The strangest places hide mice in your home - and how to find them

They camp in more places than the attic or the garage, say the pest experts.

As the weather changes, your house can become a place of nesting for parasites, especially mice, even if you think your The house is the proof of rodents . "With the colder months to come, they are looking for a safe and warm place to live, as well as subsistence," explains Brandon Thorsell , district director for Bestiole control de Toronto, who adds that they will essentially chew any surface or material to go to a food source or a shelter. The attic, the basement or a well-supplied pantry are the most obvious places they run, but the mice can also be found in many other places inside your home. Fortunately, pest experts share where they could camp and how to find them. Continue to read to find out more about the strangest places than mice hide inside your home.

In relation: 8 plants attracting mice to your home .

Cooking devices

dishwasher kitchen utensils

It is more common than you think of seeing mice under the dishwasher, the oven or the refrigerator. These areas are generally pleasant and warm, and they are also close to food sources.

Daniel LEDEZMA , Leader of the intelligent program at Antimex Carolinas , explains that mice must keep a certain body temperature to survive, and if they do not do so, their fast metabolisms will eat all their energy, making them look for more food.

"Take a look at the stove and behind a refrigerator to make sure that there are no possible excrement and opening in the wall that will give them access to this area," he said.

Georgios Likopoulos , expert in antiparasitic control at Fantastic services , Notes that they can also hide inside these devices rather than simply around them, so be also looking for chewed wires.


Mouse in Crack of Couch
Christin Lola / Shutterstock

Mice have no problem nesting in furniture, especially if it is close to a heat source like a radiator, says Craig Sansig , director of services at Viking pest control . The sofas are even more likely to obtain visitors because they have easily accessible crevices.

In addition to providing heat, furniture often has a lot of crumbs inside. "Do not forget to look under the furniture and remove all the food particles that could attract rodents to live or sometimes inside your favorite sofa," said Ledezma.

In relation: 8 foods that attract mice inside your home .


window under roof overhang
Shutterstock / Brizmaker

Mouses have an advantage when it comes to looking for food and shelter because they are not afraid of heights. "You can easily find on a scale from the outside of buildings to access the roof line where they have access to the attics," said Sansig.

More often than not, they will use pipes or wires to access other areas of the house. "Small vents or openings in the roof can allow mice to access the attics," adds Likopoulos.

Check the signs of infestation, such as nests, excrement and gnawed insulation.

Fall ceilings

Person Working on Drop Ceiling
Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock

"Be on the lookout for excrement or insulation chewed on the ceiling because mice like to hide there, especially in the deposit ceilings (secondary ceilings suspended below the main)," says Likopoulos Better life . Like an attic, the ceiling can offer heat and safety, which makes it ideal for the mice to go.

LEDEZMA says that the fall ceilings become a path of superhigne so that mice sail and nest throughout the house. If the ceiling tiles can be removed, the best way to find and control the mice is trapping.

"Ideal baits to attract mice ... can be peanut butter or chocolate and a certain type of nesting material such as a cotton ball or a string / fabric / fabric," he explains. Of course, you can also call your local antiparasitic wrestling business.

In relation: 8 surprising things in your court that attract mice to your home .


Fixing Cracks in the Wall
Sima / Shutterstock

Wall voids are not always visible because they are generally inside the wall itself, but they are an easy space to hide mice. Sometimes they occur due to natural structural defects such as cracks or holes in the foundation, but they can also occur when insulation, pipes or wiring are poorly installed.

"The mice can use these spaces to nest and look for a shelter," explains LEDEZMA, who adds that the insulation between the walls is what they use for nesting materials. And once they started nesting, it will be more difficult to get them out of your home. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Air ducts

air conditioning duct
Krit Kongcharoenpanich / Shutterstock

Mouses can easily navigate in air ducts and use them as tunnels to find other places in your home.

You can say that they were there if there are excrement or chewed insulation, says Likopoulos. And if you are unable to find panels during the day, such as bite marks, scratch-marchs or excrement, Likopoulos suggests listening to breaches or sounds to cringen at night when the mice are generally more active.

In relation: 5 plants that keep mice out of your court, according to experts .

Stone and concretensive walls

Two Mice in Brick Wall
Wim Janssen / Shutterstock

It is no secret that mice can enter your home through small spaces, but they can also penetrate by stone or concrete block walls. "They can access the points of pointing between the stones or through standby holes designed to allow the walls to" breathe ", explains Sansig.

As a rule, these structures are hollow and the material is easy to get around. Mouses can not only bite their path, but they can climb and adapt until they find a more comfortable place inside.

Boxes full of things

putting holiday decorations away
Brett Hondow / Shutterstock

"The things that are in a basement or an attic all year round can be the vehicles in which mice make hitchhikes in the living spaces of our homes, accessing more reliable sources of food And water, "explains Ledezma.

So be sure to use sealed plastic trash cans to store your personal effects. And if you have autumn decorations, know that corn stalks and hay bullets are a mouse favorite, you will want to shake them to look for excrement.

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