Mr. Fauci says most people went here before catching Covid

But "we can turn that," the expert from infectious diseases. Here's how.

As the holiday season is approaching,Dr. Anthony FauciThe top expert on infectious diseases of the nation said: "People gather together, especially inside," has been a serious pandemic coronavirus pilot so far.

Fauci has made the remarks at a Q & A streaming at the 2020 Ignatius Forum Thursday hosted by theWashington National Cathedral When requested if there were clear data that events where people have gathered without masks - such as political gatherings or the Sturgis motorcycle gathering in South Dakotahave contributed the propagation of coronavirus. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Small gatherings a "large spreader" now ...

"I think it's pretty clear when you've seen gathering parameters in which people have gathered inside without mask," said Fuci, adding "there is no doubt" than the gathering Sturgis, where 500,000 people gathered, mainly without mask last August, was a propagation event. The event has been linked to at least 300,000 coronavirus cases.

"We have seen it in clear examples of people come together in a congregated way, especially inside, where you are tracing after that, there are clear epidemics," said Fauci.

Fauci comments a day when the United States struck another record for daily cases, in one season when small gatherings and individual households started driving the thrust of the virus.

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... but "we can turn this around" ...

However, Fauci stated that a national lock was not necessary at this stage. "I do not think so that we need to lock," he said. "We have to leave that on the table. We will not just push it from the table. I do not think we have to do it because my experience is that when you, as a group, as a country as a country as a country as a country That country public health measures ... we can transform this around you around to lock the country. "

These public health measures have often advocated: a universal mask wearing, avoiding crowds, socialization outside more than from the inside, observing a six-foot social distance from people who are not in your household and a Frequent washing.

In addition, the fauci and other leaders such as Mr. Francis Collins, Director of National Institutes of Health, urged Americans to reconsider Thanksgiving and vacation travel this year to avoid Covid-19.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says you no longer need to do that to avoid Covid

... by "Do not let your guard"

State officials have recently reiterated this Council. "With regard to your private frame, just advocate with people not to leave your guard, keep your gatherings as small as possible and continue to fight," said Thursday Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy. "Do not let your hair even when you are at home, even when you celebrate your holidays with your loved ones." Also this week, New York Gov. Andrew Mr. Cuomo announced a limit of 10 people on gatherings in private residences, calling them a "large spreader".

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing - COVID-19 in the first place: Wear yourfacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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