How the exercise could age you faster, reveals a new study

Yes, the exercise is good for you, but trying to add years to your life could do the opposite.

Since childhood, we have been taught that it is essential to to move And eat well To keep our body healthy longer. These claims have been saved by countless studies, the research regularly combining physical activity With increased life expectancy. In fact, research has also linked more exercise to " Maximum mortality reduction , "According to the American Medical Association (AMA). But according to a new study, there is something else to consider, because the exercise could actually age you faster.

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At June 2023 pre -impression study has not yet been evaluated by a newspaper, but according to The New York Post , he received a National Prize for Sports Medicine in Finland. The results question the previous beliefs about the exercise, concluding that being active may not lead to a longer life in all cases. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä have evaluated data from adult twins in Finland, including questionnaires from participants from 1975, 1981 and 1990, follow -up continuing until 2020. Participants have self -cleared their daily activity, called activity leisure physics (LTPA), and were then classified into one of the four classes: sedentary (13.4%of participants), moderately active (36.7%), active (38.7%) and very active ( 11.2%).

Although this is probably not surprising, the researchers found that those of the active classes were between 15 and 23% less likely to die compared to those of the sedentary class.

However, things have become more interesting when they considered other health -related factors, including education, body mass index (BMI), smoking and alcohol consumption. By taking them into account, active participants were only 7 less likely to die than those of the sedentary classes. The researchers also noted that there was "no additional advantage provided by higher levels of LTPA".

But that's not all. More exercise has also been associated with an increase biological age (The age of cells and tissues, which differs from chronological age). Blood samples have shown that those in the very active class were "biologically older" than those in moderately active and active classes.

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After adapting to lifestyle factors, the people who exercised the most had an average of 1.3 years more than those of the moderately active class and 1.8 years more than those of the active class. The participants in the sedentary class were also biologically older than those who were moderately active and active.

Overall, researchers have concluded that exercise may not be the main thing that reduces the probability of death. Instead, being active could indicate that people are healthy and make healthier choices, which "coexist" with a lower risk of mortality.

The researchers, however, noted some limits to the study, including the fact that the LTPA was self -deprecated. Patients answering questions themselves, the answers can be affected by the memory of the participants and the interest of making themselves seem well.

As George Savva , PHD, a principal researcher at the Quadram Institute in the United Kingdom, said The Times of London , by The New York Post , The study had a "powerful research conception", but could also have encountered problems when filtering the BMI. According to Savva, in doing so, researchers may have missed certain effects of participants' physical activity.

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Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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