7 plane habits that offer your passenger colleagues
Good intentions are only going so far, say the experts in label.

Every time you climb an airplane , you agree to share tight quarters with complete foreigners for a long time. In other words, so that theft goes well, everyone must be on their best behavior. "The label of the plane is not simply a question of kindness, but also to promote a feeling of understanding and cohesion in a confined space", explains Jules Hirst , founder of Label consultant . Without this state of mind, things can quickly relax, as we have seen in countless news on unruly passengers .
Of course, even travelers with the best intentions can still offend others on a flight - and you could make some of these subtle errors without making your mistake. Do you want to avoid breathtaking feathers during your next flight? Read the rest to learn the seven "polished" things you do in planes that are actually offensive, according to label experts.
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1 "Share" the armrest in the middle

When, as a child, we have taught the basics of polished behavior, the accent is on sharing. However, label experts say that when it comes to the average armrests of an aircraft, trying to share is actually considered to be rude.
JDI RR Smith , founder of Consulting at the Mannersmith label , explains that there is a clear code of conduct when he claims this space - and only one person has dibs.
"Here is the way the property of the armrests takes place. In the space of the aisle," she said Better life.
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2 Recover someone's luggage for him without asking

The other passengers can very well appreciate your help by recovering their luggage if you get up in front of them at landing. However, you should never get the luggage of others in the air compartment without consulting them first. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Do not take it upon yourself to enter the bag or the personal article of someone without their permission. Always ask first so as not to offend or scare the other person," advises Hirst.
3 Climb on someone instead of waking them up

You may think it is polite to avoid waking up another passenger to get out of your row of seats, but climbing on your sleeping neighbor is a worse offense.
"If the person in the seat of the alley is sleeping and you have to get out of your rank Laura Windsor , founder of Laura Windsor Liquette & Protocol Academy . "It is normal to wake up a passenger - it is how you do it! Entering someone is not elegant and can be a surprise surprise."
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4 Use of the tilting position on a short flight

Many people do not only do just because you can Tilt your seat on a plane doesn't mean you should. Smith recommends to withdraw if your flight time is under a certain length.
"For red or abroad flights, where it is presumed that you will at least try to sleep, then the inclination will be the norm," she explains. "For quick suburban trips of less than two hours, the standard is to stay in a vertical position."
5 Work on the flight

It may seem harmless to work on theft, but Smith warns that it is rude to use your tray table as a computer table for any extended period.
"This can be a complete surprise, but the table of the tray was designed for your convenience for catering. It is there for drinks, snacks and occasional meal. It was not designed to support your laptop" , she says.
Since the tray table is attached to the seat in front of you, each movement of your tray table causes an additional and generally undesirable movement of this seat, she explains.
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6 Politely ask to change sits

Asking for many favors is certainly better than making requests, but with regard to foreigners on a flight, it is preferable to avoid imposing in the first place. Example: politely ask to change sieges. Windsor says you need to avoid making this request, rather arrangements to sit with friends or family when you buy your tickets.
"Ask someone to change his seat can be a bit offensive, especially if he doesn't want to comply. It puts people in a difficult place because they can feel badly refusing to do so," said She.
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7 Become talkative with others in your row

Although it is certainly polite to say hello when you sit or have a brief exchange while you go up, the experts say that you should avoid being too talkative with those who are sitting next to you in your row . After all, flights can last for several hours, and you don't want your neighbor's neighbor to feel trapped in a conversation or forced you to entertain you.
Instead, after welcoming others politely, do not hesitate to put your headphones, look at flight entertainment, read a book or close your eyes. This will keep you busy while removing any pressure on your neighboring passengers.
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