Chevy Chase does not regret "the community" which pulls: "I did not want to be with these people"

The controversial actor left the series after saying a racial insult on the set.

More than 10 years have passed since Chevy Chase And producers have agreed that he should leave the cult success sitcom Community In the midst of rumors of quarrel and dismay on the set. In a new interview with the podcast, the Saturday Night Live The old one said that, perhaps without surprise, he does not regret what happened and that he had really just left the comedy NBC. Chase slapped Community like not being "funny enough" to his taste and gave his frank opinions on his co-stars and creator Dan Harmon , with whom he has exchanged public beards over the years. Continue reading to learn more.

In relation: Oliver Stone said that working with Richard Dreyfuss was "the worst experience" of his career .

Chase on the left Community in 2012.

The cast of
John Shearer / Wireimage via Getty Images

In 2012, Deadline reported that Chase was leaving Community , a show on a group of friends shifted in a community college, in a "mutual agreement" with the producers of the show. At the time, the program had almost finished filming season 4. According to the report, Chase's departure was decided in the middle of a quarrel with Harmon and after Chase used the word N on the set. Would have been THE Vacation The star used the insult Speaking of his character, who has often pronounced offensive things, and wondering if the word would be the next thing he had to say.

As indicated by Deadline, Chase quarrel with Harmon Involved in Chase Stormant of the whole, Harmon delivering a coarse speech on Chase in front of him during an enveloping party, and Chase leaving Harmon a vocal messaging filled with explanation.

Chase said he felt "forced" by the show.

Chevy Chase at the
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

As indicated by the A.V. club , Chase was the guest of the September 25 episode of the Podcast WTF with Marc Maron . When the host asked the actor to be approached to join Community , which was created in 2009, he replied "I forget that. They wanted me, so I said" OK. ""

Chase also said that he did not think that the series was "funny enough" and that he was not sorry to leave.

"Honestly, I felt that the show was not funny enough for me, finally ... I felt a little forced," he said. "Everyone had their songs and all that, and I thought they were all good, but it was just not hard enough for me." He added: "I didn't mind the character. I just felt - I felt happier to be alone in a way. I just didn't want to be surrounded by this table every day with these people. 'was too much. "

He said Harmon apologized to him.

Dan Harmon at PaleyFEST 2014
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

When Marc Maron When asked if his relationship with Harmon is ok now, Chase revealed that he had not seen the producer since 2012. "I don't know if we are well. I never agree", did he declare. "He's a kind of piss. He was angry. He called and said he was sorry. I love him now."

In 2013, Harmon said The Hollywood Reporter From Chase, "[Chevy is] an old confusing man, but he is also the guy who calls you to his trailer and shakes the script in the air and says:` `I am not an old confused man! I'm sexy! I could be the star of this show! I'm not gay. You write to me as if I was gay. "" He admitted that he had used the real personality of Chase as fodder for the Character. "I would say to him:" Do you understand that what you are saying is funny and that makes an interesting character? "He would blink with his eyes and look at me and I go:" Whatever it is, I don't think that It's funny, "recalls the showrunner.

More recently, in 2022, Harmon examined if Chase will be part of the next Community movie. "I don't even know if it is legal for him to come back," He said in a video shared by Variety . "It may be out of my hands. He can sign something with an insurance company." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In relation: Kathleen Turner says that Burt Reynolds's sexist commentary started the 30 -year -old quarrel .

Chase previously called sitcoms "the lowest form of television".

Chevy Chase at the premiere of
Jaguar PS / Shutterstock

Even while he was still working on Community ,, The prosecution was not exactly efficient on this subject .

"The hours are hideous, and it is always a sitcom on television, which is probably the lowest form of television," he told HuffPost Uk in 2012. "This is my feeling about this . I think the reason I stayed for because I like these children, the actors - they are very good. It is not as if I work with the big innovators of all time, but at the same time, These are my friends and I went out, and one of my daughters is here, and wants to be in the business, so she lives with me. "

It has the reputation of being difficult and making racist remarks.

Donald Glover arrives to the
Dfree / Shutterstock

Chase has no sterling reputation in Hollywood. Even as far as his Snl days he argued from comrades - including Bill Murray , with whom He had a physical fight once Before the show was put online.

In a 2018 interview with The New Yorker ,, Community co-star Donald Glover says that Chase made comments on his race On the set, like "people think you are funnier because you are black." (In response, Chase told the publication: "I am saddened to learn that Donald perceived me from this angle.") As reported Weekly entertainment ,, Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson called Chase "A truly bad and racist person after Chase criticized the current version of the show.

In relation: Jason Alexander said Seinfeld The guest star was "impossible" with which to work .

Chase defended himself.

In an interview in 2022 with CBS Sunday morning ,, Chase responded to The reputation he cultivated among his co-stars as "a fool".

"I guess you should ask them," he said when they were asked if comments like this were "inexpensive blows". "I don't give shit."

He continued: "I am who I am. And I like who I am. I don't care. And it's been part of me that I don't care. I thought about it. And I don't do it Not know what to tell you, guy. I don't care. "

On Wtf , Chase said of his notoriety: "I don't know what my reputation was among people. I always assumed that I was fine."

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