacation this year in Mexico, but today her body looks completely different. “I am not perfect, but I am proud of those who I am. Sometimes I forget how good it is to be myself, ”the actress wrote in a commentary on the photo.

The celebrity shared these messages for a reason. A year ago, during a trip to Australia, Selena Gomez was photographed in a bikini. In the picture, scars after surgery were distinct, also that there was no trace of teenage sophisticated beauty. She turned into an adult woman. Meanwhile, fans were merciless and brought down a wave of harsh criticism on the star.

Over these 10 years, Gomez has experienced many changes. Including serious health problems caused by lupus. This is such a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks healthy tissues and organs of the body. The disease was diagnosed to her in 2011. In 2017, the actress underwent a kidney transplant operation, which was the donor of which was her close friend France Rice. During the operation, there was a rupture of the artery, and the doctors had to make a lot of effort so that Selena survived.

The lupus and her consequences radically transformed the body of celebrities. This is mainly due to regular tablets. “When I take medicines, a large amount of water is delayed in my body, I swell, and this is normal. When I stop taking them, then, as a rule, I lose weight, ”says Selena.

The situation worsened in 2018, when Gomez was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When Selena realized that she no longer had a “teenage body”, she developed depression and anxiety. She began to be shy of her body. “I often found myself in a situation where I did not like the way I looked, and the reason was what I saw on Instagram,” she admitted. But then the actress realized how much she was mistaken. After all, to expect that your body will not change over the years is stupid!

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: / Selena Gomez
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