10 healthier international breakfasts than yours

If you think the rest of the world has just suck cigarettes and croissants at breakfast, you are mistaken unfortunately. Take a tail of better choices from these countries - and get your "Merica on with hosting the following healthy breakfast ideas in your life.

Here is the thing about why breakfast is so important: after 6 hours and more sleep, your body is hungry for nutrients and needs an injection to rest its metabolism and return to an operating capacity complete. Unfortunately, too many Americans do it only cereals, juice or bacon-n-n-cheese cheeses, guaranteeing a limited productivity day (and possibly a lifetime of cholesterol problems).

Other countries may not have our waves of grain amber, but many offer a healthier breakfast plan. Take inspiration from these 10 international breakfasts containing both the nutrients you need and deliciousness par excellence. None of these is 100% perfect - but most likely much healthier than yours. Check them and discover thenThe 30 best breakfast habits to fall 5 pounds!



Turkey breakfast

It's hard not to find typical Turkish breakfast fans among nutritionists and gourmands. The impressive propagation of Meze style dishes begins with olives, tomatoes, white cheese, parsley (pressed with lemon) and moves to eggs, honey, cubaelle peppers, cucumbers, sausages. garlic and salt pastries. The olives are a particularly good source of healthy mononaturated fat because the always present tea is charged with antioxidant catechins. And you all know how much we love the tea here, that with our7 days old flat belly tea and all.



Israel breakfast

The centerpiece of all good Israeli breakfast is Shakshouka, poached eggs in a tomato sauce and vegetables, best taken alongside Salat Katzutz - a finely chopped vegetable salad with tomatoes, red onions, parsley, Cilantro, cucumbers and red or green peppers. Like the Turkish breakfast, the cheese (especially tsfatit), olives and yogurt are common, making meal low in saturated fat and monounsaturated fat, dietary fiber, calcium, riboflavin and phosphorus. If you like creative egg crockery, do not miss these25 Best Egg Recipes for Weight Loss.



Japan breakfast

Breakfast in Japan Eschews Most Western ingredients in favor of steamed rice (or rice porridge), tofu, marinated vegetables, fermented soy beans, dried algae and of course fish. If eggs join propagation, they are elegantly deployed in a Tamagoyaki omelette. In total, it is extremely low in sugar and rich in goodies such as manganese, magnesium, selenium, potassium and vitamin A. Accompanyinggreen tea Adds antioxidants.



Vietnam breakfast

A Breakfast PHO vapor bowl usually comes many varieties of vegetables and herbs-cilantro, germs of beans, mint, spring onions, lime, roasted peanuts, Chile, between others. The bone broth also packs benefits for your intestine, where gelatin can help seal the holes in the intestines. Be notified that all versions are not created equal, and some contain unhealthy amounts of sodium - so it can be better to leave the best part in the bowl. Curious bone broth? Try a k-cup to getBone broth of your keurig!



Egypt breakfast

The traditional Egyptian breakfast and the national dish, the Fūl medals, are notified to this day at the time of the Pharaohs. The main ingredient, the beans of the Fava, are usually cooked at night and then spiced with cumin, chopped parsley, garlic, onion, lemon juice and chili. Chopped hard eggs are sometimes added. The body enjoys as much as taste buds, with a very low saturated fat, no cholesterol, and many fibers, iron, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica breakfast

Black beans - and heavy amounts of iron, zinc, potassium, thiamine and folate inside play a central role at breakfast here. Mixed with rice, spicy with cumin, pepper and garlic, Gallo Pinto is often delivered with eggs on the side and a crowd of tropical fruits rich in vitamins such as mango, pineapple, papaya and Plantains. Breakfast could have a lot to do with Costa Rica's "blue zone" designation, given countries with bright populations. Speaking of what to eat as you age, do not miss these25 foods over 45 should eat!



Iceland breakfast

Icelandic cuisine may not inspire a lot of salivation, but its breakfast is one of the healthiest and perfect for distorting dark and iced mornings. Hafrago, oatmeal, is cooked in water or milk before being sprinkled with brown sugar, dry grapes and melon seeds; This makes it low in cholesterol and sodium and food fiber, manganese and selenium. Add a cod liver oil stroke in omega 3 and some spoonfuls of protein skyr, the semi-terraced Icelandic version of the Greek yogurt, and you are ready to panic. To love oats? So do not miss these50 Best Night Oat Recipes!



Russia breakfast

Kasha can be all rabies in today's American health food stores, but there have been tables in Russia for a lot longer, mainly at breakfast, such as a hot porridge made from oats, millet, buckwheat or semolina. Cure in milk To give it additional creams, it is surmounted by butter, spices, dried fruit or jam. Very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, the slurry is an excellent source of dietary fiber and magnesium and manganese. The version of the buckwheat is particularly good at reducing high blood pressure, thanks to the rich supply of flavonoids.



Malaysia breakfast

Breakfast is perhaps the best excuse to dive into a deliciously delicious Nasi Lemak. Tempered and cooked in coconut milk, the rice is packed with anchovies, cucumbers, roasted peanuts, hard eggs and spicy sambal sauce. It is traditionally wrapped in a banana leaf, but it is only a renewable place. Yes, there is a little more fat than good for you (eat less rice to reduce), but it is balanced with a lot of manganese, protein and carbohydrates. Chile in the Swambal tooStimulates metabolism (Depending on the nutritionist you talk).



India breakfast

The generalized embrace of the subcontinent vegetarian means a healthier breakfast than most people. In the South, UPMA, a thick cooping made from a dry roast semolina is popular. The succulent tasty flavor infused by cumin, green peppers, cilantro and turmeric also contains a range of nutrients. Curcuma has particularly powerful anti-inflammatory properties. You will also enjoy a high dose of selenium, folate and thiamine, as well as protein and vitamin E and B in all grains.

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