≡ Relational toxicity: 8 undeniable signs to be identified and avoiding》 Her Beauty

Have you ever crossed paths with a person whose behavior seemed to poison everything around him?

Have you ever crossed paths with a person whose behavior seemed to poison everything around him? If you ask yourself about your own attitude or that of someone you know, it's time to make a deep introspection. Relational toxicity is a topical subject, but what are the concrete signs that characterize it? How to recognize these behaviors with a friend, a colleague, a family member, or at home? Zoom on the eight indicators of relational toxicity to help you identify and overcome them.

The sickly desire

Jealousy is a fertile land for relational toxicity. Whether it is friendship or love, confidence, respect and independence are essential. If you are constantly prey to jealousy, it can create a toxic environment for those around you. It is worth wondering where this lack of self -confidence comes from, because it can have harmful consequences on your relationships.

The love of conflicts

Permanent conflicts harm peace and harmony. If each conversation turns into a battlefield, it is time to think about your own role in these incessant arguments, to abandon your ego and to discover that life without quarrel is infinitely more pleasant.


If you lie or handle to achieve your goals, you adopt toxic behavior. You may not even be aware of it, as it has become a habit.

The devaluation of others

If you are used to lowering the successes and joys of others, it only makes you devalue yourself. Building solid self -esteem should not depend on the successes or failures of others. It is by supporting and celebrating the successes of those around you that you will strengthen your own relationships.

Extreme self -centeredness

It is normal to talk about your own life, but if your conversations are entirely centered on you, it can stifle the interest for others. Remember that you are not the center of the world, and that you have a lot to learn from the people around you.

The inability to apologize

Refusing to apologize can isolate you quickly from others. A friend or a partner can tolerate some errors, but at some point, they will get tired of your sulky attitudes. Recognizing your mistakes and putting your ego aside are the basics of a healthy relationship.

The position of permanent victim

To place itself as a constantly victim is a flight from the responsibility of your actions. Instead of rejecting the fault on others, examine your behavior and take into account your share of responsibility.

Intermittently kindness

One of the most devious facets of relational toxicity is kindness intermittently. Some toxic people can be charming and benevolent at times, then turn into a real emotional threat in no time.

Relational toxicity can poison our lives and those of those around us. Relations are an exchange of support, love and mutual respect. For yourself and for those around you, it's time to cultivate more positive relationships.

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