The delivery driver bitten by the cracket snake breaks his silence - how she survived

"I thought I was going to die," said Monet Robinson, Amazon's delivery man.

If you are a passionate hiker or spent time exploring the meadows and climates of the desert, you have probably encountered warning signs for snakes among other dangerous prey. At the time, you may not have thought of it - you were on their territory after all. But snakes can also appear in your wood neck, and you will want to be prepared for these narrow meetings. Just ask the driver and Singeling snake bite survivor Monet Robinson .

In relation: 20 bell snakes found in the man's garage - here is where they hid .

In September, Robinson, the Amazon delivery man, 21 years old was bitten by a naked snake While delivering packages along its normal route to Palm City, Florida. Robinson was rushed to the Cleveland Clinic Martin North, where it was treated for a venomous wound Located at the back of its top of the thigh, according to the local WPTV affiliated with the NBC.

He was then confirmed by the Sheriff's Bureau of Martin County on Facebook that Robinson had been struck by a long 5 -foot long Eastern diamond bell sane . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"The driver went to the door, posed the package and was struck by the snake in the back of the leg, just above the knee," wrote the department, adding that the snake was "wrapped Near the front door ".

In a new interview With Wesh, Robinson, who was affiliated with the local NBC, which has since recovered, revealed that she had spent three weeks in hospital after being "in a type of shock".

Initially, Robinson said that she thought nothing about the bite, because "it was nothing too aggressive, just a little bit of bite". She admitted that she thought that a bee had pricked her. Even when she realized that it was a snake, she did not panic.

"I said to myself, it's just a snake, it's just a bite. I'm going to go to the hospital; they will give me a little injection, medicines, that's all," she said. She even thought that she would be back to work the next day.

However, things got worse when Robinson started to feel physical side effects of the bite. An ambulance arrived at the scene, and it was at this point that Robinson achieved the amount of swelling that arrived on his face, his lips and his eyes.

"I thought I was going to die," Robinson told Wesh. "I could barely breathe because my respiratory tract was like closing, my swollen throat from the inside."

While Robinson is physically recovered, she said "mentally, it's a lot".

But Robinson's calm in the moment is probably what saved him. Robert Borgo . Singeling snake bite .

"The worst thing you can do is to excite or walk quickly or run," he told WPBF. "Then the blood circulates more quickly and the venom is distributed more quickly to your body."

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