75 adult puzzles: funny, stimulating and bizarre!

Take advantage of everything, from classic cerebral teasers to the puzzles of love and life.

Although we are no longer in school, it is good to entertain the opportunitybrain teaser To stay lively. Studies even suggest that these puzzles can acceleratecognitive treatment and improve short -term memory. If nothing else, they offer a welcome escape of our daily tasks and routines. Below, we collected 75Adult puzzles To help you jump your friends, impress your colleagues and start to flex these cognitive muscles!

75 funny, difficult and strange puzzles for adults

From the puzzles of love to more difficult teasers, these questions do not keep you on your guard.

RELATED:40 hard puzzles that will leave you completely perplexed

Easy puzzles for adults

portrait of man looking smug
Alex Wright Media / Shutterstock
  1. Screech:What should you break before you can use it?
    An egg
  2. Screech:What's full of holes but still has water?
    A sponge
  3. Screech:What is still in front of you but can't be seen?
    The future
  4. Screech:What is starting with T, ends with t, and is in it?
    Answer:A tea-pot
  5. Screech:Where is the only place where today comes before yesterday?
    Answer: The dictionary
  6. Screech: Alexa has four daughters and each has a brother. How many children has in total?
    Answer: Five children - All four girls have the same brother
  7. Screech:What is the letter "T" and an island have in common?
    Answer:They are both in the middle of the water
  8. Screech: Some say that I put the doctors on bankruptcy. Sometimes I'm sour. Other times, I'm nice. You can eat me and you can drink me. What am I?
    Answer: An Apple
  9. Screech: Sam's father has 3 daughters. Two are named Stephanie and Amanda. What is the name of the third girl?
    Answer: Sat
  10. Screech:What is four fingers and an inch but is not alive?
    Answer:A thumb

Funny puzzles

woman in pink shirt laughing
Astrock Productions / Shutterstock

  1. Screech:When is a door no longer a door?
    Answer: When he is left enthusiastic
  2. Screech:I have four wheels and flies. What am I?
    Answer: A garbage truck
  3. Screech:What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?
    Answer: A hole
  4. Screech: You can hold me in your right hand, but never in your left hand. What am I?
    Answer:Your left hand
  5. Screech: What can you catch, but not launch?
  6. Screech: What type of cheese is made back?
  7. Screech:What type of construction contains the most stories?
  8. Screech: People knead me to buy things. What am I?
  9. Screech:How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty?
    Answer: Just one - After your stomach is no longer empty
  10. Screech:How can children drink beer and not get drunk?
    By going to root beer
  11. Screech: What is getting wet during drying?
    Answer:A towel

Hard puzzles for adults

woman looking confused
Pepso Studio / Shutterstock

  1. Screech: There are two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What is that?
    Answer: The letter "R"
  2. Screech: An airplane crashed on the border of Spain and Portugal. Where were the survivors buried?
    Answer:They weren't - you are not supposed to bury survivors
  3. Screech: The poor have it. The rich need it. If you eat it, you will die. What is that?
    Answer: Nothing
  4. Screech: You enter a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What should you first light?
    Answer: The game
  5. Screech: I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
    Answer: A bank
  6. Screech: What is so fragile what to say that its name breaks it?
    Answer: The silence
  7. Screech: The more you take it, the more you leave behind. What are they?
    Answer: footprint
  8. Screech:How do you know that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are about to get married?
    Answer: They all have rings
  9. Screech:What is going on all over the world but stays in a corner?
    Answer: A stamp
  10. Screech:A man entered town on Tuesday and left a few days later on Tuesday. How is it possible?
    Answer:Tuesday was the name of his horse
  11. Screech: What cuts cities and fields, but never moves?
    Answer: A road

Netigmas on work

men laughing at their computers
Fizkes / Shutterstock

  1. Screech: A man and his boss have the same parents, but they are not brothers and sisters. How is it possible?
    Answer:He is independent
  2. Screech: What does no one want, but nobody wants to lose?
  3. Screech:Why did the invisible man refuse a job offer?
    Answer:He just couldn't see himself doing it
  4. Screech: Why did the spider get a job in I.T.?
    Answer:Because he excels on web design
  5. Screech:Why is it so easy for elephants to get a job?
    Answer:Because they will work for peanuts
  6. Screech:What do you say when you wake up late for work and realize that you have a fever?
    Me, Si-Late
  7. Screech:A man was just doing his job when his costume was torn. He died a few minutes later. Why?
    Answer:It was an astronaut
  8. Screech:What happened to the beans when they presented themselves late to work?
    Answer:They were canned
  9. Screech:A man is preparing for a business trip. He stops at his office on the airport path. The night watchman stops him before his departure and asks him not to get on the flight. He explains that he had a dream that the plane crashed and that everyone on board died. The man cancels his trip. And of course, the plane crashes, killing everyone on board. He gave the goalkeeper a few thousand dollars for saving his life, then dismissed him. Why?
    Answer: A night guard is not supposed to sleep at work
  10. Screech:People do me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I?
    Answer: Silver
  11. Screech:What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
    Answer: A jeweler sells watches while a jailer looks at the cells

Mathematics puzzles for adults

jumbled numbers
BNP Design Studio / Shutterstock

  1. Screech: When my father was 31 years old, I was only 8 years old. Now his age is twice as old as my age. What is my current age?
    Answer:23 years
  2. Screech:The day before, I was 21, and next year, I will be 24 years old. When is my birthday?
    Answer:The 31st of December; Today is January 1
  3. Screech:It is now at 9 am. Joséphine studies 2 hours, takes a bath for 1 hour then lunch for 1 hour. How many hours remains before 9 am tomorrow?
    Answer:20 hours
  4. Screech: There is an empty basket of diameter. What is the total number of eggs you can put in this empty basket?
    Answer:Just one! After that, it does not count like an empty basket
  5. Screech:Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
    Answer:Neither; They both weigh a ton
  6. Screech: What is the smallest number that increases by 12 when he returned and upset?
    Answer:86. When he returned upside down and returned, he became 98.
  7. Screech: I am a three -digit number. My tens of tens is five more than my figure. My hundreds of hundreds are eight less than my tens. What number am I?
  8. Screech: When someone asks Michael how old he is, he replied: "In two years, I will be twice as old as before five years ago." How old is he?
    Answer: 12
  9. Screech: Turn me on my side, and I'm all. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I?
    Answer: The eight number
  10. Screech: I am a strange number. Remove a single letter and I become equal. What number am I?
  11. Screech:If the company of two and three are a crowd, what are four and five?
    Answer: New

Frozen of love

couple discussing riddles about love
Voyagerix / Shutterstock
  1. Screech: I can break, I can be blocked, I can be attacked, we can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, but I can be whole at the same time. What am I?
    Answer: A heart
  2. Screech:What do you call two Italian love ants?
    Answer: Rome
  3. Screech:How is it that it is so easy to fall in love with a French chef?
    Answer: They know how to butter you
  4. Screech: You see a boat filled with people, but there is not one person on board. How is it possible?
    Answer:Everyone is married
  5. Screech:Why did the banker break up with his girlfriend?
    Answer:He lost interest
  6. Screech: What did the trombone said to the magnet?
    Answer:I find you very attractive
  7. Screech:What do snakes give themselves when they say goodbye?
    Answer:A tiny whistle on the cheek
  8. Screech: I am present at the beginning of love; The beginning of life and I am the end of evil. What am I?
    Answer: The letter "L"
  9. Screech: Most of the time, my color is red, I am beautiful and everyone loves me, especially ladies. Sometimes I can hurt you. I don't want it, I'm sorry. What am I?
    Answer: A rose
  10. Screech: I am a word and a rhyme nine milks with perfection. People use me like another name for love. What am I?
    Answer: Affection
  11. Screech: What can a room fill out but does not take up space?
    Answer:To like

Word puzzles for adults

jumbled letters
Patpitchaya / Shutterstock
  1. Screech:Charming and round, I am shimmering white, cultivated in darkness, the greatest pleasure. What am I?
    Answer:A pearl
  2. Screech: I have a head and a tail but no body. What am I?
    Answer: A play
  3. Screech:I have words, but I never speak. What am I?
    Answer: A book
  4. Screech:I have legs, but I don't work? What am I?
    Answer: A chair
  5. Screech:I am more difficult to catch faster than you run. What am I?
    Answer: Your breathing
  6. Screech:I have better than I feel. What am I?
    Answer: A tongue
  7. Screech:I have a lot of keys, but I can't open a single lock. What am I?
    Answer: A piano
  8. Screech:I have a neck but no head. What am I?
    Answer: A guitar
  9. Screech:What word of the dictionary is incorrectly spelled?
    Answer: Incorrectly
  10. Screech:I start with an "e" and I contain a single letter. What am I?
    Answer: An envelope

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