JN.1 COVID patients first have 2 specific symptoms, say doctors

These are the initial signs you want to be looking for.

There's a new Covid variant Procession this winter. Jn.1 is now " The most in circulation variant "In the United States, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report. It is now estimated at around 62% of all the country's cobeed for the country, and its prevalence continues to increase. As always, doctors , doctors and researchers pay particular attention to the symptoms of patients, in part to search for all the emerging trends that accompany new variants.

In relation: Covid now causing these unusual symptoms, show new data .

But the pipe of coated signs is often easier to say than to do. While the Sras-Cov-2 continues to mutate, doctors say that it becomes more and more difficult to differentiate its symptoms from those of other respiratory viruses.

"When Covid came for the first time , it was characterized by these very strange and vague symptoms - brain fog, feeling of exhaustion and loss of taste and smell, " Ziad Tukmachi , a general practitioner in Chartfield Surgery in London, recently told the BBC. "Now I think it is transferred to symptoms more similar to the flu, where it is very difficult to distinguish both."

Some of the most distinctive symptoms seem to have become less common. A 2023 report Researchers from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine have shown that people infected with Omicron family subvariants are now only 6 to 8% more likely to lose their smell or their taste compared to cases infected with PRE-ECRON variants the pandemic.

Jn.1 is a offspring distant from omicron and may be more likely to cause sensory losses , but there are other signs that could be more important to look for in the place. David Strain , Associate Professor of Cardiometabolic Health at the University of Exeter, told BBC that JN.1 patients first have two specific symptoms: headache or diarrhea. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In relation: CDC investigating the new potential symptoms of the cocovide variant of the point .

Tension is not the only one to have noted these emerging symptoms.

"There is a certain suggestion that JN.1 could cause more diarrhea than the previous variants, but we do not yet have corporate data," Andy Pekosz , PHD, professor in microbiology and molecular immunology, said in a new interview for Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health School .

In addition to these first two symptoms, JN.1 patients mainly have signs that are "very similar to those of previous omicron variants", according to Pekosz. These may include fever, cough, fatigue and sore throat, compared with of the specialist in internal medicine Jagadeesh Kanukuntla , MD, for continental hospitals.

But Kanukuntla also advises people to pay attention to other distinctive characteristics of JN.1, such as flowing nose, congestion, muscle pain and other gastrointestinal problems, namely nausea and loss of appetite .

"Symptoms seem to move from one variant to another," Danny Altmann , the Immunology professor at the Imperial College in London, told BBC. "We have had periods when the first symptom is a headache, and others where it is more gastrointestinal. We [all want to] return to life as usual, but the reality is that Covid is not nowhere."

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Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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