I am an expert in longevity and these 3 hacks can make you better health at work
The researcher of the blue zones Dan Buettner reveals how to create a better work environment.

Of course, you can make sure you cook well -balanced dinner every night and get up early to training at the gym the next day. But that does not mean that you should not practice healthy habits either where you spend 40 hours a week. It is too easy to fall into bad behavior in the office, and make an active effort to repair these could have a real impact. In a recent interview For the diffuser Dan Skinner Questions about the aging of the YouTube channel, expert in longevity Dan Buettner Shared how to create a better work environment can really help you live longer. Read the rest to discover its three hacks to be in better health at work.
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1 Abandon the candy dish.

You may not be able to make changes to your global office without the approval of those who are higher, but as Buettner points out, "most people have domination over their own desk or workspace".
Thus, with regard to your personal workspace, the longevity expert says that you can start by reconsidering your candy dish.
In his interview, Buettner cited a 2006 study Cornell Food Lab, who revealed that people who kept a pot of candies on their desk has won about six additional pounds after two years of this unhealthy habit.
"I'm not saying you can't eat this candy, but I don't have a bowl on your desk," he said.
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2 Get a walking office.

Another problem that most people face their work is the lack of movement. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"This notion that we can sit at our office all day, then compensate for the gymnasium is defective in two ways," warned Buettner. "The number one, half an hour at the gymnasium does not compensate eight hours to sit. And number two, if you look at the use of gym adhesion, after about a year and a half, nobody uses any more His subscription to the gymnasium. "
In this spirit, the longevity expert is a major supporter of The Walking Desk Trend.
"A hiking office is a fantastic idea," he said. "Configuring your workspace so that you are pushed to move it really works."
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3 Change the way you move.

If you drive yourself to work every day, you may want to rethink this. Instead, Buettner suggests that you plan to travel to work on foot or by public transport.
"We know that people who go to work [in this way] have cardiovascular disease approximately 20% that people who lead to work," he shared.
Don't be afraid to adjust things if you need it.

While abandoning the candy dish is a corrective that anyone can make, everyone cannot change their trips or get a walking office - which is something that several people have mentioned in the comments section 'A Instagram post de Buettner.
"No way, I could manage a walking office," said a person. "How do people concentrate?"
But the real goal of Buettner hacks is to make the changes you can. In terms of walking office, the idea is simply to push people to make more movement during work.
Health influencer Kristina offered an alternative in the comments section which, according to the longevity expert a few times throughout the day, "said Kristina.
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