Instant feeds in the food court

If the food court of your local shopping center had a slogan, it would say: the resistance is futile.

Because no matter how you are dedicated to eating, the mall is the perfect machine to precipitate your discipline. In its hermetic electric ecosystem, all signs indicate consumption. See, studies have shown that the most tempting people, the more difficult it becomes it to continue resisting. This means that after hours of being surrounded by last-minute offers and clocterant sellers, your ability to pay the possibly buddies from the commercial centers can be considerably compromised. And when you have already dropped a few hundred dollars to the Republic of Banana or Aldo, what are 5 other dollars on this little hot and sticky snack with an aroma that eaten in the air?

The problem is that this "little snack" could translate into half a day of calories - and a life of problems. A brand new study of the Harvard Th The Chan Public Health School found that men who ate processed foods and great fat - like the kind you would find in shopping centers - had a risk of dying of 67 % to die than those who had a high chore, fruits and vegetables!

The following is the final list of the worst foods of the 2015 America shopping center, compliments of a new report of the publishers ofEat this, not that! magazine.

Worst snack

Bretzel Pepperoni of Aunt Anne with low salsa cheese drop

570 calories, 23 g of grease (11 g saturated grease), 69 g of carbohydrates, 13 g sugar, 17 g protein

Aunt Anne can be like the old calorie, pushing Hansel Hag and Gretel if you are not careful. The secret of success (or failure) of his pretzel Lair chooses your condiments wisely. Pass butter and salt and make sure you find a solid dive. The hot cheese salsa is the worst dip and Marinara is the best (by a healthy margin); Start and work back. And avoid pepperoni.

Eat this instead!

Bretzel Jalapeño de Aunt Anne with Marinara, no butter, no salt
330 calories, 5 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease), 63 g of carbohydrates, 9 g sugar, 8 g protein

Worst slice of pizza

Sausage Farcie Sbarro and Pizza Pepperoni (1 slice)

810 calories, 40 g of grease (15 g saturated grease), 2,180 mg of sodium, 73 g of carbohydrates, 36 g of protein

The architecture of this thing makes it less like a slice of pizza and more like a pizza inspired Chipotle Burrito. It rests on an oversized shell of oily bread to hold a sticky slope of cheese, sausage and pepperoni together. The net result is a pizza pocket with two-thirds of your day's fat and more than one day of sodium. And traditional pizza slices are not much better; Few falls fall below 600 calories. If you want to do Sbarro, think a thin crust with nothing but producing on the top. (And go from thin crust to a thinner than you: thin in time for the summer with these 14 essential ways of losing your belly in 14 days!)

Eat this instead!

SBARRO New York Fresh Tomato Pizza Style (1 slice)
410 calories, 14 g of grease (8 g saturated grease), 790 mg of sodium, 53 g of carbohydrates, 16 g of protein

panda express
Eat this, not that!

Worst Chinese meal

Panda Express Orange chicken with fried rice (bowl)

900 calories, 34 g of grease (6.5 g saturated grease), 1 410 mg of sodium, 127 g of carbohydrates, 26 g protein

It is regrettable that this dish is one of the most popular Panda menus. Consider the recipe: beaten and fries, then covered with a sweet syrup. It's like Colonel Sanders meets Willy Wonka. Make a pair with a spoon of fried rice and you have a dish with a severe graphic improvement potential. Here is a better survival strategy: Jump the rice completely and choose steamed cooked vegetables. Then choose an entry in addition to orange chicken.

Eat this instead!

Panda Express broccoli beef and mixed vegetables (bowl)
230 calories, 7.5 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease), 1 060 mg of sodium, 19 g of carbohydrates, 13 g protein

Worse frozen treat

Dairy Queen Brownie Cookie Dough Dough Treat (Medium)

1,150 calories, 48 ​​g of grease (30 g saturated grease), 166 g carbohydrates, 120 g sugar, 20 g protein

In one way or another, the blizzard and his ILK became so banal that they seem unnoticed under the radar of normal nutritional caution. It's just a cup of innocence ice cream, right? Huh, not exactly. Dairy wool blends its blizzards with copious amounts of grease and sugar. Fortunately, the DQ Sandwich and the wide range of small Sundaes should be sufficient to try even the softest tooth. And lose weight even faster with the magical power of tea by drinking this, not that, not that! -Certified 4 teas that melt fat!

Eat this instead!

Dairy Queen Fudge Sundae (Medium)
440 calories, 15 g of grease (11 g saturated grease), 67 g of carbohydrates, 52 g sugar, 9 g protein

Worse burger

Five guys bacon cheeseburger

920 calories, 62 g of grease (29 g saturated greases), 1 310 mg of sodium, 40 g of carbohydrates, 51 g protein

We applaud five guys, first for their delicious hamburgers and second, because hamburgers are not coated with trans-greasy oils (unlike too many of their competitors). But their normal size burgers are always too big and the fact that they call their substantial simple premium option a "small" burger encourages overconsumption. The bacon cheeseburger is the most caloric, but none of the other options are less than 700 calories either. Instead, consider a "small" burger, which will alliek your stomach without asking you to connect a new hole to the end of your belt. In addition, you can load it with all the products you want.

Eat this instead!

Five guys Little Hamburger
480 Calories, 26 g of grease (11 g saturated grease), 380 mg of sodium, 39 g of carbohydrates, 23 g of protein

Worse smoothie

Smoothie King's The Hulk Strawberry (20 ounces)

964 calories, 32 g of grease (13 saturated grease), 125 g of sugar, 145 g of carbohydrates, 25 g protein

Smoothie King calls this a "fitness mix", but we call it one of the fastest ways to fill the median. Most of the Pecan ice cream with Smoothie butter! Then, to make a bad smoothie worse, Smoothie King adds the usual heap of turbinado sugar and a weight winner protein powder, leaving this cup with so much sugar as 12 Dunkin 'chocolate donuts frosted cake of donuts! Eliminate added sugars by requesting a thin smoothie. And lose up to 16 pounds in 2 weeks with this exclusive extract from Zero Belly Cookbook - the best weight loss loss in the world!

Drink this instead!

Vanilla Orange-N-Links of King Smoothie (20 ounces)
208 calories, 1 g of grease, 36 g sugars, 46 g of carbohydrates, 7 g protein

Worst sandwich

Panini Cheddar de Panera's Steak & White on the French wand

1,050 calories, 46 g of grease (17 g saturated grease, 1 g of trans grease), 1910 sodium, 104 g of carbohydrates, 52 g protein

Panera, at home with soups, salads and a general feeling of well-being (not to mention free Wi-Fi access!), Benefits of a radiant health halo - a perceived virtue that does not necessarily play in The difficult realities of their nutritional statistics. Yes, you can carefully build a well-balanced 500 calorie meal, but you can also unconsciously consume 1,500 calories without doing sweats. Take this sandwich: it starts quite innocently (slices of steak and white bread), but is supported by a softened sauce font cast iron, red onions soaked in sugar and a cheddar cheese tarpaulin, the most fattening of Choice of cheese. The result is a lunch with more calories than 11 trees of rice krispies and a serious crack in the health halo.

Eat this instead!

Panini of Turkey Smokehouse de Panera on three cheeses (half)
360 calories, 13 g of grease (6 saturated greases, 1 g of trans grease), 1,300 g sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates, 27 g of protein

cinnabon caramel pecan

Worst shopping center in America

Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon

1,080 calories, 51 g of grease (20 g saturated greases), 75 g of sugars, 146 g of carbohydrates, 14 g protein

Cinnabon and shopping centers are inseparable. Consider a symbiotic relationship: the researchers have found that men are lit by the smell of cinnamon rolls and other studies have shown that men are more likely to spend money when they think about sex. But just because Cinnabon could be good for the gap does not mean that it's good for you. This dangerously bloated bun contains almost a whole day of fat and more than half of your daily calorie allocation. (For those who keep the score, it's as much as you will find in 8 white castle hamburgers!).

Eat this instead!

Cinnabon Cinnasweeties 5 Account
260 calories, 13 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 13 g sugars, 30 g of carbohydrates, 3 g protein

Categories: Restaurants
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