The travel expert reveals the Sneaky Reason Airlines made you check your hand luggage
Spoiler alert: This does not necessarily mean that the air bins are full.

Getting a hand luggage suitcase can save you a lot of stress when you travel. Not only do you avoid the Extra fees And the hassles that take time to wait at the carousel of the claim of luggage, but you also do not have to worry about your The luggage is lost . This explains why a Tripit 2022 survey revealed that 41% of travelers now avoid checking the bags. Sometimes, however, you get to the door to be informed by the flight crew you always Need to check your hand baggage. And if you have noticed empty air bins with a lot of space for your luggage, you may have been let your head scratch.
In an article for publication See from the wing ,, Gary Leff , a travel expert and founder of Inside , recently revealed Intels of initiates on the reasons why the airlines do it. To which he can finally come down, says Leff is to save time - which is very precious for airlines for several reasons.
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"When the air bins are full and the passengers have brought their hand luggage on the plane, [on-board agents] go in search of space and it takes time," he explains. "When they finally abandon and realize that they will have to check the bag, they return to the front of the plane and the bag must be marked and placed in the hold. All this takes time, and it is time Last minute just before departure. "
This unruly frantic process may risk flight delay , said Leff. Removing a few minutes late may not seem to be a big problem, but it can lead to the end of the airline crew at their next flight, and even passengers to miss connection flights if they have short sub-sub-sub Sunarks. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
In fact, the Tripit survey revealed that delays and theft changes are The main current concern For travelers, with 70% of people saying that it is their number one concern the next time they will make a trip - a jump to 29% of the last Tripit survey.
Not only that, but Leff notes that the door agents are assessed according to their ability to ensure that flights come out in time - not Based on customer satisfaction - which gives them additional incitement to play safely and requires the bags to be checked.
An anonymous on -board agent Delta Air Lines said The Washington Post These door agents can even be penalized for a late departure. "It's Mark on their file, and if you get as much, You can get fired , "They shared.
"It is much easier for the door agent to simply declare the bins in mind, in case they are or in case they are full," wrote Leff in his article. "Doing it earlier than later is better for the agent because they do not support any of the drawbacks - the skips are already on board and it is not their problem - while the risk of having to make checkered bags could mean A slight delay for the flight and that means being screaming by a manager. "
According to The Washington Post , when they contacted American Airlines on hand luggage verification, the airline "said that its staff use its best judgment when determining the space bags", recognizing that sometimes their estimates are extinguished . Delta told the newspaper "that it goes from the verification of voluntary bags to compulsory once the on -board agents alerted the door agents to decrease the space".
Leff says that some airlines are transforming larger air bins like a solution, but not all have made this investment.
Seeing that a study in 2022 revealed that the lost luggage up 30% since 2019 , it is understandable why you may prefer to continue. However, there is clearly no guarantee that the crew will allow you to keep your suitcase on the plane, even if there is room in air bins.
Your best bet? Hang a seat as close as possible from the front of the plane. Since airlines tend to board these groups first, you have a better chance of finding space for your hand luggage.
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