Your shoes bring "cancer toxins" to your home, says the doctor

This bad habit of the house could expose you to dangerous chemicals of the street and the court.

Anyone who had a good pair of shoes knows that they can be much more than just part of our outfits. In the best scenarios, they can help avoid injuries, help overcome feet and facilitate the way the day. But despite how much they can do for you, there are still places where experts tell you should remove them - including your home. This is because, according to a doctor, your shoes bring "cancer toxins" to your home. Read the rest to see the potential health risks that come with this habit.

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A doctor warns that wearing your shoes inside can be dangerous for your health.

pile of shoes on door mat

In the United States, removing your shoes after crossing the front door is not exactly a cultural standard. Even if some may have a constant habit of being barefoot inside, others may think only to launch them when they are wet of the rain, while some of us can never think about it.

But even if you don't follow the mud and dirt visible in your home, wearing your shoes inside could still Create a health danger . In an Instagram coil published on September 7 Robert Singleton II , MD, warns that a study revealed that street shoes transferred to 99% of germs have collected outside on floor tiles in houses.

And it is not only ordinary viruses and bacteria that are worrying. "Your shoes can also transport carcinogenic toxins from the residence of asphalt roads and endocrine disruptive lawn chemicals," he warns. "So tell everyone in your household:" Absolutely no shoes inside. ""

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Experts agree that these dangerous contaminants create specific risks.

Close up on woman's feet in casual sneaks propped up on couch

Unfortunately, other experts agree that the video raises a good point on the dangers of not going barefoot in your home.

"Shoes, like other clothes, can keep harmful environmental substances," Sean Marchese , RN, a nurse authorized to The center of mesothelioma , tell Better life . "For most healthy adults, the risk of infection or disease of toxic materials on clothing is low. However, even small exposure could be dangerous depending on the chemical or material."

Marchese says that you are likely to follow specific contaminants due to contact with the field, including the concerns mentioned in the Instagram publication. "Asphalt roads can contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a cancer cancer compound and lawn chemicals can have glyphosate, which can be dangerous if it is poorly managed," he explains. "And after a fire or a natural disaster, the materials containing asbestos represent a significant risk, and the residues of the building materials can create an exposure that could cause life health problems."

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This can be particularly dangerous for households with toddlers or young children.

toddler playing with stacking cups
Oksana Kuzmina / Shutterstock

As Singleton mentions, many pathogens and harmful chemicals who make their way inside our shoes can make floors a real box of problems. And although this can mean problems for adults who drop articles, this can be even worse for those who spend their time at ground level. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"This is particularly problematic for those who have small children who crawl on the ground because they can touch the debris with their hands and transfer it to the mouth, which can cause a disease or a disease," said Bruce Pinker , PDM, founder and owner of Progressive care .

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Most experts agree that having a "shoes" rule can be beneficial.

Close up on woman's feet in stockings stepping out of work shoes and into slippers

Despite the microbial risks, some experts point out that other problems could solve Complete barefoot inside . In some cases, walking all day without support can create more immediate injuries or health problems, especially if you work at home, Priya Parthasarathy , a certified board of the board of directors, said The Washington Post .

Others point out that the risk of becoming sick or obtaining an external microbes infection is also relatively low. And while young children can be exposed to the germs more frequently, this exhibition can help develop their grass immune system, Philip Tierno, Jr. , professor of microbiology and pathology at the New York University School of Medicine, told The post office .

But still, many agree that there are advantages determined to keep your shoes out of your domestic space. Instead, consider a pair of interior support shoes that can provide the support you need without risking providing harmful chemicals.

"Although the general risk of exposure to toxic materials in your shoes is low, certain simple precautions can protect you and more vulnerable family members, such as children, against unnecessary damage," said Marchese. "Remove your shoes before entering your living space, wash your shoes from time to time and clean regularly and suck your floors to remove external residues."

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