The game of 21 questions: 100+ fun, formal and attractive things to ask

These subjects will bring your game to places of relaxed conversation would probably never have.

Have you ever wanted to take a little conversation conversation to those deeper questions But I didn't know how to get there? You are not alone and no advanced communication skills is necessary. Sometimes everything you need to provoke an invigorating conversation is a game, like 21 questions. Below, we have collected a series of prompts on various subjects that you can use the next time you play, whether with colleagues, friends or family members. Read the rest to start!

In relation: Party games for adults (and sometimes children) who need pleasure .

How do you play the game of 21 questions?

'HOT SEAT' word written on wooden blocks and placed on a yellow chair.
COOMPIA77 / Shutterstock

It is a classic game and the rules are simple: a person in the group will be placed on the hot seat while the other players ask them in turn. The number of turns granted to each person depends on the size of the group, but the turn will end once the 21st question asked and answered.

For the most successful result, you may want to suggest that the most outgoing member of the GO group first. Although the game is supposed to be simple and light, being the first person can be accompanied by a lot of pressure, and some people could deal with it better than others.

The more time ago, the easier it will be for members of the group more reserved to relax - and that can only improve things. After all, the objective is that everyone answers the questions that asked them as frankly and honestly as possible.

If you want to make things a little more interesting, you can create a kind of point system. Answering more difficult and more personal questions will get you more points than the easier elements on the list. Whoever answers questions the most and collects the most points at the end of the game "wins".

What's the point?

Not only is the game of the 21 questions a fun way to spend time with friends, but it is also a large icebreaker To interact with people, you don't know too well. Whether you mingled with foreigners or you are looking for Conversation starters to use at work , this format of questions and answers can meet people a lot Less embarrassing .

Think about it: Games keep you on the right track. You cannot tangle yourself into a small conversation when you try to do something specific. This context allows you to reveal truths about yourself and learn the same thing from others without having to justify yourself or even provide a lot of background.

It also stretches the limits of the type of information can be placed on the table. Will you have the opportunity to discuss the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth during occasional coffee? Probably not. But during a 21 -questions match? You bet.

In relation: 171 "This or this" questions to get to know someone .

21 questions game ideas

21 Questions is a simple and fun game and it is an infallible way to know the people around you. Consult our list of questions for inspiration before you start!

Attractive questions for your crush

couple flirting on public stairs
Gaudilab / Shutterstock
  1. Do you like being single or do you want to find a serious relationship?
  2. What is the craziest thing you have ever done during a first appointment?
  3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  4. What is the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
  5. What is your guilty pleasure the most evaluated by R?
  6. When is the last time you watched an adult film?
  7. What is your greatest excitement?
  8. Decrise your best kiss.
  9. Have you ever dreamed of me?
  10. What makes you slide immediately on someone?
  11. What makes you slide on them, then?
  12. Are you a morning or a night person?
  13. What is the most silly pickup line Have you ever used on someone?
  14. What was your first impression of me?
  15. Do you prefer a wild evening or a quiet evening?
  16. Who is your crush of celebrity?
  17. Are you snoring?
  18. What would you do if I called you in the middle of the night?
  19. What is your greatest deactivation?
  20. What is your favorite place to go with another significant?
  21. Do you think the first dates are more fun or more stressful?
  22. What was the last attractive text you sent?
  23. When you go out with someone new, do you prefer to go out with a head or in a group?
  24. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever made to an appointment?
  25. Do you prefer a long and warm hug or a passionate kiss?

In relation: 184 "The most likely" questions "of couples, colleagues and friends .

Random questions to ask

group of mature friends laughing / shutterstock
  1. What is the strangest dream you've ever made?
  2. What is your favorite song?
  3. Are you a vegetarian?
  4. What is your favorite film of the last year?
  5. What was your most embarrassing moment at work?
  6. How did you meet your best friend?
  7. Are you a good driver?
  8. Do you consider yourself a punctual person?
  9. Under what conditions could you absolutely fall asleep?
  10. How would you describe your personal style?
  11. How are you messy or disorganized?
  12. How long does you usually need to fall asleep?
  13. If you could absorb all the knowledge that exists around a subject, what would it be?
  14. What is your greatest fear when it comes to traveling?
  15. What is your favorite television theme song?
  16. Kittens or puppies?
  17. When will you go back the last time you had streptococcal angina?
  18. What is the oldest article in clothing you have?
  19. Do you have a green thumb?
  20. Do you know how to work a grill?
  21. Are you superstitious?
  22. What was the most surreal time you have ever known in real life?
  23. What is your favorite character from a film?
  24. Have you ever done hitchhiking?
  25. When will you go back the last time you finished a puzzle?

In relation: 200+ get to know your questions that really work .

Interesting questions for the workplace

group of coworkers gathered around a desk to play the 21 questions game
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock
  1. Can you describe your dream work?
  2. What is the next article you want to postpone your bucket list?
  3. What's your favorite dish?
  4. What is your dream destination for your next vacation?
  5. What is your favorite sport?
  6. Describe your typical work routine.
  7. What energizes you at work?
  8. Do you like to make plans after work or do you like to get home?
  9. How would you feel more of HAPPY HOURS OF AS?
  10. If you had the opportunity to bring your pet to the workplace, do you laugh?
  11. How to get to work?
  12. If you did not work in your current department, what is an area of the company you would like to explore?
  13. What is one thing you are currently trying to get a habit?
  14. What was your first job?
  15. What is your favorite sports team for studies?
  16. If you could only keep three applications on your smartphone, what do you choose?
  17. What is your favorite place to eat around the desk?
  18. What surprised you in the company after working here?
  19. What did you like during recess?
  20. Is there an experience you think that everyone should have?
  21. Do you have any book recommendations for the rest of the team?
  22. Do you have passions?
  23. What kind of activities are you empty?
  24. How do you like your end day?
  25. What was your favorite matter at school?

In relation: Trick questions (with answers!) .

Personal questions for couples

happy couple smiling while asking each other questions
Inside Creative House / Shutterstock
  1. What is the biggest lesson you have learned from your past relationships?
  2. What is your idea of the perfect date?
  3. How old was you when you had your first kiss?
  4. What are the three qualities that are imperative for a healthy relationship?
  5. How many times a month do you think we should do the dates night?
  6. When you think about all the years that we have spent together, what is your favorite memory that comes to mind?
  7. If money was not a factor, how many children would you like?
  8. What is the family tradition you grew up by making you want to recreate all over the line?
  9. If you had three wishes that would come true, what would they be?
  10. Who are you the most envious?
  11. What thing you did in the past relationships you would not do today?
  12. What is one thing you always wanted to try in the room but never had the courage to ask?
  13. Do you always see yourself living here?
  14. What is your favorite quote?
  15. Have you ever sent a text to someone a naked photo of yourself?
  16. Is cheating an immediate dealbreaker for you?
  17. What do you think of ethical non-monoggy?
  18. What do you think is your strongest contribution to this relationship?
  19. Apart from sex, what is the most intimate activity that a couple can do together?
  20. If you could change something in your life, what would it be?
  21. How many people have you said "I love you" in a romantic context?
  22. What is the most difficult part to be in a long -term relationship?
  23. Would you like to write your own wishes if we were to get married?
  24. What do you think of girls' trips / boys?
  25. If you could have one more conversation with your ex, what would you like to ask them?

In relation: 165 "Do you prefer" questions that are impossible to answer . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Funny questions unexpected for your friends

group of young people laughing while playing the 21 questions game
Fizkes / Shutterstock
  1. What is the most embarrassing thing you have made in public?
  2. What is your biggest black beast and does anyone violate it often?
  3. What is a place where you can still bet on a terrible service?
  4. Can you describe the house of your dreams?
  5. What is your favorite Bob odenkirk role?
  6. How do you try to survive a zombie apocalypse?
  7. How often do you engage in solo intimate moments?
  8. Do you have a secret identity?
  9. What is the worst lie you've ever said?
  10. When you listen to music, do you hear sounds or words?
  11. Do you like your water ice cream or at room temperature?
  12. Has anyone had trouble pronouncing your name?
  13. If you had to dye your hair another color, what do you choose?
  14. What is the best WiFi network name you've ever seen?
  15. Have you ever fallen from your bike in front of a large crowd?
  16. How to hang your toilet paper: on or below?
  17. Have you ever stolen something little like a candy store at the corner store?
  18. If you went to university, what was the most useless class you have followed?
  19. What do you want your next hairstyle?
  20. What is the strangest lie that your parents have ever told you?
  21. Has your mom already cut your hair when I was a child?
  22. Has anyone surprised you to talk to you?
  23. If you could describe the perfect evening in a word, what would it be?
  24. What is the most useless way to spend your free time?
  25. What is the worst excuse you have ever used to get out of a delicate situation?


This is all we have about the game of the 21 questions, but be sure to check with us soon even more pleasure. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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