"Pink slime" in your sink and your shower can cause nurses, warns the doctor

If it is ignored, bacteria can spread to other parts of your bathroom.

We are all guilty of having closed our eyes on soap residues or filth accumulates in our shower from time to time. Think about it-How did you think repeatedly "I'm going to get there later" only for a week to pass without cleaning it? It is easy for this chore to slide your mind, but the correct cleaning of your bathroom could be an error with serious health consequences, because a student recently learned of the hard.

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In a video published on Tiktok, a student from the University of Belfast revealed that her friend had been admitted to the hospital after having come into contact with "Pink mold" In their dormies of dormitory. It turns out that this suspicious pink substance has a name: Serratia Marcescens . It is in fact not at all a mold, but rather a proliferation of potentially dangerous bacteria , a doctor warns.

"If you have seen this pink mud hiding in your bathroom, it's not mold. They are bacteria," Karan Rangarajan , MRCS, MBBS, surgeon of the National Health Service (NHS), explains in his video Tiktok sewn.

Rangarajan, whose tiktok account has an impressive 5.2 million followers, says that Serratia Marcescens "Vomit in bright pink everywhere" extremely humid and humid bathrooms, and "likes to snack on fatty deposits like those found in soaps and shampoos."

Pink bacteria are mainly "harmless" for those who are relatively healthy, says Rangarajan. However, you should always clean and disinfect the area, while being aware of your eyes and all the scapes or open cuts that you may have.

Because even if it will not cause immediate damage to most people, Serratia Marcescens May present a potential health risk for those who are immunocompromised, or if it continues to grow and spread in your home. Rangarajan recognizes some cases in which bacteria have led to intestinal, urinary and thoracic infections.

"If your home has wet enough for Pink Slime to develop regularly, you could also develop other things, such as real household molds, which could cause respiratory problems or allergies," he warns.

According to Taste of Home, you can to do the housework Serratia Marcescens - Infested shower doors, windows, tiles and coulis with a combination of 1/4 cup of baking soda and a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Rub the infected areas with a brush, rinse, then disinfect with a spray bottle filled with bleach and water. Let this rest for 10 minutes before rinsing.

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Aside from cleaning, Rangarajan says in his video that one of the biggest rules of "Pink Slime Club" is to keep your bathroom well ventilated, so steam and mildew do not have the chance to imagine. Keep an open window during and after a shower, and if you have a ventilation fan, it's even better. What is most important is to keep your bathroom dry.

THE Most common bathroom molds include Aspergillus ,, Cladosporium ,, Penicillium , And Stachybotry (Aka black mold), Sophia Tolliver , MD, family medicine doctor, said Today .

"Certainly, the bathroom is a zero handkerchief, if you want, for the growth of mold, probably because mold likes to develop in dark and humid areas," she explained.

Like with Serratia Marcescens , many of them can be cleaned using remedies at home. That said, if you suspect that the black mold is developing in your bathtub, you better contact a professional.

"It is very important that if you see this type of mold - which is generally dark green or black and, really, in terms of texture, it is a bit viscous - that you avoid the area because if it starts to break , mold spores can be very harmful, "she warned.

As Rangarajan notes, your bathroom is "dirtier than you think".

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