152 funny questions to make the whole room laugh

These are not your standard and boring wolves.

In the right context, Conversation starters can be incredibly useful. But if you choose the wrong, your attempt to make people around you may speak a little stiff and outdated. To help you break the ice, we have drawn up a list of Funny questions To promote commitment and camaraderie within a group. These questions approach a range of subjects, from the animal kingdom in the future, and can even encourage your friends to find out more about themselves in addition to each other. So, during your next party or meeting, do not suffer from clumsy silences; Try some of these funny questions and see how fast the conversation takes off.

In relation: 180 interesting questions to ask friends you want to know better .

How funny questions can help you make new friends

We tend to like to meet new people, but we particularly like to meet funny new people . And connect with someone else's sense of humor can offer even more advantages. A 2015 study published in the journal Evolutionary psychology I found that more often a man Make a woman laugh , the more it will be likely to develop an interest in meetings. The reason? "Humor is a good sign of a good brain or good intelligence," say the authors. Laughter also offers a whole multitude of Health benefits , including the drop in blood pressure, reducing stress hormones, starting endorphins and the increase in the immune system.

Funny questions to ask animals

woman sitting on her bed with her small dog
Viorel Kurnosov / Shutterstock
  1. Why don't the peaks receive headache to slam their face on the trees all day?
  2. What would be the coolest animal to evolve to the size of a horse?
  3. Which animal seems to be the rude?
  4. Do ducks at a paw swim in circles?
  5. If your pets could speak, what would they say behind your back?
  6. Are the sheep shocked when they rub against each other?
  7. Do you prefer to have lobster claws for the hands or calmar tentacles for the legs?
  8. What color would a chameleon be in a room full of mirrors?
  9. Which animal can you get better for the best?
  10. If you could be transformed into any animal, which one would you choose and why?
  11. If you could combine two animals to make a new one, which animals do you choose?
  12. Why does milk go bad when it is not refrigerated but remains fresh in a cow that is not refrigerated?
  13. If a Bull Terrier is a cross between a bulldog and a burrow, what do you call a cross between a bulldog and a shih tzu?
  14. If you had a pet parrot and you could teach him a sentence, what would he be?
  15. What would your animal be called if they could?
  16. Do you prefer to have webbed fingers or webbed toes?
  17. What are you supposed to do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
  18. What would be the most boring thing to have a pet parrot?
  19. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
  20. What animals would be the best to raise human children?

Fun questions to ask children

man and son asking each other funny questions while laying on the floor
George Rudy / Shutterstock
  1. What is the strangest thing your mom has ever thrilled for lunch?
  2. What is the funniest thing that happened during recess?
  3. What is the most embarrassing moment you have ever known in class?
  4. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
  5. Can you say the alphabet back?
  6. Where would you go if you could drive?
  7. Do you prefer to be invisible or super hard?
  8. If you could add a word to the dictionary, what would it be and what would it mean?
  9. If you had to take a bath in something in addition to the water, what would you choose?
  10. What was your best Halloween costume?
  11. If you could give life to your favorite toy for a day, would you do it?
  12. If you could meet the president, what would you ask them?
  13. If you had to find a new name for the rainbow, how do you call it?
  14. If you had a store, what would you sell in it?
  15. What would you do if you had four arms?
  16. What is your favorite room in your home?
  17. If you were in the circus, what would your act be?
  18. When will you go back the last time you had a very good laugh?
  19. What problems you have ever had?
  20. If you could go back in time and have lunch with any historical figure, who would you choose and why?

In relation: 200+ get to know your questions that really work . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Stupid questions to ask during the holidays

people laughing any talking at a party
Singe Images / Shutterstock
  1. What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
  2. What would be the best last name for different types of businesses?
  3. What would the world look like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
  4. What did you recently realized that you are embarrassed that you have not horrified earlier?
  5. What is the strangest thing you want to be when you grew up?
  6. What would be the slogan of the sitcom of your life?
  7. Do you prefer to live for a week in the past or for the future?
  8. Do you have or someone you know have seen your base?
  9. Which part of the body do you want you to detach and why?
  10. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in someone else's house?
  11. What would your favorite fairy tale be like if it took place in the present and included modern technology and culture?
  12. If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks or claws, what would you choose?
  13. What kind of secret society would you like to start?
  14. What is the strangest dream you've ever made?
  15. What is the most frightening mythical creature you can think of?
  16. What is the first thing you buy if you unexpected a million dollars unexpectedly?
  17. What is the most imaginative insult you can think of?
  18. If you had access to a time travel machine, when would you like to travel?
  19. If over time, you replace parts on a car, when does it stop being the same car you bought? How many parts should you replace to make it new?
  20. What two totally normal things get really bizarre if you make them back to back?

In relation: 21 questions for a new relationship .

Funny questions about food

little boy taking a big bite out of a sandwich
  1. What is the strangest thing can someone be used for breakfast?
  2. What coarse food you've ever eaten?
  3. What is your most unpopular opinion About food?
  4. Describe the sundae of perfect ice cream.
  5. If you could eat what you wanted, but you should also eat your least favorite food in the same session, right?
  6. Is the cereal soup?
  7. What is the best type of food for a food fight?
  8. What is the strangest combination of food you would be ready to try?
  9. Why do they put holes in crackers?
  10. If you could make the ultimate sandwich, what would be what would be?
  11. Why is the vanilla ice cream white if the vanilla extract is brown?
  12. Do you prefer to eat only green foods or only white foods?
  13. Do you prefer to eat only chocolate or bitter candies for the rest of your life?
  14. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  15. If the prunes are dehydrated plums, where does Prune juice come from?
  16. Why can't you order a hot dog in McDonalds?
  17. Do you prefer to eat spaghetti with maple syrup or pancakes with Marinara sauce?
  18. What is the best type of cheese?
  19. Do you think what food has the strangest smell?
  20. Put the pineapple on Pizza Gross?
  21. Why is peanut butter called peanut butter?

In relation: 102 unanswered questions that will move your mind .

Funny questions about entertainment

man and woman embracing as they watch television
Singe Images / Shutterstock
  1. What video game would be much less fun to play without sound?
  2. Has your favorite film changed in the past five years?
  3. Name a film to which you would certainly fall asleep.
  4. What is your favorite show to shout?
  5. What film completely changes his intrigue when you change a letter in his title?
  6. Have you ever had the crush on a cartoon character?
  7. Who would gain in a fight between Superman and Batman?
  8. With which reality TV star do you have most in common?
  9. What a fictitious character is incredible to look on the screen, but would be unbearable if you had to face it in banal and daily situations?
  10. What is your favorite theme song from a television show?
  11. Who is the most annoying Disney character you can think of?
  12. Would anyone compare you to your favorite Disney princess?
  13. If your toys were like Toy story And came to life when you weren't there, what do you think they would do?
  14. Do you prefer to go for lunch with Captain Hook or Cruella de ville?
  15. In which Hogwarts house would you be?
  16. What is your favorite bad movie?
  17. What did your "expiration time" ritual look like?

In relation: 251 "What are your favorite questions" to really know someone .

The funniest questions about the family

intergenerational family smiling for a photo
Singe Images / Shutterstock
  1. What are you doing that always makes your family laugh?
  2. By using a word, how would you describe your family?
  3. If you have been arrested without explanation, what would your family suppose?
  4. Can you imitate your mother's laugh?
  5. What was the strangest lie that your parents told you growing up?
  6. If you could transform each family member into an animal, which would you choose and why?
  7. What do you think your grandparents have done for fun?
  8. If a boy named after his father is called "junior", then what do you call a girl named after his mother?
  9. What is the best way to ruin a family photo?
  10. Do you know what is your brother's favorite food?
  11. Which family member is the most likely to haunt you after their death?
  12. If you could change your place with someone in your family for a day, who would it be?
  13. Have you had embarrassing nicknames growing up?
  14. What was the most problems that your parents have ever encountered as adolescents or adults?
  15. What was the best farce you've ever played on a family member?
  16. If you could invent a rule that everyone in your family should follow, what would it be?
  17. What is the worst thing to be part of your family?
  18. What is the strangest tradition in your family?

In relation: 127 questions to ask your partner on love, life and privacy .

Funny questions about the future

woman looking out the window pensively
Mimagephotography / Shutterstock
  1. If the apocalypse should take place, you prefer to fight it for yourself or find a community with which to live with?
  2. If you manage to survive the Apocalypse, what will your new job be?
  3. What article will you be obsolete in 20 years?
  4. What do you want to eat for your last meal?
  5. How do you think you will injure yourself then?
  6. If there was an extraterrestrial invasion on earth, would you hide or try to contact?
  7. Fill the white: "If the government went _______ illegal, then I would move to Canada."
  8. If a film was finally made on your life, what kind would it be and that would play you?
  9. What would be the worst absolute name you can give to your child?
  10. What is one thing that you will certainly not fail to be your age?
  11. What is an advancement in the future that we should have introduced a long time ago?
  12. What is a habit you currently have for which you will probably be disgusted in the future?
  13. How do you think your neighbors would remember you if you had to move elsewhere?
  14. What is an improvement in the major life that you hope to see in the next five years?
  15. Do you think you will have more or less money than you have been doing for 10 years now?
  16. What will be the name of your next pet?

In relation: 167 questions of truth or drink for adults who need pleasure .

Randomly funny questions

group of people hanging out at a rooftop party
  1. What is the best WiFi name you've ever heard of?
  2. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever carried?
  3. If you were a crazy scientist and money and ethics were not a problem, what scientific experience would you direct?
  4. Anchovies on pizza: Yes or no?
  5. What is the worst collection line you have ever heard?
  6. If you could wear pajamas every day, would you do it?
  7. What is the most niche insult you can find on site?
  8. If you were transported 500 years in the past without clothes or accessories, how would you prove that you were the future?
  9. If you were wrongly in an asylum, how would you convince them that you are really healthy and that you did not just pretend to be?
  10. What is the most trashy thing in your home?
  11. What is a secret conspiracy to which you really believe?
  12. What would be the worst thing for the government to be illegal?
  13. If you could give a warning to your five-year-old self, what would it be?
  14. What is the strangest sound you've ever heard?
  15. What are the interesting alternatives to war that countries could use to settle their differences?
  16. What is the most boring noise in the world?
  17. Toilet paper: on or below?
  18. What was considered trash but is now very classy?
  19. What is your favorite smell?
  20. If your best friend should be arrested for one thing, what would he be?


This is all for our list of fun questions, but be sure to come back with us soon for even more laughs! You can also Subscribe to our newsletter To enjoy just as funny content, as well as parts on travel, entertainment and well-being.

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