7 sneaky ways to slow down your internet, say the experts

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Having a quick internet connection means that you can search for applications , broadcast content and download files with fewer interruptions and less buffer time. If you work at home, as so many people do now, these small differences can quickly add up to make you more efficient and productive to your work. However, experts say that there are several sneaky ways to slow down your internet without realizing it - and everyone can be easily corrected if you know what to do.

Read the rest to learn the seven surprising errors that you could make at home that sunbathe your internet speed.

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You pass simultaneously from several devices.

family using various electronic devices on couch

Nowadays, most houses contain a range of devices - desktop computers, laptops, iPads, phones and more - which are all connected to the same Internet supplier. When you broadcast from several devices at the same time, this can considerably slow down your Internet connection, according to experts.

"If several family members broadcast HD or 4K videos, play online games or make video calls at the same time, it can easily saturate the available strip, leading to slower speeds for each individual device", explain Tyler Cooper , editor -in -chief Large strip search , which covers the social, economic and political problems linked to wide -band technology. "This is one of the most common problems we see appearing, especially on the old DSL or cable connections."

Your equipment is old or inadequate.

Man Freaking Out at Computer
Zigic Drazen / Shutterstock

Another common problem is to have obsolete or poor quality equipment, especially with regard to your internet router.

"As Internet speeds have increased over the years, older equipment may not be able to manage these faster speeds," said Cooper. "In addition, older routers may not support more recent and faster Wi-Fi standards such as Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) or Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), leading to reduced performance."

Christen Costa , CEO of Review gadget , says that you must always check with your Internet service provider first to see if they have widespread problems affecting internet speed. However, if it is not the problem, it should be that a defective or obsolete router is likely to be to blame.

"A router is between modern internet access from your ISP and the devices of your home. Unfortunately, this means that a poor quality router will create a tape bottleneck, limiting the maximum speed of your connection Internet, "he said.

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Your router is placed in the wrong place.

Wireless router

Where you place your router at home can have a significant effect on how it works, say the experts.

"Wi-Fi signals can be hampered by interference from other electronic or physical barriers," explains Cooper. "Wireless phones, microwaves and even other nearby Wi-Fi networks can all interfere with your signal. In addition, place a router in a cupboard, behind thick walls, or far from the area of Main use can weaken the signal. is located in the center and far from interference sources can often improve the quality of the connection. "

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Your device runs processes and background updates.

Fatigued senior mature man eyestrain can't see
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Sometimes your device runs several background processes without you realizing-and these can slow your internet speed considerably. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Many devices, especially computers and smartphones, will automatically download updates for applications, operating systems and other software. Better life . "Regular verification and management of these updates can help to mitigate this problem."

You have malware or unwanted software.

Virus on computer new words

Like an organic virus, a virus on your computer is likely to have certain symptoms. For example, if you notice an abnormal number of contextual windows, changes in your safety settings, browser redirects or decreased storage space, your device probably contains malware, explains the anti-virus software company ,, Norton .

A considerably reduced internet speed can be another revealing sign that something is wrong.

"Malventy software, spy software or other unwanted software on a device can eat a bandwidth by sending and receiving data without the user's knowledge. Registration and deletion regularly of these software can prevent them to fry the internet and ensure a safer online experience, "explains Cooper.

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You need a firmware update.

Confused middle aged 60s
Istock / Fizkes

Firmware is a class of computer software integrated into the equipment of the device which controls its function and its ability to communicate with other software on the device. If you've never heard of it before, it is likely that you have never updated it before - and this could slow down your internet speed.

"Routeurs sometimes require firmware updates to maintain network speed," notes Costa. "Keep your router up to date to the new version of the firmware will cause coherent speeds and more secure network traffic. If your router has a 5 GHz frequency band, it will give you the best internet speeds for your wireless devices."

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Your Ethernet port is damaged.

white hand plugging in ethernet cable
Shutterstock / Olivier Le Moal

Internet connected Ethernet is generally faster than Wi-Fi, as the signal cannot be blocked by physical objects or electronic devices. However, Costa says that when you feel a slow internet speed, your Ethernet ports could be blamed.

"Move the Ethernet cord from your PC to a different port and perform an internet speed test if you are on a wired connection," he suggests. "Your initial port is dirty or damaged if you see improved speeds of a separate Ethernet port. If it is completely incapable, you would better get a new router."

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