The 9 most hated celebrities of Hollywood

Here are the 9 celebrities that are the most hated by almost everyone.

It is always difficult for celebrities - simply the lovers or hate, normally it's both. Some celebrities are really incredible and show only their best qualities, while others really care about what people think and do what they want. Do we blame them for that? With so many people observing each of your steps, it is difficult to be yourself and feel truly free. Being in light can very stressful, and some people deal with that stress unusual. Others just like to create chaos around them. Are you with celebrities that are the most hated by thousands of people for several reasons, but do you really bother them? We do not believe that. They are too "cool" to be bothered by those things. Here are the 9 celebrities that are the most hated by almost everyone.

Chris Brown
Everyone agrees that he is an incredible musician, which will become even bigger as the years, but it is difficult to ignore that the fact that he has been hitting the ex-girlfriend of him, Rihanna, who knows how much weather. We can not only forgive it for that! He deserved with a period of parole of 5 years, but things did not end there. He even had a fight with Drake for Rihanna!

The Kardashians.
The video of Kim K. with Ray J. is among the many other things that have put the Kardashian clan in the stellar light. Most people hate them for being exposed. With its emoji's, linen lines, pregnancies, marriages and scandals, it's just too much! Every morning we wake up, we listen to something Kardashian in the news. It's tired, for not saying something worse.

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's fan base involves millions of people, but the number of people who hate him is growing over the years. Justin started as a beautiful teenager who sang over love, but the charm soon began to vanish. The new person was more of a bad boy who liked silly jokes and irresponsible behavior. Even so, the songs of him and the good looking of him continue to leave the base of fans intact.

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson is one of those people you love hate. He has the same number of people who hate him as fans, and there is a reason why. Being an actor and talented director, the true feelings of him about real importance issues have put on shock to the public. He ended up being a sexist and racist, and this should not be taken lightly.

Kanye West.
Kanye has achieved too much, and he is definitely a very talented man. Still, he has done some things that really are very low. During the MTV Music Awards of 2009, he threw Taylor Swift saying that Beyoncé should have won. He has also called himself a "creative genius" on more than one occasion. To worsen everything, he married Kim Kardashian and his son's name is North West.

Bill Cosby.
Bill Cosby used to be one of Hollywood's most beloved actors. Thousands of people have grown wind the programs of it. Even he has a dark side! Did you know that more than 50 women accused him of sexual abuse? Supposedly he dredged them before carrying out that. In court he admitted that he had a prescription of Quaalude, which he used in women to have sex with them. Many people later began to hate him.

Zack Snyder.
Millions of people are blaming Zack Snyder for ruining the movie "Batman vs. Superman: Dawn ". This movie has too many mistakes! What would have been one of the best films in history, ended up being a huge mistake. The fans still do not forgive him for that!

Shia Labeuf.
Shia had almost achieved it after the Transformers franchise. He has become the face of these films, and he could have done much more with him as an actor. But it seems that everything was too much for him because on one occasion he was arrested by poisoning in public and on another occasion he presented himself on the filming of a film with a bag in the command of him "I am not famous". Well, it seems that after all these things he actually does not!

Gwyneth Paltrow.
Although he is loved by his abilities as an actress, Gwyneth Paltrow has managed to enhance many people with their new guru lifestyle. GOOP, the new publication of it, has become the subject of many jokes. Fans simply can not be related to that, since Gwyneth's lifestyle was so expensive and distant from the average person's lives. She even named the most hated celebrity in the world in 2013!

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