TSA will pursue additional passenger screening after a safety breakdown

The Safety Company Claire is faced with an investigation by the agency.

Airport safety is not exactly the most exciting part of the trip. However, going through requests and respecting the rules of the Security Administration transport (IDF) is necessary to ensure the safety of each. The agency constantly issues reminders of what you can and cannot Pass through control points , but sometimes violations occur - and a security incident prompted the agency to report certain passengers for additional screening. Now, it seems that the ASD will continue to have additional screening when investing the violation. Read the rest to know why you could be stopped.

In relation: TSA announces that it will signal certain passengers for additional screening .

The clear service is faced with a meticulous examination.

sign for clear at airport
David Tran Photo / Shutterstock

The Clear Secure service allows you to save security time, offering a separate line where travelers are checked using biometric data, then escorted forward to the safety line. The service is a little more expensive than TSA Precheck, at $ 189 per year - and its main sale argument is the fact that you do not have to remove your identity document to go through the checkpoint.

However, earlier this month, The Washington Post reported that the TSA sent a letter To erase and airports that offer the service, informing them that "an increasing number of clear members" would be reported and invited to present identification with the control points.

The TSA began to randomly check the identity documents for clear members after a security incident in July 2022, but the agency did not initially share additional details. Now Bloomberg reports that the incident involved a clear traveler Use of a false name - Who was trying to transport ammunition through the checkpoint.

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The TSA says there are faults in the Clear registration process.

clera kiosks at airport
Michael VI / Shutterstock

According to Bloomberg, the American government says it has identified faults in the Clear process. People familiar with the ASD exam told The Outlet that "the facial recognition system to register new members was vulnerable to abuse". Sources have asked not to be identified when discussing sensitive information.

To register in Clear, driving licenses or customers' IDs are scanned and a computer then takes a photo of the applicant on site. This image is then associated with the identification of the photo, and during the clear use of the airport, the company uses eye analyzes and fingerprints to identify the person, Bloomberg reported. However, some photos taken during the registration process obtained by Bloomberg are blurred and show only parts of the faces of customers.

In the past, when Clear's facial recognition system could not verify the photo of a traveler against their identifiers, the company's employees manually checked the candidates by matching their photo identifiers. Clear no longer allows this, the company wrote in a Press release Refuting Bloomberg's article, writing that he "took immediate measures to put an end to the practice that led to human error".

In response to the images published by Bloomberg, Clear also said that they "lacked important details". In the press release, the company wrote: "More specifically, the images in question were not invoked during the registration process on several secure and Clear levels does not currently use the face as biometric to check a member on the day of Voyage - We rely on fingerprints or iris. "

An incident last summer prompted the TSA to act.

airport security screening luggage
Images of buildings / triggers

As the sources said to Bloomberg, travelers could potentially enjoy the old Clear process and register under a false identity. They could then fly with this information, because Clear biometrics would identify it using false details. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to Bloomberg, this was the case last summer, when a man was able to travel by National Reagan Airport (DCA) in Arlington, Virginia. A mile at once reports that ammunition was detected when the passenger bags crossed the ray-x machine , then leading to a police investigation.

At this stage, the police determined that the passenger had succeeded in the clear control point with a false identity. According to Bloomberg, the man was manually registered in the service in Birmingham, in Alabama, after the clear computer identified him as a gap with his photo identifier.

In response, Clear said that the incident was not linked to their processes and "was the result of a single human error - with nothing to do with our technology."

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Clear passengers continue to undergo additional screening.

tsa airport security precheck
Joni Hanebutt / Shutterstock

The security incident caused the TSA and Bloomberg survey reports that there is now a "confrontation with high issues" between Clear and TSA. Sources have declared to the point of sale that the agency quotes around 49,000 clear customers registered after the facial recognition software determined that they were "non-match".

Consequently, in June, the TSA wanted its agents to check the identifier of all Clear members to avoid a potential terrorist attack. Currently, the ASD still borders the increased number of clear travelers, but its initial request so that the agents exceed all the members by the end of this month have been delayed, two sources told Bloomberg. The point of sale has indicated that the agency remains attached to this requirement, but said that Clear could continue to manage its separate security lines.

"TSA is responsible for ensuring that all systems and programs, including those provided by private companies, meet the required standards and will take the necessary measures to ensure that security needs are met," said a carrier word of the ASD in a statement previously provided to Better life . "A precise and reliable verification of the identity of the passengers is fundamental to the safety of aviation and effective TSA screening."

In the press release, Clear wrote: "We share the unshakable TSA commitment to aviation security and we have proven a capable and confidence partner for more than 13 years after having made more than 130 million passenger checks. We are disappointed that some continue to run a false. Narration on our company and the important role we play in air security as a recorded passenger supplier. We are impatient to continue to associate with our Aviation stakeholders, including airports, TSA and the Ministry of Internal Security. "

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Clear expressed his concerns about the new Potential TSA regulations.

sign for clera check in
Joni Hanebutt / Shutterstock

According to Bloomberg, Clear has raised concerns about the potential of "airport chaos" with the new ASA policy in place. The company also enlisted the former administrator of the Ministry of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson Press in his name.

In a letter in December 2022, Johnson sent to the TSA, which was obtained by Bloomberg, he said that the ASD position was "an excessive disproportionate and punitive reaction" to last summer incident.

Clear said that members with dubious facial recognition had verified their identity by a minimum of two Clear employees, and Johnson noted in his letter that this number represents less than 1% of customers of the company's airport, Bloomberg reported.

Clear has also ceased to allow its employees to verify the identities of the candidates. In his letter, Johnson said that while it was Its process, employees could not see the images generated by computer of passengers taken during registration, so that the poor photos published by Bloomberg did not really affect the process.

In addition, Johnson noted that the man traveling through the DCA was black, and he was allowed to be verified manually due to the decrease in the performance of facial recognition for darker skin.

In the press release, Clear also noted that the company has "entirely re -registed the percentage [tiny] of our customers" inscribed in the manual verification process.

"In the past six months only, the ASD has observed 4.7 million identity without citing a single problem," the company wrote in the press release, adding: "Clear has always delivered advanced technology that strengthens security of the airport and improves travel for millions of passengers - and that's exactly what we will continue to do. "

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