≡ The Muslim couple guide to achieve financial success》 Her Beauty
Think, are the goals corresponding to the monthly expenses?

In an opinion poll conducted by the American Psychology Association, 36% of the participants mentioned that they are uncomfortable to talk about money within their families, and 18% confirmed that talking about money is a prohibited subject in their families, if these numbers reflect the opinions of the Americans in the West, then imagine what these numbers appear In Muslim families? We must feel comfortable when making regular and purposeful talks about money with our partners, and talk about money must be included in our daily conversations. In this article, we will present to you the guide of the Muslim couple to achieve financial success.
The importance of setting the financial goals of the family
Our daily life is very stressful, whether it is by passing the bustle of the morning routine and going to work, or stability at home to raise children, or prepare them for school, and in many cases we do our daily tasks without awareness and normally, and this unconscious activity extends to financial matters So it is very important to set the financial goals of the family.
It is intended to set goals; Determining something you want to achieve, so you put measuring measures during a specific time period to get there. Examples of goals related to financial success may include:
- Providing a specific amount of money by the end of the year for the summer vacation.
- Providing a certain amount before entering the month of Ramadan in order to purchase the home storage and donate to charity.

Setting small steps to achieve goals
Although the process of setting goals is the first and most important step, it is not sufficient. How long have we set plans and goals and did not implement them? That is why the importance of the second step comes, which is to put in effect on a small or weekly on a daily or weekly, and it is important to be realistic, and the move will not happen towards these goals if we do not talk about financial matters in our daily conversations, as this will work to keep our plan and our ideas at the forefront Our priorities.

Create a financial budget for the house
Set the time with your partner for the budget meeting; Just make sure that it is a place where you feel comfortable and harmonious, bring this meeting with your goals, plans, small steps and aspirations to the future, and the two parties must agree on the budget, and there must be confidence and not to issue judgments, be open and sincere as possible, knowing that it is from It is possible that there are unacceptable goals or need to amend; For example, if the couple wants to work and there is a little girl, it will take more discussion, will the little one go to a nursery or a family member or will work times be divided in a way that ensures that none of the family members are not damaged?

Put your goals and budget under implementation
After discussing and agreeing on all points, the goals, plans and budget must be implemented, and for this step, be sure to write down everything either on the pages of paper or on Chit Excel, and remember that a good budget meeting focuses on practical facts and future goals.

Are the goals corresponding to the monthly expenses?
How do we spend compared to our budget? Do we need to reduce spending, or is our plan not realistic? Where should that money come from? Do we have a gap in income or in expenses?
What surprised us this month? Do we need to add or amend any categories to prepare better next month or next year? What do we have in the next month? Are there any events or expenses that we need to prepare for? Are we on the right track to achieve our long -term goals? If not, why is that?
It is important to monitor the goals accurately and carefully, especially with regard to financial matters, because they are clear, majestic and free of numbers, and for this if you intend to achieve your financial goals, make sure to monitor them well first -hand, and if you find it difficult to track your expenses, you can use one of the applications that help to review Financial issues.

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