≡ Elettra Lamborghini and weight loss》 Her Beauty

Here is his response to the offenses of keyboard lions

A few days ago Elettra Lamborghini showed himself on Instagram in bikini and in a dazzling form. He lost more than 7 kg in six months and ... he is fine! Obviously, as too often happens, there were comments from the crooked nose that spoke of liposuction, miraculous diets, ultra expensive prohibitive treatments for most of its followers. Elettra's reaction was not long in coming: stove of comments and insinuations, responded to tone and clarified its position and path. And it was really very incisive.

"They will be my -7 kg lost but look high ..."

The caption to the post in question began: "It will be my -7 kg lost but look high ...". Two photos of her beautiful in black bikini and a few words that, in addition to telling of her weight, shows all the well -being that the singer feels in her new body.

Lions and offenses

Sicted the beauty and success of others, the keyboard lions have not been expected. Already from the first comments the discontent came out together with, let's face it, malice, envy and a nice pinch of malice of some. If a comment said "quiet, it is that with Photoshop they seem all pussies", another said "safe abdominoplasty" or "you can see that it is not natural" or "the only person who does gym that is not seen half a muscle in any part of the body". One even continued with "you can see that you changed the photo (among other things very badly) on the thighs".

There was no lack of dispensers of advice and comments on the excessive thinness of the singer and influencer: "I see you too lean ... don't exaggerate ... you were not bad more in flesh, on the contrary ... I preferred you before". More comments were so low that they revealed no other intent if not that of hurting the singer (who, remembering it, is a human being!): "Luckily you don't want children to avoid the belly, at least don't reproduce yourself". And then, the medieval also intervened - promptly and rightly contested by numerous other followers of Lamborghini - to whom she seemed normal to go out with comments like "her husband allows her to dress like this".

A large group of users with a questionable language that, fortunately, are little compared to the many other comments of appreciation for the beauty and skill of Lamborghini. Men and women who have submerged him of compliments and approval for his new physical form. Some have not missed the opportunity to make fun of themselves: "The seven kilos that I lost I found them! You are very beautiful!"

Elettra's reaction

To the numerous negative comments, Elettra replied in tone in its stories, underlining that her gradual change has been all in preparation for the summer tour and that she has been working on her body for over six months. He decided to lose weight and train every day, to be able to get to the best of summer and face the two hours of each concert with serenity and energy. And, without sparing, he gave ignorant to all those who think that it is enough a liposuction or some other aesthetic intervention to lose weight and fit.

The important thing is health and feeling good with yourself!

Finally, he wanted to leave a message for everyone: there is no equal rule for all or miraculous diets. Each body is in itself and only the constancy in taking care of it can help, "I simply closed my mouth and I trained like a damned. More than once a day. I sweated a lot and I wanted to eat a cake more than once! ". He then continued “I don't want to make promotions of any kind because it is too delicate and personal topic and I could influence young boys. For my experience and for my body I can only tell you that I often prefer food of vegetable origin, there are no miraculous diets of a few weeks and weigh only with constancy ". He then concluded “I am absolutely able to weigh now as I was even before, I am also one meter high and a jar. There are those who are overweight and would like to lose weight and those who are underweight and cannot take weight, it is not as easy as it seems and it is often a mental or unconscious question a lack of something. The important thing is health and feeling good with yourself! ".

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