8 Questions Mediums say they will never answer

They can be omniscient, but they are not entirely united.

People visit doctors for all kinds of reasons - to have fun with their friends, to understand each other better or to try to get their plus Existential questions answered . But with regard to this last point, the mediums do not only answer any of them question. As with any other customer -oriented profession, they must take into account the responsibility and ethical principles.

"Mediums offer an overview of the illumination of aspects of a situation or a problem that a person had not considered or before," said Leigh Ann Romano Rogers , Ma, a professional tarot reader, psychic medium and owner of a metaphysical shop in California named Psychic median witch . "This generally makes the decision -making of a person easier. But it is very important as a psychic not to say explicitly to a person what to do or give specific life advice."

To better understand the limits of what a psychic can tell you, we have spoken to several professionals on the ground to obtain their point of view. Continue to read to learn the subjects that you better stay away.

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"When will I die?"

Insomniac lying in bed at night, struggling to sleep with apnea. A depressed, stressed, divorced man suffering from chronic insomnia. Feeling lost, confused, lonely, detached. Mental health disorder

Of all the mediums we have talked about, almost everyone agreed that death was prohibited.

"I have a great responsibility around my discernment of what a person can manage, digest, absorb and move", share Natalie Kehren , a certified Holistic life coach with psychic capacities.

Stina Garbis , astrologer and owner of Psychic stina , agree with this feeling and says that, whatever way you answer or are right or wrong, this question will cause anxiety.

Kehren says that she also avoids this subject because one person always has multiple potential experiences at stake. "The deadlines always change according to the choices that the person makes, all the little ones to all the big ones", he explains She.

For all these reasons, Romano Rogers notes that most mediums will not answer questions about someone else's death.

"What happens After I die?"

Jealous woman sitting on sofa holding phone feeling sad waiting for call, frustrated millennial girl upset or worried receiving bad news in mobile message on smartphone at home, cyberbullying concept

Even if you do not ask a medium at the moment and how you are going to die, everything that has to do with his life after death is generally avoided because people have so different religious and spiritual opinions, sharing Danae Heroux , a psychic with California psychic .

"People use different terms or descriptions, and others may not believe in a final place of rest at all. If you and your psychic advisor are not on the same wavelength, you might find yourself Confused or upset, "she explains. "Your reader can help you connect to deceased beings and other minds, but questions about what awaits in the afterlife could be better dealt with by a member of the clergy of your faith."

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"Will I get back from this disease?"

Nervous woman at the doctor touching her neck reading body language

Answering questions about the health or medical needs of a person can quickly turn into a legal problem for mediums.

"You are not allowed to answer health questions without being a doctor and this can violate the law of the practice of medical without license," explains Garbis.

However, Romano Rogers notes that if a customer comes to her and shares details on a worrying health problem, she will advise them to consult a doctor.

"But I would never give a diagnosis or prognosis for health," she agrees.

"Is it legal?"

A young husband sits across from his therapist looking defeated. He is upset because he realizes that he has not been as attentive to his wife's needs as he should be.

Just as mediums are not doctors, they are not lawyers either, and answer legal questions can be problematic.

"A psychic offering legal advice is not only contrary to ethics, but it is also an interference in a legal process that has nothing to do with the psychic," said Juan Francisco , AVERAGE, tarot reader and the host of the podcast Third view .

Romano Rogers notes that if it sees the potential of a positive or negative result with a legal case, it can suggest that a customer is "prudent or persistent", but it would never offer real legal advice.

"I could advise someone to take the situation seriously by looking for advice from skilled law professionals," she said.

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"Should I invest this money?"

Hands hold a smartphone and money. Online loan of money in debt. Credit in the Internet bank through the application.

"Many people consult mediums for advice concerning their career path, their job changes, their financial stability and their success of success," explains Romano Rogers. "However, the autonomy of a person on his financial choices and his life is very important to respect."

She explains that questions about finance and money issues should be addressed to those who have expertise in investment, budgeting and tax laws.

"Should I play the lottery?"

Two Lottery Tickets
HAPPYAGEL 888 / Shutterstock

This is the secular question: why don't the mediums win the lottery? AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Francisco says that when it comes to questions like: "Should I play the lottery?" Or "What figures should I play?" This is the intention behind questions that can "determine all the energy of reading".

"Is the question posed greed, or because someone really needs additional money to put food on the table for their family?" Is it because the customer wants to take advantage of the difficulties of others, or is it because he tries to withdraw from a difficult situation in the most ethical way possible? "He says, adding that everyone would like to be financially safe.

Therefore, these types of questions tend not to fall into the scope of a psychic.

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"Is this person my soul mate?"

nervous bridge before wedding

Sometimes you wonder your ex? Maybe you feel that your spouse is not your TRUE soulmate? These are questions with which the mediums shine with care.

According to Joyce Keller , psychic, medium, media personality and author to Psychic medium Joyce Keller , a person may have many souls of their life, which makes a subject difficult to comment.

Garbis explains that the spiritual term for a soul mate is " twin flame "And that she thinks that it can be" dangerous "to tell someone that there is only one person for them there.

"Sometimes people will ask if someone in his past that he has trouble overcoming is their twin flame, and if you say yes, you have just created all this anxious mess that can prevent someone from going from The front and to have a happy and happy and Love Life Productive, "Garbis shares.

"Does my partner cheat?"

asian man on phone while upset wife looks on from bed
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

"If a medium tells you that your partner is cheating on you, you can lose confidence in your partner and that this relationship can end very quickly," said Garbis. "And if I'm wrong and there is no infidelity, then a lot of anxiety is caused, I can be blamed for having spoiled confidence and faith in a relationship."

It is also a delicate question because "cheating" means different things for different people. Does emotional cheat count or is it purely sexual?

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Remember that the mediums are there so as not to decide.

Virtual Psychic Reading
Klavdiyav / Shutterstock

Romano Rogers notes that, in the end, psychic advice should only be that.

"Customers should always count on their own judgment and intuition first," she said. "All psychic orientations are subject to an interpretation as to what has been said or what was understood by what has been said. No psychic should claim to have an authority on the decisions that change life."

"I try to stay focused on positive things that can help people with the decisions they try to focus or find advice for things in their future," said the psychic and the astrologer Betty Andrews .

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