Superfudes to be in your diet
Now about the superfaces are talking on every step, but not everyone knows that it is actually. With pleasure to share with you knowledge that will be needed by everyone who follows its health.

Now the superfaces are spoken at every step, but not everyone knows that this is true. With pleasure, we share knowledge that will be needed by everyone who follows its health.
Superfudes are products of the plant world, which are accompanied by high concentration of useful substances. There are a great deal of diversity every year, new ones are opened. In addition to a very popular and useful law, we will tell you what else should be your diet?
Gropitachia will become a decoration of any dish and soap a calcium body. Seeds are rich in Omega-3, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. Also, the highest level of cholesterol is reduced, gluten and perfectly tame hungry. In addition, they are suitable for those who seek to lose weight. The best chiasmaks when adding yogurt, salads, strips or pudding. For this, they are shy in water, where they increase the volume. Try!

Seeds of flax
It is proved that flax seeds are not less useful than Chianaya, but in our latitudes are precisely widespread. Flax contains omega-3, fiber, protein and important trace elements, including potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Regular use of flax seed contributes to the risk of developing breast cancer. Several spoons of flax seeds can be given to salads, yogurt or porridge.

Latter few years there is a real fashion of Nakinoa. Now practically everyone offers variations of cinema dishes, and all the way that cinema is a source of useful macro and microelements. Adding this cushion ration, you can improve metabolism, forget about skin problems, nails and hair, as well as reduce the risk of vascular disease.

Cabbage Cale
If you want to diversify your menu, and the usual cabbage is tired, we recommend that you curly kale kale (orcale, as it is called). She is not an unmaid all who are thin, because it has dietaryproperties. Ideal for mixes, but it is possible to taste tasty, replacing harmful chips.

Coconut oil
Cocooseoolaya is another trend of recent years to make an avocado competition. It is placed almost everywhere: the reception of food - to skin care. And this is understandable, because coconut oil has estimates properties. It increases the immunity, keeps the level of cholesterol, accelerates regeneration tissue, helps to fight stress, improves metabolism - and this list can continue. If you do not use, we recommend purchasing coconut oils now!

Asai's berries
This personfood is genuine rarity, the protein of this value is only growing. The berries of the Asai berries are Brazil. And the hypocrites are absolutely deservedly considered one of the most nutritious species of the berry of the entire planet. This is a real source of antioxidants, so they can provide you with energy for several hours.

Last years of trend superfaces in recent years. This is a Japanese green powder. No wonder among Japanese so many kinds of speakers. Match - what helps you to continue youth and longevity. It is concluded that the match adds vitality, relieves stress and anxiety, treating the body. Koom of Togo, Tea, or a match-lati - it's very tasty.

Gojgi berries
Yagodogzi for years do not lose popularity among those who adhere to the principles of lifestyle. They are positively influenced by the immune system of the body, so they should be regularly added to tea, porridge or eat a few berries, enjoying a taste.

Pumpkin oil
Pumpkin Oil has a great value for the body. It helps to fight cirrhospechinka, prevents the appearance of pigmentation in the skin, as well as strengthens muscles and walls of the blood vessels. She is well-fitted to salads, filling pastes and even presents.

Another superfood that should be added to its diet - Spirulina. Scientists have proven that evergreen algae are rich in vitamins, minerals, acids and enzymes. Spirulina displays toxins from the body, has an antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging of the organism, and increases libido. These algae add to food in the form of pills, powder, syrup or capsules. A thorough healing body cleaning is guaranteed!