5 Big Changes Target is doing this fall and how they will affect you

Recent policy changes and new goods can have an impact on how you shop at Target.

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Buyers who can enter a target store and buy only what appears on their list shows a fierce will. For many of us, the large area channel attracts us with its seasonal postings, its items at the top of the Super Pass store and its collaborations of exclusive designers. While this so-called " Target effect "Continue to do fun and exciting shopping, it does not really upset the retail sales experience. However, several major changes that target brings this fall - of the way you consult how much you spend - you have to do exactly That. Keep reading to find out more about what you can now expect to find in target stores and how these changes will affect you.

In relation: 5 big changes that Walmart makes this fall and how they will affect you .

The objective is to close the locations.

OTTAWA, CANADA - MAR 12, 2015: Soon to be closed Target in Nepean, Ottawa. The US retail chain announced it would close all of its Canadian stores in January after failed attempt to expand to Canada

In a September 26 Press release , Target announced that it would close nine locations: one in the New York East Harlem district, two in Seattle, three in the Portland region and three around San Francisco.

"In this case, we cannot continue to exploit these stores because the flight and organized retail crime threaten the security of our team and our customers, and contributing to unsustainable commercial performance," said the retailer in the press release.

As Better life previously reported, in May profit call With analysts, target cfo Michael Fiddelke said he expected the organization of retail crime (Orc) to reduce the profitability of the company in 2023 by more than $ 500 million compared to 2022.

Before deciding to close these stores, Target made investments in security, in particular the hiring of external security personnel and the establishment of articles commonly stolen in locked cases.

But they also open new locations.

A Target storefront
Shutterstock / Martin Bon

However, despite the wave of recent closures, Target continues to open new stores. This month, the locations arrived Teaks Valley, Virginie-Western ,, Yonkers, New York , and the Union Square New York area. The location of Union Square attracted a meticulous examination to the reasons why a New York district seems to be favored compared to another. Better life contacted Target to comment on this, but has not yet heard.

In fact, according to the company Company Website , "There is a store targets less than 10 miles from most doors in America." In addition to the three rated above, they currently list 32 additional stores that will open in the near future. This includes three others in New York - West Harlem and Chelsea in Manhattan, and a location in Queens.

In relation: Walmart and Target have a secret hiding place for customs clearance articles .

Target adds articles to self-dérification.

A self-checkout register at a Target store showing a sign for a 10-item limit
Dana Schulz for the best life

Whether you love or hate self-truth machines, you probably know now that they are a controversial subject . Some buyers praise their ease, while others hate how capricious they can be. Whatever the side where you are, however, the new limits of Target self-truth objects will probably have to affect your purchases.

As Better life recently reported, it has been confirmed that the target stores in Maine and New Jersey have imposed a Limit of 10 elements to self-dérification , made buyers known by new panels published in the registers.

In response to Coupons in the news , A Target spokesperson said: "In some places, we are testing auto-dérification paths of 10 articles or less in order to reduce waiting times and better understand the preferences of the guests."

However, buyers are skeptical, it will make things faster.

People shopping at Target.
Various photography / Shutterstock

A self-treatment limit seems similar to express grocery registers: it helps buyers with only a few things to get out of the store quickly and make the starting process more efficient for everyone. But that can only take place at Target if the cashiers are added.

"If limits are imposed on self-treatment, then during particularly busy periods, a store may need more registers to ensure that customers are supported in time", " Julie Ramhold , a consumption analyst with the Store comparison site Dealnews.com, previously said Better life . Buyers are skeptical.

"Target is now on my list of blocks, I think that after having limited self-truth to 10 elements and having like no cashier Make long lines "wrote x User @Ristance on the social media platform. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"He has Make longer lines !! Need more auditors if you are doing 10 articles or less to self-dérification !!!!! "wrote an anonymous commentator on an article on the limits of a Maryland store published on Rockville Nights.

In relation: Walmart employees slam a "really uncomfortable" self-acting experience .

Target adds Starbucks en route to stores.

A Target employee delivering a Starbucks order to a customer doing drive-up service.

The seizure of a Latte Grande has long been an advantage of shopping at Target, but the retailer's partnership with Starbucks is about to become even more practical.

In a press release in August, Target announced that, by the end of this month, "guests on a national scale will be able to add their favorite starbucks menu element to a drive order and do Delivered to their car In stores offering the free retailer's reader service. ""

This means that at the 1,700 target locations that include a Starbucks, if you simply make a contactless pickup order, you can ask a target team member to bring you coffee with your ordinary order.

It could also slow things down.

A Target employee wheeling a cart with a customer's drive-up order.

It goes without saying that some target buyers choose to enter the store rather than placing a driving order so that they can also operate their Starbucks. However, as Marketwatch recently shared, analysts from the Bank of America say that the new change is intended for Increase digital traffic .

Similar to the change of self-truth, if team members are not added to complete these additional driving orders, this could slow things down.

At this point, a target employee who passes through @scootsnb recently took to Reddit to deplore what they call " Double tappers , "Or buyers who place a driving order, but press the alerts for" I'm on my way "and" I'm here "in quick succession - so employees do not have time to prepare their orders.

"People also discover how to double the Drive Starbucks Drive Ups Drive now," they wrote. "It makes things more stressful for the Starbucks TMS on everything else ... Even increasing time from 3 minutes to 5-6 would be useful for us."

In relation: 5 ways whose layout of the Target store encourages you to buy more .

Target launches even more renowned collaborations.

A home decor display at Target of the Hearth & Hand brand

Target was undoubtedly one of the first large -scale stores to introduce designer collaborations , with Isaac Mizrahi And Alexander McQueen intervene like some of their first participants. Since then, they have expanded these partnerships to other departments. For example, Chip and Joanna Gaines HGTV renown is at the origin of Target Foyer and hand Interior decoration line.

And this fall, you can expect to find a multitude of high -level names striking the Target shelves.

The first collaboration to make the titles was a Thanksgiving decoration collection interior designer John Derian . Then it was announced that the creator of philanthropic jewelry Kendra Scott Would bring it coveted balls target.

And perhaps the most remarkable is that the actress who has become guru Gwyneth Paltrow Will soon sell a range of its Goop products on Amazon and Target. As People Reported, the beauty line Good.Clean.goop Includes 14 products , all at the price of less than $ 40 (well below a normal Goop item), ranging from facial cleaners to body oils, including immunity masts.

But you may not want to raise your hopes.

Woman holding Target Store shopping bag. Hypermarket. American retail corporation.
Brenda Rocha - Blossom / Shutterstock

Whenever retail experts comment on popular items in stores like Target - a designer This tends to Tiktok, for example - they are not quick to emphasize that demand often prevails over availability. So if you see something you would like in one of these collaborations, it's always a good idea to catch it while you have the opportunity.

In relation: Target stores are now locking whole aisles to prevent theft .

Target focuses more on affordability.

Folded Shirts on Sale at Target
Melissamn / Shutterstock

If you have been on social networks during the last month, there is a good chance that you have met a new Kitchen utensial flument . It is believed that the exclusive brand of the store is a dupe of the pots and ceramic pots of the Pastel House of Caraway Home. The big difference, however, is that a 10.5 inches pan of caraway Start at $ 95 , while a similar element in the figure line costs $ 24 .

Another recent announcement objective achieved on the cost economy comes in the toys department, while consumers are starting to plan the holidays. In a press release on October 3, the company shared that they "offered thousands of affordable and fashionable toys and games Less than $ 25 in his wide assortment. "This includes" vacation gifts from only $ 7.99 "from the list of the best toys in Bullseye, as well as collaborations with Disney and the FAO Schwarz.

This decision comes after a major drop in sales.

cardboard boxes from target
Shutterstock / Sundry Photography

Although we cannot confirm the correlation between the apparently new thrust of Target of affordability and the decrease in sales, the moment is certainly interesting.

By a August 16 Press release , Target revealed that its sales for the second quarter of the 2023 financial year, which ended on July 29, had dropped 4.3% in store and 10.5% online. According to the Associated Press, it was the First time in six years Target posted a decrease in quarterly sales.

As Better life Previously reported, Brian Cornell , president and chief executive officer of Target Corporation, Inflation cited As part of the problem (with retail theft and a controversial collection of the month of pride), noting that customers choose to spend additional travel and entertainment funds rather than material items.

Better life Contacted to target these store changes and update the item with their response.

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