6 best footing for weight loss

There are options for those who like to go out and those who prefer the treadmill.

Weight loss can be difficult, forcing you to find a balance between a Balanced diet , exercise, and all the medical needs you have that could affect the process. If you've already decided a meal plan to follow, you may also try to try a new fitness program. But before you register for a high intensity training class, which can be both intimidating and costly, simply consider your sneakers to laure and Take a walk . According to fitness experts, several foot training can be just as effective (if not more effective) for weight loss.

"Walking is one of the most underestimated forms of exercise, in my opinion," Rachel Lovitt , certified personal trainer (CPT) and Holistic Movement Coach , tell Best Life . "Walking is accessible to almost everyone and it is a complete exercise of the body! Not only is it ideal for your cardiovascular system and your muscle system (increased cardio and muscle endurance), but it is Also ideal for lymphatic drainage and your brain. The contralateral nature of the movement (the opposite tips are swinging forward as the opposite leg is advancing) helps connect the two hemispheres of your brain! "

Going out (or on a treadmill) and putting one foot in front of the other is a good way to start, but the experts recommend some specific walking training that can help you drop stubborn pounds. Read the rest for the six most effective ways to walk for weight loss.

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senior couple interval walking
Singe Images / Shutterstock

The interval walk includes different periods or "intervals" of walking, mixing a cardio with high intensity and low intensity. This training can be done outside or on a treadmill - and the structure is ideal for all those who wish to "maximize their time", according to Isaac Robertson , co-founder of Total shape .

"This training is to alternate between periods of fast walking and short jogging or faster gusts," said Robertson. "Varied intensity levels allow the body to guess and encourage metabolism to remain high even once training is over."

To start with the walking interval, Lovitt recommends deciding how long you will walk. If you are starting, target somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes. (You can always increase time because you feel more fit!)

"Start with a slow walk for one to five minutes to warm up. Then start walking at a moderate pace for two to three minutes. Then walk as quickly as possible for 30 seconds," she explains.

Once you have finished this interval, you come back to the moderate pace for two to three minutes and repeat the alternating process until your training is finished. Assigating a little time for a cooling session at the end, walking at a slow pace for one to five minutes, says Lovitt.

amber Decender . Marathon manual , also recommends wearing a heart rate monitor or a fitness watch so that you can keep track of your increase and the drop in heart rate while walking.

"The more you can raise your heart rate, the more calories you will burn per minute, and if you can do high intensity walking intervals - learning your heart rate greater than 85% of your maximum heart rate predicted at age - You will get the post-training boost in your metabolic rate observed with HIIT [high intensity interval training]. "

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incline walking on treadmill
Microgen / Shutterstock

The training 12-3-30 quickly became viral on social networks, much praising its effectiveness to get in shape-and noting how difficult it is.

The three -digit sequence represents the inclination, the speed and the length for which you will work, according to Rachel Macpherson ,, Certified and conditional specialist (CSCS), CPT and specialist in painless performance.

"Training 12-3-30 is a drive-based drive where you put the tilt at 12 and walk at a speed of three miles per hour for 30 minutes," she explains, giving you a warning Just that some treadmills do not go up to 12, which is a steep slope level.

If this is the case, choose a slope that seems achievable but not too easy.

"The implementation of your treadmill on an ideal slope that increases your heart rate is really all you need to do," explains Macpherson.

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strong woman walking uphill
MPH / Shutterstock photos

Hill -Walking is a great way to introduce these slopes while leaving - and according to Macpherson, this training is also a good option if you want to simultaneously improve the cardio force and capacities. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Walking on a hill can stimulate your lower body, muscles and strength, including in your hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes. It also helps to mobilize and work your knee and ankle extensors, which Improves stability and protects your joints, "she says. "Going up hills, you will hit your glutes and your hamstrings more, while descending will target your quads. You will also use your nucleus to propel yourself or hold the effects of gravity."

Look for a nearby trail that has hills on which you can walk or look for a route in your neighborhood where there is one or two hills. You may have to go up and down the same hill a few times, but you can also introduce intervals in this training by walking quickly, then walking slowly.

Before you start, Macpherson suggests warming up on a flat soil "to run the blood".

Balance statement

two people walking with each other

Lovitt also recommends a march to a state of balance, which you may want to start if you are new to exercise - or if you want to train without having to think about it. During this walk, you walk at the same general rate, starting slowly to warm up and also incorporate a cooling period.

"Permanent training training is ideal for beginners or whoever wants to increase the time they can spend walking. This training will help increase your aerobic capacity and is softer for your body than interval training" , she says.

For this training, you build endurance, keeping the same intensity for a distance or a quantity of time, which is "more motivating for you", says Lovitt.

She continues: "If you do not know where to start, I would choose 15 minutes or a mile. Of course, you know your body and your walking capacities, then choose something that is suitable for you, whether two minutes or two o'clock."

Macpherson also recommends walking to build your fitness, noting that when you start, aim to walk at least a mile or 2,000 steps. You can add it to your existing steps for the day - so if you get 5,000 in during work, you are already up to 7,000.

From there, you can continue to add distance after following this routine for one to two weeks.

"Continue to rely on your habits by adding more distance every few days or weeks, depending on your schedule and your physical level," explains Macpherson. "Take aims to reach around 10,000 steps a day, about five miles, and add more as you can."

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man on hiking trail
Angelito of Jesus / Shutterstock

Similar to walking, hiking is another great way to walk and lose weight.

"This is done outside in nature - through different trails and with hills - which would make the exercise more intense," Mint Visri , physical and well-being expert at National coalition on health care , said. "This walking exercise is longer and duration to help you build your endurance. You can go there for longer hours."

The hike can be more intense, however, and if you follow a path, keep in mind that you will have to keep enough energy to finish the loop or turn around. But if you feel up to it, it is another form of walking which incorporates several aspects of the physical form.

"For people looking for a multifaceted approach, Walking on Trails offers an exceptional path to weight loss and stability", " Seth Forman , responsible for education and training at Kayezen , tell Better life . "The field in constant evolution of the trails engages various muscles and defies balance, improving the effectiveness of the exercise while promoting a feeling of balance."

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Quick in place

woman walking in place on yoga mat
Stortime Studio / Shutterstock

Those who have a limited time or space can always work for weight loss by walking in place, according to Vitari.

"You can do this walking exercise in any area, like your living room or your terrace. This does not require a large space," she explains. "You can start and put an end to the fast walking exercise starting and finishing slowly for five to eight minutes, depending on the time you are walking."

In total, Vlari recommends walking for 30 to 60 minutes, but says you should listen to your body with regard to the pace.

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