Could this infestation of widespread bed bugs are wreaking havoc in Paris - that could happen here?

The sadly famous pests were even identified on public transport before the summer Olympic Games.

While an invasion of domicile by pests of all kinds Maybe a nightmare, bedbugs would undoubtedly be at the top of the list with regard to potential authors. Many live in the total fear of tiny critters who can spread quickly and silently, are difficult to spot and apparently impossible to eradicate. Even a more minor epidemic in an area can be concerned about concern for the authorities who seek to keep them at a distance - and it is particularly worrying when they seem to take a big city. Now, an infestation of widespread bedbugs is wreaking havoc in Paris. Read the rest to see if the same problem could occur in the United States.

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Paris is currently suffering from a widespread bedbug infestation.

Istock / Eva-Katalin

Paris is one of the most emblematic cities in the world, with its famous cuisine, its charming streets, its historic monuments and its romantic atmosphere. But unfortunately, the city of Light can now add at least a deeply enviable line to this list: exceed bedbugs.

The authorities of the French capital recently spoke of the Increasing pest problem While the city is preparing to host the 2024 summer Olympic Games, The Guardian reports. Residents and visitors have Taken on social networks To publish videos of crawling bedbugs on public transport, including the Paris metro and regional high -speed trains, at Charles de Gaulle airport in the city and in cinemas. Others have noted that many people choose to take place during their trips To avoid collecting unwanted hitchhikers, according to Insider.

"No one is safe," Emmanuel Grégoire , the deputy mayor of Paris, told French News Channel the Info (LCI) During an interview . "You can catch them anywhere and bring them home, and do not detect them in time until they have multiplied and spread."

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The status of the city as a better tourist destination could make the problem even more serious.

person packing suitcase with rolled clothes on bed, math jokes

The last increase in reported observations led Grégoire and other officials to contact the government's aid to fight against the problem. However, blood insects are not a new threat to the country: the search for the French Agency for Health and Environmental Safety and Safety (Anse) have revealed that a little more 'One in 10 national houses had been infested with bedbugs between 2017 and 2022, by The Guardian .

In addition to becoming more difficult to eradicate In recent years, due to the resistance developed to the chemicals used for elimination, stealth insects also thrive in a city like Paris, which sees a daily rush of millions of shuttles of the peripheral suburbs and even more annual visitors in the world entire. Experts now emphasize that this combination shows that it could become a problem elsewhere.

"This is mainly due to the movement of people, the populations traveling, the fact that people remain in short -term accommodation and bring back bedbugs in their suitcases or their luggage", " Johanna Fite A representative of the Ministry of Risk Evaluation of ANSES, told CNN. "We observe more and more populations of bedbugs who are resistant, so there is no miracle treatment to get rid of it."

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Paris is not the only city that had to face an attack on bedbugs.

View of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building.

Even if it is currently making the headlines, Paris is far from being the only city to suffer in the hands of such a small pest. Around 2010, New York saw a peak in bedbug infestations that seized the city of fear Like several clothing stores, municipal buildings, schools, cinemas and theaters of Broadway have been forced to treat them, The Guardian reported.

Today, other American cities share this current problem. Data published earlier this year by Orkin's antiparasitic company shed light on Which cities were the worst for bedbugs nationally, with Los Angeles, Cleveland, Philadelphia, New York and Chicago among the first five for the number of treatments for commercial and residential bedbugs carried out by the company.

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Here's how to avoid bringing them to your home after a trip.

Mattress with Bed Bugs
Andrey_popov / Shutterstock

In addition to their dinner bites, bedbugs get their terrible reputation how difficult it can be to get rid of your home once they have succeeded. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce your risk of infestation .

In the event of the road, do a duty to keep your clothes and your dirty linen off the floors, mattresses from your hotel, mattresses and other soft furniture, opting rather for hangers and the bathtub, the guy of the points suggests . You should also make a quick check of bedbugs by pulling sheets and blankets to search for all signs of dark streaks, while keeping in mind that you can not spot anything even if they are present.

Once you are at home, avoid the temptation to let your luggage languish on the floor of your room and Store your bags outside If possible, the United States Environmental Agency Protection (EPA) suggests. Instead of dropping clothes in your basket or returning to your drawers, unpack your clothes immediately in a washing machine and check all the signs of the bugs. A complete laundry cycle should then help eliminate them, thanks to the high heat of a dryer. Storage of your empty luggage in a basement or a garage - and never under your bed - can also reduce your chances.

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