≡ Is it safe to heat milk in a microwave? What you should know! 》 Her beauty

Are milk products useful? What is the harm from lactose? How much calcium needs to be consumed daily to be healthy? And is it safe to heat milk in the microwave?

How useful are daughters on the shelves of the supermarket? What is the harm of lactose? How much calcium needs to be consumed daily to be healthy? Milk lovers ask a lot of questions. But one of the most common - is it safe to heat milk in a microwave? Read on to find out the correct answer.

What is the danger of using a microwave oven?

Not everyone has time to stand over the pan, stirring milk while it warms up on the stove. Obviously, at present, the fastest and easiest way to heat it is to use a microwave oven. But the question arises, how safe is this for our health?

Unlike conventional gas furnaces, heat in the microwave is generated due to radiation. When you turn on the device, water molecules excited by electromagnetic radiation create vibration. This leads to milk heating. There are studies that prove that electromagnetic waves irreversibly destroy the natural enzyme alkaline phosphatase and cause an imbalance of calcium and phosphates in the finished product. And although there is no scientific evidence that the heating of milk in the microwave causes cancer, some experts believe that carcinogens are formed in it, which, as you know, are the root cause of the development of the disease.

How about breast milk or mixture?

Often mothers express breast milk in a bottle. To make the temperature optimal, then they heat it in the furnace. But this is categorically impossible to do. The thing is that under the influence of high -frequency waves, milk or the milk mixture is heated unevenly. Small foci of heat and hot spots created by microwave energy can easily burn the mouth or throat of the child. In addition, without regular mixing, it is difficult to control the temperature of bottled milk. Therefore, a bottle for feeding risks exploding directly in the microwave.

After the studies in the laboratories, it became clear that the nutritional and immunological value of breast milk begins to deteriorate at a temperature of 40 ° C and above. First of all, the protein of lactoperrin, acids and digestive enzymes are destroyed. Unfortunately, this process, called "structural isomeria", begins immediately after the power appliance is turned on and proceeds very quickly.


Milk is a rather delicate dairy product that must be heated very carefully. Of course, the use of a microwave oven greatly facilitates our life. And everyone makes a decision whether to at risk or not. Moreover, a number of scientists argue that they do not pose any danger to a human life. Meanwhile, several years ago, experience was conducted in Spain, during which it turned out that the broccoli heated in the microwave was losing about 90% of its useful trace elements. Get the conclusion yourself.

Categories: Food and travel
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