≡ Судьба Габриэллы Мариани из «Графини де Монсоро»: где она и почему исчезла с экранов? 》 Her beauty

We tell how the fate of one of the most beautiful actresses of the 90s has developed.

She went from a “ugly duckling” to the charming Diana de Monsoro, and the most ordinary surname is hidden behind her original pseudonym. We tell how the fate of one of the most beautiful actresses of the 90s has developed.

1. An ordinary girl with an outstanding name

The actress was born in a small Moldavian city of Balti. Her grandmother had Romanian roots. It was she who awarded her granddaughter as an unusual and romantic name as Gabriella. But her real surname is more than prosaic - weaver. In 1992, director Samson Samsonov came up with a pseudonym Mariani, a derivative of the middle name, Maryanovna, for the novice actress.

2. Outcast and "ugly duckling"

Gabriella grew a quiet and closed child. Mom raised her alone and kept her in hedgehog mittens. I forbade painting, wear short skirts and walk on the street alone. Evenings, the future actress shortened for reading books and playing the violin. Surprisingly, in the school years, the sex symbol of the 90s was an outcast and a “ugly duckling”. From the memoirs of the actress: “Long sleeping with glasses and in an unthinkable, long, shapeless school uniform. The boys were teased, the faces were naked, I was complex, I almost hid in the corners. ”

3. The spirit of adventurism

In general, nothing foreshadowed that the modest and inconspicuous Gabriella would become a star of cinema. The 16-year-old girl was preparing to become an engineer, but at the last moment she changed her mind and went to conquer theatrical stage. In 1989, she became a student of the Schukin school. It was a hundred percent adventure, but already in the second year the actress debuted in the criminal drama “Living target”. Then she played a woman of easy behavior in the detective “The hostages of the“ Devil ”, the translator in the comedy“ Babnik-2 ”and the woman-Crys in the domestic horror“ Rat funeral ”. It would seem that with such a dubious filmography of Mariani it was not worth counting on serious roles in the cinema.

4. The long -awaited glory

However, a miracle happened. In 1998, Gabriella was approved for the main role in the historical series “Countess de Monsoro”. The actress recalls that she got to the samples quite by accident and is still perplexed why the director chose her out of thousands of applicants. However, on the set of the popular series, Mariani was not sweet. Her partners on the set were real masters: Yuri Yakovlev, Ekaterina Vasilieva, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, Alexander Domogarov. Offensive artists looked at the inexperienced Gabriella down. She climbed out of her skin to look worthy against their background.

5. Curse of the "gray mouse"

Gabriella was perplexed by the fact that at first the film crew ignored her. And only after leaving the dressing room everything was magically transformed. Only then did she guess that in ordinary jeans and with gathered hair, no one would recognize the luxurious Diana in her.

6. From the countess to the donkey

For deafening success came oblivion. For some time, Gabriella moved to earnings in the theater. After the exquisite countess, she had to play donkeys and bunnies in the children's New Year's production. In 2003, the actress again smiled at luck. She played one of the main roles in the sensational series "Undine".

7. Quiet, family happiness

Fans believed that for such a chic woman, men walk in crowds. Many even attributed to Mariani Roman with Domogarov. But Gabriella denies this fact. At the time of filming, Alexander was married, and she is not one of those women who ruin families. The actress’s personal life has developed more than modestly. In the late 90s, she married a little-known director Andrei Semenov. In 2002, they had a son. In an interview, Mariani admitted that she lives in a modest apartment and does everything around the house herself. At the moment, she practically does not act in the cinema.

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