The sign of the zodiac with the worst ways, according to astrologers

Do not invite them to a party where you want to have a good impression.

As we become adults, most of us know what it means to have good manners: say "please" and "thank you", contribute as many questions to a conversation as you answer them And always put the needs of others before yours. But when it comes to practicing these ways, many of us fail. We retire At the dinner table, Interrupt others With our own comment and take things before offering - Hey, it's human nature! If you are in the company of a very bad person, however, it could be due to their horoscope. Here, astrology experts tell us the signs of the zodiac with the worst ways, from slightly unrefined to downright coarse.

In relation: The most useful zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


couple arguing on the sofa in the living room.

Gemini table ways are perfectly acceptable - there is a reason why they are invited to So many cocktails And happy hours! Their weakness, however, is to know what is appropriate to say in different types of business.

"They have a propensity to be everywhere as mercurials: their spirits zipped everywhere, and they want to do everything and can see all points of view," said Christa Lei , A Intuitive astrologer . "Often, in arguments, they will be the ones who will play the devil's lawyer, so they are fun, but often do not have the best tact." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This can work well with close friends but could push some knowledge to push.


frustrated young woman
Istock / FG Trade Latin

This sign of fire has a direct communication line between his brain and his mouth. If a subsidence thinks something, they will say it - and it might seem in bad way for people who are used to more restraint.

"Sagittarians can be frankly honest and are sometimes considered impolis for this reason," said Adrianna , psychic advisor to California psychic . Fortunately, people do not remember these slippages long: "They always get out of it because the good old Jupiter - [the planet of good fortune] - on their backs," adds Adrianna.

Their charisma and attitude of joy Compensate for any brutality that is taken in the wrong direction.

In relation: The most unpopular zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Female friends having an argument

The bad manners of the scorpion come out when they feel the need to retaliate against someone.

"If someone crosses them in a conversation, slightly socially or even triggers the jealous manners of Scorpio, then look," explains Bethany Nicole , A Astrologer based in Los An . "An occasional conversation could quickly become laced Venom de Scorpion . ""

You may not always see these roller streaks come on either. "The attack generally contains neither limits nor limits, which means that a pleasant dinner could quickly become an area of war regardless of the experience of others," explains Nicole. Not something that most people are pleasant!


Group of emotional young people enjoying dinner party with friends and smiling happily sitting at table in dimly lit room, copy space

Governed by the sun and spotlight , Leo is a natural born star. But if they do not keep this power of a star in check, they could present themselves as low pigs.

"This noisy lion likes to be the center of attention, sometimes at the cost of the conversation," explains Nicole. "He tends to roar the opinions of others, to interrupt and constantly overthrow the conversation about their favorite subject - there!"

If you have a friend Leo who does it often, chat with them in private to alert them from the problem. Sometimes they don't even realize that they do it.


Woman Bored at a Party
Bearfotos / Shutterstock

Aquarius will never win price as a guest of dinner.

"Often they stay for themselves , except when asked to him an opinion that they often deliver constantly, logically and sometimes with little respect for the feelings of others, "explains Nicole." They simply do not play well in the emotional field, which can make them appear as cold, insensitive and bored. ""

You could take an aquarius by scrolling a press article on their phone or a reverie on their next great innovation instead of engaging with other guests.

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Young man settling conflict between mother and wife, family problems, quarrel

If there is a word to describe the ram, the first sign of the zodiac, That would be impatient . They can treat a conversation for dinner as something to win, not something to engage.

"If the conversation is lagging behind, if someone's response is lacking, or even if the party's atmosphere becomes too low, the ram is the first to speak and trigger," explains Nicole. "Tact is not exactly their strong costume, and they tend to love things in their own way or the highway."

It is important to note that the ram does not come by its poor manners with maliciousness. "Aries tends to evolve without an invitation where others fear walking, and with a more in -depth examination, we see that what motivates the ram is their big and big heart and its courageous mind," explains Adrianna. "They want to correct the wrongs they see, and they always support the little dog in a fight - unfortunately, they can be frank and explosive on this subject!"

If Aries takes someone as a combat partner, he is probably ethically correct, which is addressed aggressively. A little politeness could greatly contribute to this ardent sign.

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