8 things in your courtyard that attract snakes to your home

Keeping your green space free from these items could also help to keep sliding parasites away.

Whether it is catchy plants and shrubs or the pretty decor, having certain items in your yard can attract the right type of attention to your property. Unfortunately, some articles could deploy a welcome carpet to unwanted guests of the slippery variety. If you are trying to avoid bringing together snakes from your home, there are a few things that you should immediately remove from your courtyard. Read the rest to see what experts in pests say surprising items could be snake magnets.

In relation: 4 perfumes that attract snakes to your courtyard, say the experts .

8 things in your yard that attract snakes

1. Tire swings

Two young girls playing on a tire swing

Tire oscillations are a simple and timeless joy that are as easy to set up as for fun. But the apparently harmless game function can also attract snakes to your courtyard by collecting the rain and offering them a regular source of water that will keep them hydrated.

Experts warn that swings, slides and other toys that are low on the ground can potentially serve as a watering hollow. If you are not ready to part with your playground, consider drilling small holes at the bottom of the tire that will allow it to flow and prevent rainwater from accumulating.

And you will also want to be wary of the other "outdoor playing equipment, especially those with hidden and shaded areas [which] can provide a place for snakes to hide," warns A.H. David , a serpent and founder expert of Control of weekly pests . "Remember to place the play areas far from dense vegetation and closer to human activity, because snakes tend to avoid such areas."

2. Bird sheets

Bird Feeder in Front Yard
Jaclyn Vernace / Shutterstock

Watching the birds visit gather around your feeder mounted on the window can be a really delicious show. Unfortunately, it can also create the perfect conditions that will bring the snakes directly into your courtyard.

"The bird feeders themselves do not attract snakes, but the birds and rodents they attract," said David. "Tilled seeds often attract small mammals like mice and squirrels, which are potential food sources for snakes. Regularly cleaning of fallen seeds and the installation of bird feeders far from the house can help Reduce this risk. "

If you always plan to hang a feeder, be sure to do it further from your home and keep it only during the winter, that is to say that birds need it most and that snakes will be Much less active in food hunting.

Read this then: 8 plants that will keep snakes out of your court, according to pest experts .

3. Baths of birds and other characteristics of water

Blue jays in a bird bath
Shutterstock / Bonnie Taylor Barry

"The characteristics of water such as ponds, bird baths or even the water dish of a simple animal can attract snakes, especially in dry areas where water is rare," explains David. "They are attracted to water itself, but also by frogs, birds and other animals gather there."

Again, consider placing these items further from your home if you should have them and keep your pet's water and food inside.

4. Wood and wood batteries

A woodpile on palates behind a house

If you live in an area subject to cold, you know how important it can be to have a lot of logs at hand to roar your fireplace when the temperature drops. But according to David, "stacked firewood, lots of compost, heaps of leaves and any other type of debris can create attractive hiding places for snakes".

"These structures provide shelter from elements and predators. They can also attract rodents that wind," he explains. "To make these less attractive, store firewood on supports above the floor and away from your home. Hold your compost regularly and quickly clean the leaves and other debris."

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5. Garden carpet

A coiled hose on the ground beside a house

They can be vital to keep your flowers in bloom and your green grass, but garden pipes Can also attract snakes to your court. Not only can snakes be hidden in the rolled battery, but the dripping pipes or leaks can lead to stagnant water, which these reptiles love.

Instead of wrapping your pipes on the floor, remember to install a wall support or a coil that can prevent your ground watering equipment and prevent it from becoming a slippery stranger at home. If you notice that your hose flees where it is attached to the tap, try to wrap it in the plumber ribbon to create a better seal or replace the luminaire.

6. Garden-Legumes

man harvesting vegetables in garden
Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock

Whether you grow vegetables such as tomatoes and zucchini or have large fruit trees that give lemons or apples, having such fresh products in your courtyard could attract snakes. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"These attract various small animals and insects, which can then attract snakes looking for a meal," notes David. "The regular harvest of ripe products, the quickly collection of fallen fruit and the maintenance of a clean garden can help reduce the probability of attracting snakes."

Read this then: A copper snake bit a 4 year old boy - here is where he hid .

7. Rocky gardens and stone walls

A small decorative waterfall in the garden. Landscape design feng shui

Rustic characteristics such as royal gardens and stone walls add a lot of character to a courtyard - but they can also add a higher probability of snakes because they can serve as superb hiding place.

"If you are in an area subject to snakes and these features are close to your house, you may want to reconsider their design or their placement," warns David.

8. Bridges or raised porches

backyard with balanced feng shui elements
Artazum / Shutterstock

According Bestiole control , spaces under your home make large "nesting sites" for snakes because they offer shelter, are dark and humid, and "since the ground under houses is often rich in prey of favorite insects of snakes".

"Gaps and cracks in the foundations of the building allow pests to slide under the structures," they explain. "Videes under the porches and bridges also act as tracks to the underside of the houses."

To make sure that snakes cannot access these areas, make sure that even the smallest crack is sealed. "And Check the input points in hangars and other exterior buildings, " Scot Hodges , vice-president of professional development and technical services to Arrow exterminators , previously told Better life .

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