251 "What are your favorite questions" to really know someone

Because the things we love make us who we are.

One of the best ways of really get to know someone is to ask a lot of questions. Ask the right ones can help you find a new best friend or even a new love. According to a study led by the psychologist Arthur Aron , the intimacy between two foreigners can be accelerated by requesting a Series of personal questions , because sharing these truths brings people together. And this is not just for romantic relationships - we also see it in the Classroom , THE workplace , and even at home .

If you are begging to put someone on the spot, just remember that people really like to talk about themselves. And U.S Really I love to talk about what we like the most. So read the rest for certain specific prompts to obtain conversations on the flowing personal preferences. We have listed more than 250 questions "what are your favorites" below.

In relation: 21 questions for a new relationship .

Questions "What's your favorites" about food

Smiling woman picking out an apple at the farmer's market
Angel Santana Garcia / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite dish of all time?
  2. What is your favorite ice scent?
  3. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
  4. What is your favorite comforting type of food?
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
  6. What is your favorite dessert?
  7. What is your favorite fruit?
  8. What is your favorite type of sandwich?
  9. What is your favorite type of cookie?
  10. What was your favorite thing to eat when I was a child?
  11. What is your favorite pizza garnish?
  12. What is your favorite thing in which to dive fries?
  13. What is your favorite way to prepare coffee?
  14. Where is your favorite place to make coffee?
  15. What is your favorite vinaigrette?
  16. What is your favorite type of street food?
  17. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  18. What is your favorite cheese?
  19. What is your favorite meal to cook when you are lazy?
  20. What is your favorite vegetable?
  21. What is your favorite bagel order?
  22. What is your favorite type of bread?
  23. What is your favorite snack?
  24. What is your favorite cocktail?
  25. What is your favorite type of food to take away?
  26. What is your favorite junk food?
  27. What is your favorite aperitif?
  28. What is your favorite birthday dish?
  29. What is your favorite soda?
  30. What is your favorite spicy food?

"Favorite things" questions related to art and entertainment

Close up of someone's feet on their coffee table while they watch golf on TV with snacks and a beer
Black Record / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite song?
  2. What is your favorite sports team?
  3. What is your favorite board game?
  4. What is your favorite video game?
  5. What is your favorite art form?
  6. what is your favorite movie?
  7. What is your favorite song to dance?
  8. What is your favorite love movie?
  9. What is your favorite song?
  10. What is your favorite Disney movie?
  11. What is your favorite sport?
  12. What is your favorite game show?
  13. What is your favorite work of art?
  14. Who is your favorite director?
  15. What is your favorite sport to look live?
  16. What is your favorite group?
  17. What is your favorite radio station?
  18. What is your favorite website?
  19. What would be your favorite museum exhibition (real or imagined)?
  20. What is your favorite male actor?
  21. What is your favorite female actor?
  22. What was your favorite song when you were 13 years old?
  23. What is your favorite song of guilty pleasure?
  24. What was your favorite concert compared to everything you have attended?
  25. What is your favorite room?
  26. What is your favorite instrument?
  27. What is your favorite sports moment of all time?
  28. What was your favorite film to be released in the past year?
  29. What was your favorite song to be released in the past year?

In relation: 200+ get to know your questions that really work . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Favorite" questions about clothing and accessories

Woman looking through a rack of clothes at a boutique
  1. What is your favorite clothing brand?
  2. What is your favorite outfit to wear when you go out?
  3. What is your favorite brand of swimsuits?
  4. What is your favorite fashion icon?
  5. What is your favorite color to wear?
  6. What are your favorite shoes?
  7. What is your favorite handbag creator?
  8. What is your favorite type of bag?
  9. What is your favorite brand for racing or sportswear?
  10. What is your favorite way to accessorize?
  11. What is your favorite shoe store?
  12. What is your favorite equipment?
  13. What is your favorite high style?
  14. What is your favorite travel outfit?
  15. What is your favorite type of start -up?
  16. What is your favorite way to get the inspiration of the outfits?
  17. What is your favorite way to shop: online or in store?
  18. What is your favorite place to find good deals?
  19. What is your favorite type of hat?
  20. What is your favorite model?
  21. What is your favorite hairstyle?
  22. What is your favorite travel accessory?
  23. What is your favorite skin care brand?
  24. What is your favorite fashion advice?
  25. What is your favorite used clothing?
  26. What is your favorite season to dress?
  27. What is your favorite fashion trend of the moment?

Randomly "favorite things" questions

Man in park smiling and holding his headphones against his ears
Peopleimages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite way to spend your working days at work?
  2. What is your favorite hobby?
  3. What is your favorite season?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What is your favorite farm animal?
  6. What is your favorite saying?
  7. What is your favorite song to sing in the shower?
  8. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
  9. What is your favorite national park?
  10. What is your favorite social media platform?
  11. What is your favorite word of curse?
  12. What is your favorite noise to make?
  13. What is your favorite water bottle brand?
  14. What has been your favorite decade of life so far?
  15. What is your favorite dog breed?
  16. What is your favorite month of the year?
  17. Describe your favorite photo of yourself.
  18. What is your favorite bird?
  19. What is your favorite thing to do on New Year's Eve evening?
  20. What is your favorite pet accessory?
  21. What is your favorite cleaning product?
  22. What is your favorite Valentine's Day activity?
  23. What is your favorite candle scent?
  24. What is your favorite streaming service?
  25. What is your favorite accent?
  26. What is your favorite place to take a nap?
  27. What is your favorite name?
  28. What is your favorite smell?
  29. Who was your favorite pet?
  30. What is your favorite car?
  31. What is your favorite game to play during the holidays?
  32. What's your favorite animal?

In relation: 200 questions "do you prefer" which are impossible to answer .

"Favorite things" questions about education, career and work

Woman looking at computer and celebrating
Fizkes / Shutterstock
  1. What was your favorite matter at school?
  2. What is your favorite thing in home work?
  3. What is your favorite business in the office?
  4. What is your favorite day of the day to start the work?
  5. What is your favorite work advantage?
  6. Where would your favorite place be to work?
  7. What is your favorite study assistance?
  8. What has been your favorite achievement, in terms of work, so far?
  9. Where is your favorite place to study?
  10. What is your favorite thing in distance learning?
  11. What is your favorite thing to be a boss?
  12. What is your favorite thing to be part of a team?
  13. What is your favorite thing in interaction with customers?
  14. What is your favorite way to recharge the weekend?
  15. What is your favorite way to spend time with colleagues outside the office?
  16. What is your way of contributing to a brainstorming session?
  17. Who is your favorite person with whom to work with?
  18. What is your favorite advice to give new hires?
  19. What is your favorite way to reward the team for a job well done?
  20. What is your favorite type of project to work on?
  21. What is your favorite qualification or detail to see on a CV?

Questions "What's your favorites" about gifts

Woman reacting happily to man handing her a wrapped gift
George Rudy / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite birthday gift for all time?
  2. What is your favorite thing to buy people on the budget?
  3. What is your favorite type of memory to bring home?
  4. What is your favorite period of the year to exchange gifts?
  5. What is your favorite thing in participating in a Yankee exchange?
  6. What is your favorite way to express thank you?
  7. What are your favorite items to receive in a gift bag?
  8. What is your favorite thing about gifts?
  9. What is your favorite way of being surprised?
  10. What is your favorite type of jewelry?
  11. What is your favorite stone?
  12. What is your favorite size gift during the holidays?
  13. What is your favorite packaging paper type?
  14. What is your favorite type of DIY?
  15. What is your favorite thing in used articles?
  16. What is your favorite Apple product?
  17. What is your favorite thing about looking at someone unpack a gift?
  18. What is your favorite family inheritance?
  19. What is your favorite type of gift: articles or experiences?
  20. What is your favorite type of flower?

In relation: 127 questions to ask your partner on love, life and privacy .

Favorite fun questions about people

Two men taking a selfie together on a moving walkway at the airport
illpaxphotomatic / shutterstock
  1. Who was your favorite childhood friend?
  2. How did you meet your current partner?
  3. Who was your favorite teacher?
  4. What is your favorite historical silhouette?
  5. Who is your favorite person with whom to go out?
  6. Who was your favorite boss?
  7. What is your favorite travel boyfriend?
  8. What is your favorite inspiration figure?
  9. Who was your favorite president?
  10. Who is your favorite work friend?
  11. Who is your favorite person to evacuate you?
  12. Who is your favorite person on the street in the street?
  13. What is your favorite thing about your significant other?
  14. What is your favorite reality TV star?
  15. Who is your favorite person to eat with?
  16. What is your favorite quality to find in people?
  17. What is your favorite way to meet new friends?
  18. What is your favorite way to find a date?
  19. Who is your favorite person in your family?
  20. Who is your favorite person to watch TV?
  21. What is your favorite thing about meeting people on vacation?
  22. What is your favorite way to find new doctors?
  23. What is the least favorite thing to meet new people?
  24. What has been your favorite interaction with a foreigner so far?
  25. What is your favorite thing about introverts?

Questions of travel and vacation "favorite things"

family at the beach
Sunny studio / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite country to visit?
  2. What is your favorite beach in everything you visited?
  3. What is your favorite type of kitchen?
  4. What is your favorite way to live a new culture?
  5. What is your favorite mode of transport?
  6. What is your favorite city?
  7. What is your favorite place for golf?
  8. What is your favorite type of landscape?
  9. What is your favorite walk in the amusement park?
  10. What is your favorite bucket list?
  11. What is your favorite hotel?
  12. What is your favorite thing in creating a route?
  13. What is your favorite thing about traveling without itinerary?
  14. What is your favorite cold place to travel?
  15. What is your favorite number of days spending home?
  16. What is your favorite historic monument?
  17. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach?
  18. What is your favorite road travel experience?
  19. What is your favorite thing about airports?
  20. What is your favorite travel hack?
  21. What is your favorite packaging hacking?
  22. What is your favorite thing about traveling somewhere that you don't know the language?
  23. What are your favorite types of accommodation when you travel?
  24. What is your favorite thing about traveling alone?

In relation: 228 questions to ask a girl during your next appointment .

Questions "What is your favorites" on memories

Aerial view of family holding hands at a Thanksgiving table
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  2. What is your favorite memory of family vacation?
  3. What was your favorite childhood film?
  4. What was your favorite vacation / vacation memory tradition growing up?
  5. What is your favorite family tradition outside the holidays?
  6. What was your favorite childhood song?
  7. What is your favorite memory of high school?
  8. What was your favorite animal in growing in growing?
  9. What were your favorite family vacation you've ever taken?
  10. What is your favorite birthday memory?
  11. What was your favorite thing to do in the house of your grandparents growing up?
  12. What was your favorite childhood toy?
  13. What is your favorite memory of the university?
  14. What is your favorite funny memory?
  15. What is your favorite memory of your grandparents' house?
  16. What are your parents' favorite memories when you and your brothers and sisters are children?
  17. What is your favorite childhood memory of your mother?
  18. What is your favorite memory of being with your friends?
  19. What is your favorite memory of an animal you lost?
  20. What is your favorite memory with your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
  21. What is your favorite memory in the go to school?

Funny "favorite things" questions about books

Man laying on a couch and reading a book
Vgstockstudio / Shutterstock
  1. What is your favorite kind of book?
  2. What is your least favorite book?
  3. What is your favorite fictitious character?
  4. Who is your favorite author?
  5. What is your favorite cinematic adaptation?
  6. What was your favorite book growing?
  7. Where is your favorite place to read?
  8. What is your favorite self-published book?
  9. What is your favorite book cover?
  10. What is your favorite book revision column?
  11. What is your favorite place to get books recommendations?
  12. What is your favorite reading of the guilty of guilt?
  13. What is your favorite electronic reader type?
  14. What is your favorite reading club activity?
  15. What is your favorite literary trope?
  16. What is your favorite thing in listening to books on band?
  17. What was your favorite book you had to read at school?
  18. Where is your favorite place to buy books?
  19. What is your favorite way to store or display your books?
  20. What is your favorite library?
  21. What is your favorite snack on reading?
  22. What is your favorite quote from a book?


This is all for our list of "what are your favorite" questions! Be sure to check soon with us for more ways to break the ice. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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