Why Kristen Stewart says that "Twilight" is secretly "such a gay film"

She played in the series of massively popular films based on just as popular books.

THE Dusk books by Stéphanie Meyer Tur largely around a love triangle which includes an ordinary teenager, a 100-year-old vampire and a werewolf, with fans dividing into Edward team or in a Jacob team, according to whom they wanted the protagonist Bella Swan Finds himself. Kristen Stewart Committed the role in the film's film adaptations, bringing heterosexual relations between Bella and Edward ( Robert Pattinson ) N and Bella and Jacob ( Taylor Lautner ) live. She even found herself in a real romance with Pattinson, which made films even more a cultural phenomenon. Years later Dusk has been freed, Stewart came out As part of the LGBTQ + community and now says that it sees strange themes in apparently heteronormative history. In a new interview with Variety , the 33 -year -old man argued that Dusk is actually "a gay film".

In relation: 6 old Hollywood movies that you can't watch anywhere now .

Stewart, who identified as bisexual and gay, was released publicly during his monologue in a 2017 episode of Saturday Night Live . But she said Variety That she did not think it would be a surprise for a large part of the public. "It was not even as if I was hiding," she said. "I was so openly with my girlfriend for years at that time. I say to myself:" I am a fairly known person. ""

In an interview with The Outlet, Stewart thought about some of his past films and the way in which her queer identity played a role - that she knew how to represent the "heteronormative quality" of a character or resume the way his True me even appeared even on the roles where his sexual orientation was not a factor.

Looking back Dusk , in particular, Stewart said: "I can only see him now. I don't think it necessarily started in this way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolated. It's such a gay film. "She continued:" I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor and Rob and me, and it's so hidden and not ok. I mean, a Mormone woman wrote this book. It's all about oppression, to want what will destroy you. It is very gothic and gay inclination that I like. "

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner at the
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Elsewhere in the interview, Stewart spoke of looking Panic , the thriller with which she played Jodie Foster When she was only 11 years old. The actor said that she had avoided looking at her youngest on the screen, but after a group of friends had convinced her, she was able to know more about herself at that time. She admitted why queer people resumed that she was not very early. "I was already going to:" not [not explained] with me "," said Stewart laughing. "I was gay . "" AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

She also said that she had benefited from the practice of playing hetero characters, explaining: "I play this role. It comes from a somewhat real place - this is not wrong." She added, however, that she knows that she would be treated differently in Hollywood if she could not materialize these roles. "[I] t is [explanive] that if I was gay, it would not be the case," said Stewart.

And she's not the only one Dusk Star Who talked about what the films have mean for LGBTQ + fans, even if there are no LGBTQ + characters in books or films. Ashley Greene , who plays a member of the Vampire family of Edward, spoke to Insider in 2022 about the public Which found the films more recently . (They were released between 2008 and 2012.)

"I guess that a thing that has changed is that many people said Alice was their gay awakening," she said. The actor said that she "had not obtained this when the films were released for the first time" but that she "can fully recognize how and why now".

The director of the last two Dusk movies, Bill Condon , is gay and said at Daily Beast in 2014, "I think there is Gay sensitivity in everything I do, including the Dusk movies. We live in a culture which is more deleted now, always dominated by the hetero male point of view which bristles against this gay sensitivity when it is too proof or when it makes them inappropriate. ""

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