The last shower of the "neglected" meteor can be seen in the naked eye this weekend

The Ursids will succeed in their peak at the same time as the winter solstice.

While the coldest months may not look like Best time for stars , there is much trouble to brave the cold to see. The night sky is always a busy place, special planetary alignments to brilliant complete and even super rare events . And now you can take the last meteor shower of the year when the Ursids Peak this weekend. Read the rest to find out more about this "neglected" annual show and how you can see it for yourself.

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Ursid Meteor's shower is the last major observation event of the year - even if it is often "neglected".

The trail of meteors during a meteor shower in the night sky
Istock / Skarie20

Even after a year of memorable celestial events, 2023 has not yet been finished. This week causes Ursid Meteor's shower, marking the Last event of this type of year , according to the Earthsky astronomy site.

Although they are an annual event, the Ursids are often "neglected" because they fall during the top of the holiday season. They are also often overshadowed by the Geminid meteor shower , who culminated on December 13 and will hang out in the night sky until December 24, by Earthsky.

The Ursids are caused by the dust path left by the comet 8p / Tuttle. The celestial object moves as close to the sun as the orbit of the earth to the orbit of Saturn on a cycle of 13.7 years. According to Earthsky, the shower itself obtains its name for its radiant point in the minor constellation of Ursa, more commonly known as the little ladle.

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The December show is not always as active as the other showers of meteors.

A person standing outside their tent looking up at shooting starts during a meteor shower

In addition to being often stolen from thunder by geminids each year, the Ursids are often less excited because of their lower activity levels. According to Earthsky, Stargazers can expect to see five to 10 meteors per hour - which is much less than the 120 or more that are average for the other December show.

But despite their average history, they are not always forced in the background. There are several notable examples of the 20th century of sudden explosions making Ursids a much more notable affair, including one in 1945 which caused around 100 meteors per hour and another in 1973 which experienced an average of 30 of the hour.

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This year, Ursids could be more difficult to spot due to the conditions of the Moon.

A wide shot of the night sky with dozens of meteors streaking

The Ursids technically started around December 13 and are already visible in the sky. However, they will take steam throughout the week before peak Early in the morning of December 23, according to Earthsky. The "shooting stars" should remain visible in the sky while they drag until December 27.

Unfortunately, the conditions could make them a little more difficult to see this year. Indeed, a moon of the first quarter should increase on December 19, bringing an 86% lit disc in the sky which could drown all the brightest meteors. But those who plan to stay late could be able to completely avoid the problem, because the moon will take place three hours before sunrise.

Being able to catch the meteor shower could also be summed up where you live. Due to their position in the night sky, the Ursids are almost entirely limited to viewers of the northern hemisphere.

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Here's how you can better prepare to watch the meteor shower this weekend.

A person watching a meteor shower in the night sky standing next to their tent

If you plan to get a final shower of meteors for the year, there are some essential tips to keep in mind to improve your chances of catching a good show. According to Earthsky, try to find an observation location far from the light pollution of cities and cities.

Due to the cold temperatures of night December, it is also preferable to dress comfortably and bring a hot cover or a sleeping bag to remain comfortable. Since the Geminids are still exceeding, you may be able to take a crossing effect and see even more meteors if you spend enough time outside. And while the Ursids will be visible all night due to the high radiant point in the sky, the definition of your alarm to see them in the hours before dawn after the moon adjustment could offer the best conditions, by Earthsky.

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Tags: News / Science
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