Buyers abandon Costco for Sam's Club for new membership rules

Consumers say that the constantly evolving adhesion policy of Costco becomes uncontrollable.

He looks like Costco's news Membership recording system - in which the members must scan their costco cards in a kiosk for the entrance - is here to stay. The scanning machine appeared for the first time in an Issaquah warehouse, Washington, which many noted was located opposite Costco's headquarters. Now, new safety kiosks appear in more costco locations.

In relation: Costco deploys new controversial caddings: "I hate them."

Although the new recording process seems to be going relatively well with many buyers, others say that it is a time step and an unnecessary step, some even threatened to boycott Costco in favor of its rival, the property Walmart The Sam club .

Buyers in general first learned Costco's new membership policy On January 7, when a photo of the kiosk surfaced on Reddit. In the Snap, customers can be seen online to be authorized in the store. The author of the post explained that once you scanned your membership card, an employee of Costco checks your identity on the tablet, how authorized you are.

During the weeks, safety machines were added to the entrance to a Texas warehouse. The Texas -based creator behind the famous Tiktok Costco TV account recently documented his first time using the members scanner and spoke with an employee About the new deployment .

The employee confirmed that only members will have access to the catering area, but non -members will always be able to use the pharmacy - they only have to tell a worker who manages the reason for his visit . In terms of assembly again your fund membership card, the Costco employee explained that the "takes advantage" machine. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

More than 3,500 people have weighed on video, many of which agree with the new policy. "Always like Costco!

Others, however, are tired of the constantly evolving membership rules of Costco and say that the shopping experience is much more fluid at the Sam's Club.

"Costco returns conveniently. [Sam's Club] works on the release of AI, so more reception checks and a scan and Go," replied a person in the comments.

Another sounded, "Costco is such a Karen, I would only cancel about it. They are going too much. I'm just going to the [Sam's Club] where I am not harassed if I pay with my [husband] card."

Someone else accepted, noting that Sam's Club is "light years ahead of Costco".

Compared to the annual membership fees of $ 60 Costco, Sam's Club Invoice to its members $ 50 per year . The company's website indicates that members have the possibility of upgrading their membership at the "Plus" level, which offers free collection by street, free delivery, etc. This level has annual fees of $ 110.

Categories: Smarter Living
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