The United States had just declared 21 species of extinguished animals: "It's an awakening"

Animals have not been spotted in recent decades, according to officials.

When we think of "threatened species" ,, " Exotic creatures Like Panda Bears, orangutans and tigers often come to mind. But in reality, according to the World Wildlife Foundation, there are millions of the threatened species Around the world that could disappear - and this includes indigenous species here in the United States in fact, according to a recent press release from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 21 of American native animal species have been removed from the list threatened because they are now officially extinguished. Read the rest to know why those responsible warn that it is "alarm clock".

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Experts say that efforts to save these species "came too late".

sign for u.s. fish and wildlife service
Ehrlif / Shutterstock

On October 16, the FWS published a Press release Confirming that 21 species will be removed from the Threatened Species Act (ESA) due to extinction. According to the press release, most were listed under ESA in the 1970s and 80s, when there were very small numbers. The FWS notes that even when they have been listed, some of these species have perhaps already extinguished.

"Federal protection arrived too late to reverse the decline of these species, and it is an awakening on the importance of keeping species in danger before it is too late", director of FWS Martha Williams , said in the press release. "While we commemorate 50 years of the endangered species law this year, we remember the purpose of the law to be a safety net that stops the trip to extinction. The ultimate objective is Recover these species, so they no longer need the protection of the law. "

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The list includes a mammal, birds, fish and mussels.

close up of a fruit bat
Susan Flashman / Shutterstock

The 21 species delimited include a mammal, the small bat of Mariana's fruits, which was found in Guam and was spotted for the last time in 1968.

Ten birds are also now extinguished, including the paruline of Bachman, which was found in Florida and in South Carolina, and in the Bridged white eye, which was also found in Guam.

Eight of the birds now extended were honey screens found in Hawaii: the Kauai Akialoa, Kauai Nukupuu, Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, Grand Kauai Monteuse, Maui ākepa, Maui Nukupuʻu, Molokai Creecper and Po`ouli.

Two native fish are also extinguished, including the San Marcus Gambusia, found in Texas and were spotted for the last time in 1983, and the Scioto Madtom, found in Ohio and for the last time in 1957.

Eight species of mussels found in the eastern part of the United States is now also extinguished. The delimited species include the flat pig, the southern cotel, the stretch section, the highlad gable, the pearly mold in green bloom, the pearly mold in tuberculous bloom, the pearly mold in turmoil flower and the pearly mold in yellow flowers.

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Hawaiian birds are in a disastrous situation.

endemic akikiki bird
Photo Agami / Shutterstock agency

Hawaiian birds are in difficulty due to development and agriculture that destroyed their habitats , with non -native mosquitoes which carry avian diseases dealing with the final blow, according to a press release from the Center for Biological Diversity. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Director of endangered species in the center, Noah Greenwald , also told Axios that climate change Impact of species in Hawaii. Akikiki, another indigenous Hawaiian bird, was almost eliminated during recent forest fires in Maui, because fires affected a sanctuary on the island. According to the Department of Land and Natural Resources of Hawaii, there is Only five Pairs of these birds left in nature.

"Few people realize to what extent extinction and climate change crises are deeply linked," Greenwald said in the press release. "The two threaten to cancel our way of life, leaving our children a considerably poorer planet. A silver lining to this sad situation is that the protection and restoration of forests, meadows and other natural habitats will help 'send both. "

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Two species will remain on the ESA list.

ivory billed woodpecker
J K Laws / Shutterstock

In September 2021, the FWS suggested that 23 native species be removed from ESA due to extinction. However, after receiving public comments, two species will remain on the list threatened.

One of them was actually a plant, Phylostegia glabra var. Lanaiensis . Perennial grass in the mint family is in Hawaii and has no common name, notes the FWS, adding that surveys have found "new habitats potentially appropriate for the species".

The Ivory Bec peak was also removed from the original proposal. According to the FWS, it plans to carry out additional exams and analyzes before officially downtown the bird.

The FWS also highlighted the effectiveness of ESA, which saved 99% of the species listed from extinction, with 100 species of plants and animals delimited due to recovery efforts.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Science
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