Snake bites the man's head when he opens the front door - that's how it went

Snakes can hide in surprising places and strike when the least awaited.

The summer heat means that many of us feel like the safest place to be these days is inside. But it turns out that it is not always the best idea either. There have been many stories of people snakes In their own houses, and a recent incident is particularly painful. A new viral video shows a snake biting a man's head when he tries to open his front door. Read the rest to find out how it happened to avoid the same fate.

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A snake bit a man's head when he opened his front door.

A 16 -second clip was seen more than 34.8 million times in just three days, thanks to a rather slippery surprise. THE Video now viral was published on July 29 on Stevie Haven Tiktok Page @ Haven1988, with the legend "Snake Mord Papa on his head ... Haha he thought he had left."

The Tiktok shows images of camera in the ring of Haven's father goes up on the porch of his house. When it opens the screen door, you can see a snake perched on top. Then, as he tries to open the front door, the creature rushes quickly for the top of the man's head.

"Ah! I bit myself," shouts Haven's father while he looks up and sees the snake. He then returns from the door, falling on the stairs and in the courtyard, while shouting: "Ow, I bit myself!"

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He was not the first to bite.

Haven's father was not the only one to attack either. When people in the commentary section asked why he had not shouted to warn the others where the creature was, Haven revealed that his father was not the first victim of the serpent.

"He was the second to bite himself because no one told him," he replied.

According to Haven, the serpent had also stifled his father's girlfriend on his head before the viral attack. The Tiktok user shared several other clips of camera sequences in the ring, showing several people who passed and out of the door without realizing that a snake was just hiding on top.

"If I saw a video of myself not noticing a snake like that, I would be paranoid for the rest of my life to cross the doors," Someone commented On one of the tiktoks.

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But the snake was not poisonous.

Gray rat snake on nature boardwalk

After Tiktok users flooded the comments of Haven videos to check his family, he said they were all after the incident. In one of his answers, Haven explained that it was "just a rat snake". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

While it Snake species Maybe it is not poisonous, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History.

"Eastern rats faults are not dangerous for people or pets, but they will easily bite to defend themselves," explains the organization on its website. "These snakes are not aggressive and avoid direct contact with people and pets."

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More and more people are bitten by snakes hiding around their house.

Venomous snake at the door of a house on a welcome mat
Tzahiv / Istock

Haven's family had the chance to meet a non -venment snake. Recently, there have been all kinds of incidents of poisonous snakes emerging from houses across the country.

In May, multiple copper snakes were found hidden in houses in Georgia and Virginia. Then in June, a copper bit Jeffrey Wilkins At her home in Monroe Country, Tennessee, local Abc-Affiliate Wate reported .

The venomous snake was hiding on the floor near the Wilkins front door, which he had gone to check to make sure he was locked.

"I turned here and may have taken two steps and it went down here, and that's when it did me," he told Wate.

The Copperhead caught Wilkins's leg, and the pain was so intense, he fell immediately and had to call his wife to rush to the emergency room.

These are just some of the reports written lately - and they are not likely to stop anytime soon, because new research has revealed that the chances of being bitten by a poisonous snake are higher than ever.

According to July 11 study published in the Geohealth Journal, the risk of being bitten by a poisonous snake increases almost 6% for each degree Celsius, the temperature increases.

"Our results show that we must devote more efforts to understand the potential health burden of Snake-Crite in the context of climate change", principal author Noah scovronick , PHD, deputy environmental health professor at the Rollins School of Public Health, said in a Press release .

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