5 ways whose wine can improve aging skin, say dermatologists
These are the main anti-aging effects of your night word.

As they get older, it's normal to Notice certain changes To your skin, including more wrinkles, a thinner texture and changes in pigmentation. The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) says that you can fight against Aging signs With a healthy diet, ample hydration, good sleep habits and a coherent skin care routine, which should include a daily sunscreen and a moisturizer. However, some experts say that there is another way to improve aging skin: drink certain types of wine in moderation.
For the record, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a declaration saying that No amount of alcohol is sure drink, and medical experts make not You recommend starting to drink alcohol for potential health services, especially if you have family history of drug addiction. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Drinking too much alcohol is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, brain vascular accidents, liver disease, mental health problems, increased risk of certain types of cancer and a weakened immune system.
However, there is a type of wine that can offer major skin -free advantages, according to a new study. Wondering how occasional wine glass can help reverse the effects of aging on your skin? Read the rest to find out which five key skin advantages deserve to grill.
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1 Wine has anti-inflammatory advantages.

Moderate quantities of wine can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which can result in less skin disorders based on inflammation such as rosacea or chronic dermatitis, said T.N. Rekha Singh , MD, MBBS, dermatologist for Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic . She notes that the drink is filled with antioxidants such as flavonoids, resveratrol and tannins.
"These antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body that can damage skin cells and contribute to the signs of aging," she said Better life . "Remember, the keyword here is moderate," she warns. "Excessive alcohol consumption can cause more inflammation instead."
Now for the big news: according to a Jillée study 2023 Released by the American Society of Nutrition, drinking two glasses of decay muscadine wine every day can offer many of the same advantages of the embellishment skin, without alcohol.
The researchers measured skin conditions, including the markers of inflammation and oxidative stress before and after the study and concluded that the skin of the subjects showed signs of less inflammation at the end of the period D 'Six week study.
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2 It can keep your skin hydrated.

The study also revealed that after six weeks of consumption of two glasses of de-alcoholized red wine per night, the subjects experienced a decrease in water loss on the surface of the skin. This has resulted in less visibly aged skin because hydration creates an important barrier that protects skin layers from damage, the authors of the study wrote.
This is a way in which alcoholic wines and thirst wines differ. While de -alcoholic wines favored skin hydration, alcoholic beverages are known to dehydrate the body, including the skin - causing drought, duller pigmentation, wrinkles and collapse.
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3 This can improve your circulation.

Another way in which the consumption of small quantities of wine or aaubolized wine can benefit your skin is to improve your circulation. According to Trophy skin , poor circulation can worsen certain skin problems, including discoloration of the skin, wrinkles and acne. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Wine, in particular red wine, can help dilate blood vessels, which stimulates blood circulation to the skin. Improved circulation offers a larger amount of oxygen and skin nutrients, promoting healthy light And fight against the dullness, "explains Singh.
Nate Masterson , a skin care expert to Maple holistic , should stick to red wine on white if you hope to see the advantages of the skin because the red wine has a Higher polyphenol contents .
In fact, a 2009 study published in the International Angiology Journal Note that even if your glass of medium white wine contains only 30 mg of polyphenols per glass, red wine contains approximately 200 mg per glass.
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4 It can help rejuvenate your cells.

Your old skin cells die continuously to make room for newer and healthier cells that emerge below. Red wine can help you keep the young appearance of your skin by promoting this cellular regeneration cycle.
"Resveratrol not only acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, but also stimulates cell proteins called sirtuins. Sirtuins are involved in the cellular rejuvenation process and can help repair damaged skin cells, which makes your Fresh and younger skin, "explains and can help Singh.
According to Masterson, this can "prevent cell damage and help restore dull skin and give it abundant glow". He notes that this advantage "can be obtained by sipping a glass of red wine every few days or a day".
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5 It helps stimulate collagen production.

Finally, Singh says that wine antioxidants can also support the production of collagen and elastin - two proteins that are crucial to keep your skin firm and young. "These proteins are necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent wrinkles," said the dermatologist.
"Always drink in a responsible manner and remember that maintaining a balanced diet, practicing a regular exercise and following a coherent skin care routine is also essential for skin health," said Singh.

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