8 dog breeds with the worst health problems, Vet Tech warns

These dogs have health and behavior problems that can make them difficult to take care.

There are countless reasons for adopt a dog : They provide a constant company, stimulate our mood and encourage exercise. But dogs can also be very Expensive when you take into account food, toys, animal guards and, of course, the invoice of occasional stiff veterinarian. Regarding health costs, not all dogs are created equal, as many animal owners have learned of the hard. Now a veterinary technology has led Tiktok to share its list of dog breeds with the worst health problems.

Sierra Towers of Vet Tech published a video on her account @ sierra.towers, in which she reveals eight dogs that she would never have . "Our reproductive genetics are simply not that," says his legend. Most of these dogs have been distinguished for specific health problems that could probably lead to heavy veterinarians' bills, but there are also behavioral problems in the mixture. Read the rest to find out which puppies could cost you big.

In relation: 14 breeds of the hardest dogs to have, Doggy, a day worker known as .

Great Dane

Great Dane dog outdoor portrait

The Great Danes have come out, says Towers in his video because they are subject to GDV. For those who do not work in veterinary medicine, the GDV means gastric dilation-volvulus.

According to American college of veterinary surgeons (ACVS), the GDV is "a rapidly gradual deadly condition of dogs which requires immediate medical care. The condition is multifactorial but is generally associated with a rapid ingestion of large meals., Which can have several serious consequences."

And yes, according to ACVs, while the GDV can be seen in all breeds, it is the most common in the great Danes, with Weimaraners, St. Bernards, Irish Setters and Gordon Setters.


teacup yorkie resting on a red blanket
Ilona Lablaika / Shutterstock

Towers identifies a frightening medical condition as a reason why she would not have Yorkia: the collapse of the trachea.

PETMD explains that Tracheal collapse is exactly what it looks like: the trachea, which is the tube which transported the air through the nose and the mouth and in the lungs, is flattened. This condition "can make it more difficult to put air in the lungs and breathe normally. Consequently, many dogs with a tracheal collapse will make a sound of dry dry and similar to the goose."

Again, it can happen to all dogs, but Yorkshire Terrier (or Yorkie) is particularly subject. Other small dogs, such as Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Tzus Shih and toy poodles, are also in danger, warns Petmd.

In relation: 5 dog breeds Most animal owners cannot manage, warns the veterinarian .


shar pei sitting outside
Alika Obraz / Shutterstock

For Shar-Pei, the problem is more behavioral. Towers quotes "aggressiveness" as a reason for not wanting to own one of these dogs.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) warns that Shar-Pei Need socialization and early training. "Shar-Pei are serene dogs, but they will respond to a threat perceived with tenacity and vigor," note these experts. "An adult dominant Shar-Pei without [training] is a serious problem that awaits to happen."


Husky at the vet

The problem with Huskies? Anxiety, says the veterinarian, a health and behavior problem. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

On a list of Siberian Husky Behaviors, separation anxiety of Bechewy flags as a potential problem. "Your Siberian Husky can howl, whine or otherwise vocalize his dissatisfaction by leaving the house and his rest alone," share these experts. "Your dog needs to learn that he will go alone for a while and that he will not go away if he is not assisted every minute of the day."

French Bulldog

french bulldog on couch
Bordered photo / Shutterstock

As for the French Bulldogs, Towers warns that they are subject to respiratory distress.

"Like all flat face breeds, Frenchies are subject to Breathing problems And hurt in hot or humid weather, "said the AKC.

Petplace develops: "Many owners become worried when they hear their French Bulldog Breathe strongly, and it may or may not be normal. This could be due to the physical composition of the dog's respiratory tract, or it could be a sign of brachycephalic respiratory system syndrome. It is a common condition with French bulldogs and other dogs with short respiratory tract and fascated faces. The problem can go from light to serious with the most serious cases requiring surgery. ""

In relation: 7 worst breeds of dogs to have, says Vet Tech .


dachshund resting on owner's knees
Leka Sergeeva / Shutterstock

The Teckels are distinguished for Ivdd, a term that the towers do not know too well, but that you may not know. IVDD means an intervertebral disc disease, and it can be very serious.

THE Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine College (CVM) says that IVDD "is a common source of back pain in dogs, especially in older dogs, but also in younger dogs of predisposed races. Severity and the type of disc injuries may vary considerably, ranging from a slight discomfort to paralysis. "

At the top of the list of dogs subject to IVDD? Teckels, of course. The other breeds that CVM lists are toys and miniature poodles, Pékinais, Lhasa Apsos, Doberman Pinschers, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels and German Shepherds. And this is not the only health problem that German shepherds are faced with ...

German shepherd

adult german shepherd

The German shepherds make the list of Vet Tech dogs that she would never have not because of hip dysplasia, but rather hip.

According to Orthopedic foundation for animals (OFS), hip dysplasia is caused by a hip joint which does not develop properly or by a traumatic fracture. "With cartilage damage or a hip articulation which is not correctly formed, over time, the existing cartilage will lose its thickness and its elasticity", explains these experts. "This rupture of cartilage will eventually cause pain with any joint movement."

OFA is specific to breed test statistics Show that more than 20% of German shepherds have abnormal or dysplastic hips.

Doggy style

greyhound resting on bed and looking up at owner
Elena Vasilchenko / Shutterstock

Towers closes his tiktok video with leviers. The health problem? Dental disease.

London Royal Veterinary College reveals that this concern is not exaggerated: a study from the university has revealed that dental diseases are the most common health problem faced by pets for pets. According to research, 39% of grants suffer from dental problems, "which is a much higher percentage than for any other breed of dog".

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