The worker of the service station reveals secrets to earn money from scratch tickets

There are a few things he says can give you a better chance.

Hitting a major lottery jackpot is a dream for many of us, but there is still something to say about the thrill of Win a few dollars from a scratch. If the spell allows, you can even win hundreds of dollars in a single ticket. But even if you can think Everything comes down to the luck of the draw, you are wrong. A self-employed worker in California says there are a few things you can do to help you choose a winner. Read the rest to discover the secrets to earn money from scratch tickets.

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Consider the value of the ticket you buy.

Lottery ticket Never Buy
Icatnews / Shutterstock

Tiktker and worker of the service station, Alexander Rosas (@ Alexcal760) offered his advice for Striking selection In a Tiktok video of January 10 (with the warning that these are only observations he made during an alcohol store and a service station).

Scratch tickets are sold at different prices, with more affordable options at $ 1, $ 2 and $ 3. In terms of tickets at $ 1, Rosas says they are essentially waste.

"Think about it. Each package comes with around 200 [tickets]," he said in the Tiktok video on January 10. "Of these 200, maybe we will pay you $ 50, but generally, the majority of them do not win. They will win a dollar [or] two."

From what he has seen, Rosas says that the maximum you will earn from a $ 1 ticket is $ 10 to $ 15 "unless you really, really, really lucky."

"I know that someone will say:" Oh, well, my friend won $ 1,500 on one of these dollars [tickets]. "As I said, it's like a few million chances of winning, but everyone is your money, waste it as you wish," he concludes.

Never buy tickets at $ 2.

holding scratch-off lottery tickets
Erin Deleon / Shutterstock

While $ 1 tickets can be a waste, Rosas also says that $ 2 tickets are not current winners.

"The two dollars' tickets I have seen are probably those who lose the most. Always lose," he said. "I would never recommend. I would never buy $ 2 tickets."

However, if you have your heart, Rosas recommends crossword and bingo scratches.

"It's pretty good," he said. "The maximum that I saw him paying [was $ 20, $ 25, but generally, they are just more fun."

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Buy in the same ticket book, but never buy an entire roll.

rolls of lottery tickets
Eric Glenn / Shutterstock

If you really want to make money and not leave as much Until The Fates, Rosas suggests buying several tickets in the same roller, instead of choosing a lot of individual tickets.

"Don't buy it here, a there," he said. "I highly recommend, if you are going to buy, buy some of the same, the same book, buy several of them. Do not disperse and do not make your chances of winning below."

However, Rosas does not recommend buying an entire scratch roll because it is not worth it. "

He uses the example of a couple that frequently buy the whole scratch roll of him. They can spend $ 400 to buy it, but they come back and only earn about $ 230 at $ 250.

"They still lose $ 180, $ 160," he said.

Be selective with $ 5 tickets.

five dollars in a man's wallet

Regarding $ 5 tickets, Rosas says you need to avoid tickets on the theme of poker, although it does not provide the exact name. Instead, opt for vacation tickets.

"[With] the holidays- I guess they give more, and it only lasts a few weeks, so generally they like to give more gains because it will only do this period at this period," he explains he .

Other $ 5 tickets that deserve to be seized are those who say they earn an amount like $ 500 or $ 1,000, or even $ 100 or $ 200. He uses the specific example of the $ 500 loaded! scratch ticket.

"These are quite good because they say roughly, you can either win the $ 500, the $ 1,000 or do not win anything at all," notes Rosas. "Since those, I saw people with $ 500, I saw people win the $ 100, I saw people win the $ 200. Usually, these are the best I recommend."

Another he suggests to jump is the Lotería ticket because people will buy up to 10 tickets and will only return with one winner.

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Don't be afraid to ask the cashier.

cashier at gas station
Labo Studio / Shutterstock

Rosas also says that it is worth asking the cashier the number of the ticket you buy. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Personally, I do not recommend the first four on a whole new role," he shares. "They generally do not win."

According to his experience, winning tickets are generally followed by the ticket which wins the announced prize.

"This is what I have seen many times-not all the time, but many times, where if it gives you a ticket, the next will be money," he explains, noting that on the Back of stripes, this will also tell you your chances of winning.

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Categories: Smarter Living
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