What is really behind China's push in respiratory diseases, say doctors

Here is what you need to know about the recent increase and if a new virus is involved.

In 2020, our lives changed in a way that none of us saw coming. As Covid Distributed around the world, we have been faced with an unprecedented disease, as well as locking and mass closures. Since then, we have been on a high alert, which is why the news of a wave of respiratory diseases in China - where is detected for the first time - many people concerned about the potential of another deadly pandemic. Now, doctors highlight their information on this new epidemic and try to put some of our concerns at least to rest. Read the rest to find out more about diseases spreading in China and what it means for the rest of the world.

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China is currently experiencing an increase in respiratory diseases.

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Last week, there were several reports on Beijing hospitals And northern China struggling with a wave of respiratory diseases, mainly affecting children. According to CNN, hundreds of patients queue and are waiting for hours in children's hospitals in large cities in northern China.

On November 21, an official of the Beijing children's hospital said the state media That they currently know on average more than 7,000 patients per day, which "far exceeds the hospital's capacity". Meanwhile, the largest pediatric hospital in the city of Tianjin broke a record on November 18 with more than 13,000 children coming to its ambulatory and emergency services.

"Right now, we have a lot of children here," a member of the staff of the Beijing friendship hospital on November 23 told CNN. "Those who reserved an emergency meeting yesterday could not see the doctor this morning."

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Doctors say that "raises concerns".

doctors wearing masks at hospital
Olha Povozniuk / Shutterstock

Reports on Current situation in China Share some strange similarities with the headlines observed at the beginning of 2020, before Covid became a global concern, Yahoo Life reported. Doctors recognize that the idea of a thrust of "mystery" of respiratory disease inspires a certain anxiety.

"What's going on in China raises concerns", " Ian Michelow , MD, head of the division of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology to the specialized children's group for children, told Yahoo Life. "The original flu and sras have also occurred in China. It is always good to be aware of epidemics there so that we can be prepared."

Richard Watkins , MD, an infectious doctor and professor of internal medicine at the Northeast Medical University of Ohio, shared a similar perspective with the media.

"All information on China's health must be verified given what happened with COVID-19 and the fact that we still do not have a clear understanding of the origin of SARS-COV-2 [the virus Who provokes Covid-19], "he said Yahoo Life.

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But the increase does not seem to come from a new virus.

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On November 22, the World Health Organization (WHO) "made an official request to China" to obtain more detailed information On the recent increase in the country of respiratory diseases. In a monitoring The next day, which revealed that the Chinese authorities awarded the new increase in the cold season and known pathogens that generally circulate more during this period, such as flu, Pneumoniae mycoplasma , syncytial respiratory virus (RSV) and COVID. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Officials said the recent relaxation by China of Covids also played a role in the sharp increase - something other countries have seen earlier when they raised their own precautions.

"This is exactly what happened a year ago in the United States a year ago and in other countries where children, which were fully socially interactioning, became infected with pathogens they had avoided during The social distancing of Covid-19 "," Amesh A. Adalja , MD, principal researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Yahoo Life.

Michelow said that it was "not surprising" that China experiences this increase now because the country "is lagging behind" due to locking which extended until last winter, According to the media.

"Due to locking, children were not exposed to these diseases when they would have normally built immunity to these infections," he said. "Nature has made us pay a price for that."

Who advised certain measures to help people ensure people's safety.

masked man at airport
Hananeko_studio / Shutterstock

Who declared that, although some of the increases in respiratory diseases are "earlier in the season" than what China has experienced historically, it is not "unexpected given the lifting of COVVI-19 restrictions, as being also experienced in other countries ". The organization also indicated that the Chinese health authorities have "indicated that there was no detection of unusual or unusual or unusual clinical presentations" associated with this wave.

But new pathogens or not, it is always important for people to stay safe. Currently, who said he did not recommend any specific measure for travelers in China. But "in general, people should avoid traveling while feeling symptoms suggesting respiratory disease if possible," the organization said. "And in the event of symptoms during or after trips, travelers are encouraged to consult a doctor and share travel history with their health care provider."

Who also recommended that people in China follow certain measures to reduce the risk of respiratory disease, which is what in the United States can do as well during the cold and flu season. These include obtaining "recommended vaccines against flu, COVVI-19 and other respiratory pathogens, if applicable; Keep the distance of sick people; Stay at home in the event of a patient; be tested and medical care if necessary; Porter masks as the case may be; ensure good ventilation; and practice regular hands. ""

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Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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