Kate beckinsale slams fan to demand "beautiful pictures" of her

"You are a beautiful woman. Why do you post photos like that?"

You must assume that most people who follow the actorKate BeckinsaleOn Instagram know (and fans of) his sense of irreverent humor. TheUnderground worldThe star food is filled with stupid selfies and pets in elaborate costumes. Even occasional glamor shot is usually accompanied by gross admission or self-depreciating joke. But it seems like it's not everyone on itsocial media is happy with its content. Earlier this week,A fan suggested poster more than "beautiful pictures" Herself - and Beckinsale had the perfect answer. Continue reading to find out what motivated the cheeky demand and closing the actor. And for more social media clops, checkSerena Williams's husband's defense against an honorable body comment.

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Sunday, Beckinsale posted a hilarious selfie.

Kate Beckinsale with a friend and her dog on Instagram
Katebeckinsale / Instagram

"We are on a mission of God," Beckinsalesubtitled shot, with an emoji language-out. In the Snap, she and a friend are sitting in a car wearing sunglasses and masks printed with a dog's face. And the image is so realistic that they are twinned (tripler-ing) with the Beckinsale puppy, which wears a pair of nuances, too. For more social media possessing, here is hereThe 50st Funny Celebrity Instagram Posts of 2020.

A follower recorded his complaint on the photo.

Kate Beckinsale posing with dog on Instagram
Katebeckinsale / Instagram

In one answer, a fan wrote: "You are a beautiful woman. Why do you post photos like that? I would prefer to see beautiful pictures of you."

Dozens of other followers came to the defense of Beckinsale, renting his "sense of humor" and reminiscent of man that "women are not ornaments that exist to" look pretty ".

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But Beckinsale herself had the best answer to the coarse comment.

Kate Becksinsale Instagram comment

As this follower seemed to have the impression that his Instagram exists for his approval, she brought this idea further in his answer. The Instagram accountCOMMENTSBYCELEBS was quick to find it.

"**** with you personally of course," she writes. (His comment was not censored, for the record.)

This did not respond to the initial poster either. Instead of apologizing or taking the loss of the stride, he asked, "Why should you be so naughty?"

From the press, Beckinsale had left it there. She made her point of view and obviously, the vast majority of her fans were on her side.

For more than the controversy of CEEB social media, checkJennifer Aniston is confronted with a reaction after posting this on Instagram.

Beckinsale preceded his enemies Instagram before.

Kate Beckinsale in a bikini on her Instagram
Katebeckinsale / Instagram

In 2019, a commentator came to Beckinsale in response to photos she posted herselfbikini On vacation in Mexico. (The initial post has since been removed.)

"I feel like having a mid-life crisis or something like that," wrote the follower.

"Oh! I think it's because you're a boring ******," answered the 47-year-old actor. Concise and to the point!

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